refactoring and fixing issues
refactoring and fixing issues
Add: importing POSCAR and converting to XYZ
Add: importing POSCAR and converting to XYZ
Fix: corrected checking for XYZ validity
Fix: corrected checking for XYZ validity
Feature: 3D editing into stored source file
Feature: 3D editing into stored source file
Refactoring: removed faulty duplication of Atoms position handling
Refactoring: removed faulty duplication of Atoms position handling
Refactoring: atoms handled with AtomsContext. Fix: XYZvalidation, imm…
Refactoring: atoms handled with AtomsContext. Fix: XYZvalidation, imm…
changed up to Z axis, added axes helpers
changed up to Z axis, added axes helpers
added XY wirerframe and updated coloring of atoms
added XY wirerframe and updated coloring of atoms