Retrieve details of an invoice, using the invoice’s identifier. If you want to retrieve the details of an invoice by its invoice number, use the list endpoint with the reference parameter.
mollie invoices get [flags]
mollie invoices get --id inv_test
-h, --help help for get
--id string the payment method id
-c, --config string specifies a custom config file to be used
--curl print the curl representation of a request
-d, --debug enables debug logging information
-f, --fields string select displayable fields to filter the console output, possible values are RESOURCE,ID,REFERENCE,VAT_NUMBER,STATUS,ISSUED_AT,PAID_AT,DUE_AT,NET_AMOUNT,VAT_AMOUNT,GROSS_AMOUNT
--json dumpts the json response instead of the column based output
-m, --mode string indicates the api target from test/live (default "test")
--no-headers Return raw data with no headers
-t, --token string the type of token to use for auth (default "MOLLIE_API_TOKEN")
-v, --verbose print verbose logging messages (defaults to false)
- mollie invoices - Operations over Mollie's Invoices API.