This section contains advanced JavaScript interview questions. Click on each question to see its detailed answer.
- What is the difference between map(), filter(), and reduce() methods? ✅
- What is the purpose of the async and await keywords? ✅
- Explain the working of the Event Loop. ✅
- How can you remove duplicates from an array in JavaScript?
- What is memoization in JavaScript? ✅
- What is the difference between innerHTML and innerText? ✅
- Explain how localStorage, sessionStorage, and cookies differ. ✅
- What is destructuring in JavaScript, and how does it work? ✅
- How can we handle callback hell situations? ✅
- Explain Default and Named Exports. ✅
- What is currying in JavaScript, and how is it used?
- What is the purpose of the
object in JavaScript? - What is a WeakMap, and how is it different from a Map?
- What are generators in JavaScript, and how do they work?
- Explain how to debounce and throttle functions in JavaScript.
- What is the purpose of the Symbol data type in JavaScript? ✅
- How does garbage collection work in JavaScript?
- What are Service Workers, and how are they used in JavaScript?
- Explain the concept of Web Workers in JavaScript.
- What is the difference between mutable and immutable objects in JavaScript? ✅