diff --git a/WeakAurasOptions/Locales/enUS.lua b/WeakAurasOptions/Locales/enUS.lua index 044bff091f..d2914fa7a2 100644 --- a/WeakAurasOptions/Locales/enUS.lua +++ b/WeakAurasOptions/Locales/enUS.lua @@ -1,411 +1,3 @@ if not WeakAuras.IsLibsOK() then return end local L = WeakAuras.L - --- Options translation -L["1 Match"] = "1 Match" -L["Actions"] = "Actions" -L["Activate when the given aura(s) |cFFFF0000can't|r be found"] = "Activate when the given aura(s) |cFFFF0000can't|r be found" -L["Add a new display"] = "Add a new display" -L["Add Dynamic Text"] = "Add Dynamic Text" -L["Addon"] = "Addon" -L["Addons"] = "Addons" -L["Add to group %s"] = "Add to group %s" -L["Add to new Dynamic Group"] = "Add to new Dynamic Group" -L["Add to new Group"] = "Add to new Group" -L["Add Trigger"] = "Add Trigger" -L["A group that dynamically controls the positioning of its children"] = "A group that dynamically controls the positioning of its children" -L["Align"] = "Align" -L["Allow Full Rotation"] = "Allow Full Rotation" -L["Alpha"] = "Alpha" -L["Anchor"] = "Anchor" -L["Anchor Point"] = "Anchor Point" -L["Angle"] = "Angle" -L["Animate"] = "Animate" -L["Animated Expand and Collapse"] = "Animated Expand and Collapse" -L["Animation relative duration description"] = [=[ -The duration of the animation relative to the duration of the display, expressed as a fraction (1/2), percentage (50%), or decimal (0.5). -|cFFFF0000Note:|r if a display does not have progress (it has a non-timed event trigger, is an aura with no duration, etc.), the animation will not play. - -|cFF4444FFFor Example:|r -If the animation's duration is set to |cFF00CC0010%|r, and the display's trigger is a buff that lasts 20 seconds, the start animation will play for 2 seconds. -If the animation's duration is set to |cFF00CC0010%|r, and the display's trigger is a buff that has no set duration, no start animation will play (although it would if you specified a duration in seconds)." -]=] -L["Animations"] = "Animations" -L["Animation Sequence"] = "Animation Sequence" -L["Aquatic"] = "Aquatic" -L["Aura (Paladin)"] = "Aura" -L["Aura(s)"] = "Aura(s)" -L["Auto"] = "Auto" -L["Auto-cloning enabled"] = "Auto-cloning enabled" -L["Automatic Icon"] = "Automatic Icon" -L["Backdrop Color"] = "Backdrop Color" -L["Backdrop Style"] = "Backdrop Style" -L["Background"] = "Background" -L["Background Color"] = "Background Color" -L["Background Inset"] = "Background Inset" -L["Background Offset"] = "Background Offset" -L["Background Texture"] = "Background Texture" -L["Bar Alpha"] = "Bar Alpha" -L["Bar Color"] = "Bar Color" -L["Bar Color Settings"] = "Bar Color Settings" -L["Bar in Front"] = "Bar in Front" -L["Bar Texture"] = "Bar Texture" -L["Battle"] = "Battle" -L["Bear"] = "Bear" -L["Berserker"] = "Berserker" -L["Blend Mode"] = "Blend Mode" -L["Blood"] = "Blood" -L["Border"] = "Border" -L["Border Color"] = "Border Color" -L["Border Inset"] = "Border Inset" -L["Border Offset"] = "Border Offset" -L["Border Settings"] = "Border Settings" -L["Border Size"] = "Border Size" -L["Border Style"] = "Border Style" -L["Bottom Text"] = "Bottom Text" -L["Button Glow"] = "Button Glow" -L["Can be a name or a UID (e.g., party1). A name only works on friendly players in your group."] = "Can be a name or a UID (e.g., party1). A name only works on friendly players in your group." -L["Cancel"] = "Cancel" -L["Cat"] = "Cat" -L["Change the name of this display"] = "Change the name of this display" -L["Channel Number"] = "Channel Number" -L["Check On..."] = "Check On..." -L["Choose"] = "Choose" -L["Choose Trigger"] = "Choose Trigger" -L["Choose whether the displayed icon is automatic or defined manually"] = "Choose whether the displayed icon is automatic or defined manually" -L["Clone option enabled dialog"] = [=[ -You have enabled an option that uses |cFFFF0000Auto-cloning|r. - -|cFFFF0000Auto-cloning|r causes a display to be automatically duplicated to display multiple sources of information. -Unless you put this display in a |cFF22AA22Dynamic Group|r, all the clones will be displayed on top of each other in a big heap. - -Would you like this display to be placed in a new |cFF22AA22Dynamic Group|r?]=] -L["Close"] = "Close" -L["Collapse"] = "Collapse" -L["Collapse all loaded displays"] = "Collapse all loaded displays" -L["Collapse all non-loaded displays"] = "Collapse all non-loaded displays" -L["Color"] = "Color" -L["Compress"] = "Compress" -L["Concentration"] = "Concentration" -L["Constant Factor"] = "Constant Factor" -L["Control-click to select multiple displays"] = "Control-click to select multiple displays" -L["Controls the positioning and configuration of multiple displays at the same time"] = "Controls the positioning and configuration of multiple displays at the same time" -L["Convert to..."] = "Convert to..." -L["Cooldown"] = "Cooldown" -L["Copy"] = "Copy" -L["Copy settings from..."] = "Copy settings from..." -L["Copy settings from another display"] = "Copy settings from another display" -L["Copy settings from %s"] = "Copy settings from %s" -L["Count"] = "Count" -L["Creating buttons: "] = "Creating buttons: " -L["Creating options: "] = "Creating options: " -L["Crop X"] = "Crop X" -L["Crop Y"] = "Crop Y" -L["Crusader"] = "Crusader" -L["Custom Code"] = "Custom Code" -L["Custom Trigger"] = "Custom Trigger" -L["Custom trigger event tooltip"] = [=[ -Choose which events cause the custom trigger to be checked. Multiple events can be specified using commas or spaces. - -• "UNIT" events can use colons to define which unitIDs will be registered. In addition to UnitIDs Unit types can be used, they include "nameplate", "group", "raid", "party", "arena", "boss". -• "CLEU" can be used instead of COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED and colons can be used to separate specific "subEvents" you want to receive. -• The keyword "TRIGGER" can be used, with colons separating trigger numbers, to have the custom trigger get updated when the specified trigger(s) update. - -|cFF4444FFFor example:|r -UNIT_POWER_UPDATE:player, UNIT_AURA:nameplate:group PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED CLEU:SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS TRIGGER:3:1 -]=] -L["Custom trigger status tooltip"] = [=[ -Choose which events cause the custom trigger to be checked. Multiple events can be specified using commas or spaces. - -• "UNIT" events can use colons to define which unitIDs will be registered. In addition to UnitIDs Unit types can be used, they include "nameplate", "group", "raid", "party", "arena", "boss". -• "CLEU" can be used instead of COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED and colons can be used to separate specific "subEvents" you want to receive. -• The keyword "TRIGGER" can be used, with colons separating trigger numbers, to have the custom trigger get updated when the specified trigger(s) update. - -Since this is a status-type trigger, the specified events may be called by WeakAuras without the expected arguments. - -|cFF4444FFFor example:|r -UNIT_POWER_UPDATE:player, UNIT_AURA:nameplate:group PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED CLEU:SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS TRIGGER:3:1 -]=] -L["Custom Untrigger"] = "Custom Untrigger" -L["Custom untrigger event tooltip"] = [=[ -Choose which events cause the custom un-trigger to be checked. -This can be different than the events defined for the trigger. -Multiple events can be specified using commas or spaces. - -|cFF4444FFFor example:|r -UNIT_POWER_UPDATE, UNIT_AURA PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED -]=] -L["Death"] = "Death" -L["Death Rune"] = "Death Rune" -L["Debuff Type"] = "Debuff Type" -L["Defensive"] = "Defensive" -L["Delete"] = "Delete" -L["Delete all"] = "Delete all" -L["Delete children and group"] = "Delete children and group" -L["Deletes this display - |cFF8080FFShift|r must be held down while clicking"] = "Deletes this display - |cFF8080FFShift|r must be held down while clicking" -L["Delete Trigger"] = "Delete Trigger" -L["Desaturate"] = "Desaturate" -L["Devotion"] = "Devotion" -L["Disabled"] = "Disabled" -L["Discrete Rotation"] = "Discrete Rotation" -L["Display"] = "Display" -L["Display Icon"] = "Display Icon" -L["Display Text"] = "Display Text" -L["Distribute Horizontally"] = "Distribute Horizontally" -L["Distribute Vertically"] = "Distribute Vertically" -L["Do not copy any settings"] = "Do not copy any settings" -L["Do not group this display"] = "Do not group this display" -L["Duplicate"] = "Duplicate" -L["Duration Info"] = "Duration Info" -L["Duration (s)"] = "Duration (s)" -L["Dynamic Group"] = "Dynamic Group" -L["Dynamic text tooltip"] = [=[ -There are several special codes available to make this text dynamic: - -|cFFFFCC00%p|r - Progress - The remaining time of a timer, or a non-timer value -|cFFFFCC00%t|r - Total - The maximum duration of a timer, or a maximum non-timer value -|cFFFFCC00%n|r - Name - The name of the display (usually an aura name), or the display's ID if there is no dynamic name -|cFFFFCC00%i|r - Icon - The icon associated with the display -|cFFFFCC00%s|r - Stacks - The number of stacks of an aura (usually) -|cFFFFCC00%c|r - Custom - Allows you to define a custom Lua function that returns a list of string values. %c1 will be replaced by the first value returned, %c2 by the second, etc. -|cFFFFCC00%%|r - % - To show a percent sign - -By default these show the information from the trigger selected via dynamic information. The information from a specific trigger can be shown via e.g. %2.p. -]=] -L["Enabled"] = "Enabled" -L["Enter an aura name, partial aura name, or spell id"] = "Enter an aura name, partial aura name, or spell id" -L["Event Type"] = "Event Type" -L["Expand"] = "Expand" -L["Expand all loaded displays"] = "Expand all loaded displays" -L["Expand all non-loaded displays"] = "Expand all non-loaded displays" -L["Expand Text Editor"] = "Expand Text Editor" -L["Expansion is disabled because this group has no children"] = "Expansion is disabled because this group has no children" -L["Export"] = "Export" -L["Export to Lua table..."] = "Export to Lua table..." -L["Export to string..."] = "Export to string..." -L["Fade"] = "Fade" -L["Finish"] = "Finish" -L["Fire Resistance"] = "Fire Resistance" -L["Flight(Non-Feral)"] = "Flight(Non-Feral)" -L["Font"] = "Font" -L["Font Flags"] = "Font Flags" -L["Font Size"] = "Font Size" -L["Font Type"] = "Font Type" -L["Foreground Color"] = "Foreground Color" -L["Foreground Texture"] = "Foreground Texture" -L["Form (Druid)"] = "Form" -L["Form (Priest)"] = "Form" -L["Form (Shaman)"] = "Form" -L["Form (Warlock)"] = "Form" -L["Frame"] = "Frame" -L["Frame Strata"] = "Frame Strata" -L["Frost"] = "Frost" -L["Frost Resistance"] = "Frost Resistance" -L["Full Scan"] = "Full Scan" -L["Ghost Wolf"] = "Ghost Wolf" -L["Glow Action"] = "Glow Action" -L["Group aura count description"] = [=[ -The amount of units of type '%s' which must be affected by one or more of the given auras for the display to trigger. -If the entered number is a whole number (e.g. 5), the number of affected units will be compared with the entered number. -If the entered number is a decimal (e.g. 0.5), fraction (e.g. 1/2), or percentage (e.g. 50%%), then that fraction of the %s must be affected. - -|cFF4444FFFor example:|r -|cFF00CC00> 0|r will trigger when any unit of type '%s' is affected -|cFF00CC00= 100%%|r will trigger when every unit of type '%s' is affected -|cFF00CC00!= 2|r will trigger when the number of units of type '%s' affected is not exactly 2 -|cFF00CC00<= 0.8|r will trigger when less than 80%% of the units of type '%s' is affected (4 of 5 party members, 8 of 10 or 20 of 25 raid members) -|cFF00CC00> 1/2|r will trigger when more than half of the units of type '%s' is affected -]=] -L["Group Member Count"] = "Group Member Count" -L["Group (verb)"] = "Group" -L["Height"] = "Height" -L["Hide this group's children"] = "Hide this group's children" -L["Hide When Not In Group"] = "Hide When Not In Group" -L["Horizontal Align"] = "Horizontal Align" -L["Icon Info"] = "Icon Info" -L["Icon Inset"] = "Icon Inset" -L["Ignored"] = "Ignored" -L["Ignore GCD"] = "Ignore GCD" -L["%i Matches"] = "%i Matches" -L["Import"] = "Import" -L["Import a display from an encoded string"] = "Import a display from an encoded string" -L["Justify"] = "Justify" -L["Left Text"] = "Left Text" -L["Load"] = "Load" -L["Loaded"] = "Loaded" -L["Main"] = "Main" -L["Main Trigger"] = "Main Trigger" -L["Mana (%)"] = "Mana (%)" -L["Manage displays defined by Addons"] = "Manage displays defined by Addons" -L["Message Prefix"] = "Message Prefix" -L["Message Suffix"] = "Message Suffix" -L["Metamorphosis"] = "Metamorphosis" -L["Mirror"] = "Mirror" -L["Model"] = "Model" -L["Moonkin/Tree/Flight(Feral)"] = "Moonkin/Tree/Flight(Feral)" -L["Move Down"] = "Move Down" -L["Move this display down in its group's order"] = "Move this display down in its group's order" -L["Move this display up in its group's order"] = "Move this display up in its group's order" -L["Move Up"] = "Move Up" -L["Multiple Displays"] = "Multiple Displays" -L["Multiple Triggers"] = "Multiple Triggers" -L["Multiselect ignored tooltip"] = [=[ -|cFFFF0000Ignored|r - |cFF777777Single|r - |cFF777777Multiple|r -This option will not be used to determine when this display should load]=] -L["Multiselect multiple tooltip"] = [=[ -|cFF777777Ignored|r - |cFF777777Single|r - |cFF00FF00Multiple|r -Any number of matching values can be picked]=] -L["Multiselect single tooltip"] = [=[ -|cFF777777Ignored|r - |cFF00FF00Single|r - |cFF777777Multiple|r -Only a single matching value can be picked]=] -L["Must be spelled correctly!"] = "Must be spelled correctly!" -L["Name Info"] = "Name Info" -L["Negator"] = "Not" -L["New"] = "New" -L["Next"] = "Next" -L["No"] = "No" -L["No Children"] = "No Children" -L["Not all children have the same value for this option"] = "Not all children have the same value for this option" -L["Not Loaded"] = "Not Loaded" -L["No tooltip text"] = "No tooltip text" -L["% of Progress"] = "% of Progress" -L["Okay"] = "Okay" -L["On Hide"] = "On Hide" -L["On Init"] = "On Init" -L["Only match auras cast by people other than the player"] = "Only match auras cast by people other than the player" -L["Only match auras cast by the player"] = "Only match auras cast by the player" -L["On Show"] = "On Show" -L["Operator"] = "Operator" -L["or"] = "or" -L["Orientation"] = "Orientation" -L["Other"] = "Other" -L["Outline"] = "Outline" -L["Own Only"] = "Own Only" -L["Player Character"] = "Player Character" -L["Play Sound"] = "Play Sound" -L["Presence (DK)"] = "Presence" -L["Presence (Rogue)"] = "Presence" -L["Prevents duration information from decreasing when an aura refreshes. May cause problems if used with multiple auras with different durations."] = "Prevents duration information from decreasing when an aura refreshes. May cause problems if used with multiple auras with different durations." -L["Primary"] = "Primary" -L["Progress Bar"] = "Progress Bar" -L["Progress Texture"] = "Progress Texture" -L["Put this display in a group"] = "Put this display in a group" -L["Ready For Use"] = "Ready For Use" -L["Re-center X"] = "Re-center X" -L["Re-center Y"] = "Re-center Y" -L["Remaining Time Precision"] = "Remaining Time Precision" -L["Remove this display from its group"] = "Remove this display from its group" -L["Rename"] = "Rename" -L["Requesting display information"] = "Requesting display information from %s..." -L["Required for Activation"] = "Required for Activation" -L["Retribution"] = "Retribution" -L["Right-click for more options"] = "Right-click for more options" -L["Right Text"] = "Right Text" -L["Rotate"] = "Rotate" -L["Rotate In"] = "Rotate In" -L["Rotate Out"] = "Rotate Out" -L["Rotate Text"] = "Rotate Text" -L["Rotation"] = "Rotation" -L["Same"] = "Same" -L["Search"] = "Search" -L["Secondary"] = "Secondary" -L["Select the auras you always want to be listed first"] = "Select the auras you always want to be listed first" -L["Send To"] = "Send To" -L["Set tooltip description"] = "Set tooltip description" -L["Shadow Dance"] = "Shadow Dance" -L["Shadowform"] = "Shadowform" -L["Shadow Resistance"] = "Shadow Resistance" -L["Shift-click to create chat link"] = "Shift-click to create a |cFF8800FF[Chat Link]" -L["Show all matches (Auto-clone)"] = "Show all matches (Auto-clone)" -L["Show players that are |cFFFF0000not affected"] = "Show players that are |cFFFF0000not affected" -L["Shows a 3D model from the game files"] = "Shows a 3D model from the game files" -L["Shows a custom texture"] = "Shows a custom texture" -L["Shows a progress bar with name, timer, and icon"] = "Shows a progress bar with name, timer, and icon" -L["Shows a spell icon with an optional cooldown overlay"] = "Shows a spell icon with an optional cooldown overlay" -L["Shows a texture that changes based on duration"] = "Shows a texture that changes based on duration" -L["Shows one or more lines of text, which can include dynamic information such as progress or stacks"] = "Shows one or more lines of text, which can include dynamic information such as progress or stacks" -L["Shows the remaining or expended time for an aura or timed event"] = "Shows the remaining or expended time for an aura or timed event" -L["Show this group's children"] = "Show this group's children" -L["Size"] = "Size" -L["Slide"] = "Slide" -L["Slide In"] = "Slide In" -L["Slide Out"] = "Slide Out" -L["Sort"] = "Sort" -L["Sound"] = "Sound" -L["Sound Channel"] = "Sound Channel" -L["Sound File Path"] = "Sound File Path" -L["Space"] = "Space" -L["Space Horizontally"] = "Space Horizontally" -L["Space Vertically"] = "Space Vertically" -L["Spell ID"] = "Spell ID" -L["Spell ID dialog"] = [=[ -You have specified an aura by |cFFFF0000spell ID|r. - -By default, |cFF8800FFWeakAuras|r cannot distinguish between auras with the same name but different |cFFFF0000spell ID|r. -However, if the Use Full Scan option is enabled, |cFF8800FFWeakAuras|r can search for specific |cFFFF0000spell ID|rs. - -Would you like to enable Use Full Scan to match this |cFFFF0000spell ID|r?]=] -L["Stack Count"] = "Stack Count" -L["Stack Count Position"] = "Stack Count Position" -L["Stack Info"] = "Stack Info" -L["Stacks Settings"] = "Stacks Settings" -L["Stagger"] = "Stagger" -L["Stance (Warrior)"] = "Stance" -L["Start"] = "Start" -L["Stealable"] = "Stealable" -L["Stealthed"] = "Stealthed" -L["Temporary Group"] = "Temporary Group" -L["Text"] = "Text" -L["Text Color"] = "Text Color" -L["Text Position"] = "Text Position" -L["Text Settings"] = "Text Settings" -L["Texture"] = "Texture" -L["Texture Info"] = "Texture Info" -L["The children of this group have different display types, so their display options cannot be set as a group."] = "The children of this group have different display types, so their display options cannot be set as a group." -L["The duration of the animation in seconds."] = "The duration of the animation in seconds." -L["The type of trigger"] = "The type of trigger" -L["This condition will not be tested"] = "This condition will not be tested" -L["This display is currently loaded"] = "This display is currently loaded" -L["This display is not currently loaded"] = "This display is not currently loaded" -L["This display will only show when |cFF00FF00%s"] = "This display will only show when |cFF00FF00%s" -L["This display will only show when |cFFFF0000 Not %s"] = "This display will only show when |cFFFF0000 Not %s" -L["This region of type \"%s\" has no configuration options."] = "This region of type \"%s\" has no configuration options." -L["Time in"] = "Time in" -L["Timer"] = "Timer" -L["Timer Settings"] = "Timer Settings" -L["Toggle the visibility of all loaded displays"] = "Toggle the visibility of all loaded displays" -L["Toggle the visibility of all non-loaded displays"] = "Toggle the visibility of all non-loaded displays" -L["Toggle the visibility of this display"] = "Toggle the visibility of this display" -L["to group's"] = "to group's" -L["Tooltip"] = "Tooltip" -L["Tooltip on Mouseover"] = "Tooltip on Mouseover" -L["Top Text"] = "Top Text" -L["To Screen's"] = "To Screen's" -L["Total Time Precision"] = "Total Time Precision" -L["Tracking"] = "Tracking" -L["Travel"] = "Travel" -L["Trigger"] = "Trigger" -L["Trigger %d"] = "Trigger %d" -L["Triggers"] = "Triggers" -L["Type"] = "Type" -L["Ungroup"] = "Ungroup" -L["Unholy"] = "Unholy" -L["Unit Exists"] = "Unit Exists" -L["Unlike the start or finish animations, the main animation will loop over and over until the display is hidden."] = "Unlike the start or finish animations, the main animation will loop over and over until the display is hidden." -L["Unstealthed"] = "Unstealthed" -L["Update Custom Text On..."] = "Update Custom Text On..." -L["Use Full Scan (High CPU)"] = "Use Full Scan (High CPU)" -L["Use tooltip \"size\" instead of stacks"] = "Use tooltip \"size\" instead of stacks" -L["Vertical Align"] = "Vertical Align" -L["View"] = "View" -L["Width"] = "Width" -L["X Offset"] = "X Offset" -L["X Scale"] = "X Scale" -L["Yes"] = "Yes" -L["Y Offset"] = "Y Offset" -L["Y Scale"] = "Y Scale" -L["Z Offset"] = "Z Offset" -L["Zoom"] = "Zoom" -L["Zoom In"] = "Zoom In" -L["Zoom Out"] = "Zoom Out"