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Custom Dynamic Group

Buds edited this page Dec 8, 2020 · 14 revisions

Dynamic Group Custom Functions

WeakAuras 2.12 introduces the ability to write custom functions for a dynamic group's Grow and Sort options, which will allow you to define what your group should look like very precisely.

WeakAuras 2.14 extended it to group and anchor regions by frames.


In a dynamic group, aura_env has a slightly different meaning. There is no state information, so aura_env.state is always nil. Additionally, there is no such thing as a cloned group, so aura_env.cloneId is always nil. There is a new value which is provided to you, which can be accessed at aura_env.child_envs. This is a table which contains all of the aura_env tables of the group's children, in dataIndex order.


Both custom sort and custom grow will give you some special tables, which are called regionData (for the simple reason that they contain the region and the data). RegionData is structured as follows:

regionData = {
    id = "string", -- name of the child,
    cloneId = value, -- the cloneId. Usually string, but can be any value, including nil. If this child does not clone, then this value will be nil or empty string "".
    dataIndex = 1, -- number which indicates the order the child appears in the options Pane, starting at 1.
    data = {...}, -- table containing data with which to construct the child's aura
    region = {...}, -- the region object which was built from the data for this child.
    xOffset = 0, -- x offset from previous layout function execution. This may be nil on the first layout.
    yOffset = 0, -- y offset from previous layout function execution. This may be nil on the first layout.
    show = true, -- Boolean indicating if the region was allowed to be shown (note that this is not the same as a region being active)

Note: regionData objects are intended to be read only, but for performance reasons this is not enforced. Writing to the regionData object will result in undefined behavior.

Custom Sort

Custom Sort is the more straightforward of the two new functions. You are given two regionData objects, and are expected to return true if the second must be sorted before the first:

function(a, b)
    -- this is roughly equivalent to the "None" sort option
    return a.dataIndex <= b.dataIndex

Compositional sorting

The underlying code for the builtin sort options uses a compositional system, which can be repurposed for custom code if you wish. In most cases this will lead to code that is much easier to write and maintain, particularly when the values which you are sorting on don’t necessarily exist.

The code of compositional sorting relies on a few concepts:

  • comparator
    • A function which accepts two parameters, and returns true, false, or nil. A result of true indicates that the arguments must be swapped, a result of false indicates that the arguments must not be swapped. A result of nil indicates an indeterminate result, either because the value are equal, or the values cannot be compared using this comparator. Note that the custom sort function itself is a kind of comparator, and WeakAuras will interpret a nil result in this case as being equivalent to false.
    • A comparator can compare any two values, not just regionData objects. This is useful to simplify comparing values deep in the regionData objects, see the documentation on SortRegionData for more information.
  • path
    • A list-like table consisting of strings, used as a locator for values in a regionData object. For example, to access regionData.region.state.index, the appropriate path is {"region", "state", "index"}

... and is supported by a few API functions:

  • WeakAuras.ComposeSorts(...)
    • takes as arguments a variadic list of comparator functions, and returns a new comparator which composes them in the order they were passed in.
    • This new comparator operates the following loop, which produces the effect that earlier comparators have higher "priority":
      1. Get first comparator from variadic list
      2. Run sub-comparator, and check result.
      3. If nil, repeat step 2 with next comparator from variadic list.
      4. If not nil, return result.
  • WeakAuras.SortRegionData(path, valueComparator)
    • takes as first argument a path to retrieve values with from the region data, and as second argument a comparator to sort said values with, and returns a comparator suitable for use as a custom sort function. This helper helps you abstracts away the tedium of accessing necessary information from the regionData, which is a common pain point with traditional sort functions.
  • WeakAuras.InvertSort(comparator)
    • takes as argument a single comparator, and returns a new comparator which has precisely the opposite behavior. Specifically, the new comparator is true exactly when the old one is false, false when it is true, and nil when it is nil.
  • WeakAuras.SortNilFirst
    • A builtin comparator which stably moves nil values first. Returns nil if and only if both parameters are not nil. For this reason, SortNilFirst is useful to place first in a sort composition, in order to guarantee that lower priority comparators receive well-formed data.
  • WeakAuras.SortNilLast
    • Inverted version of WeakAuras.SortNilFirst.
  • WeakAuras.SortGreaterLast
    • A builtin comparator which is effectively the "<" operator.
  • WeakAuras.SortGreaterFirst
    • Inverted Version of WeakAuras.SortGreaterLast
  • WeakAuras.SortAscending(path)
    • Alias for WeakAuras.SortRegionData(path, WeakAuras.ComposeSorts(WeakAuras.SortNilFirst, WeakAuras.SortGreaterLast))
  • WeakAuras.SortDescending(path)
    • Inverted Version of WeakAuras.SortAscending(path).

Keeping the order up to date

WeakAuras uses a perturbative insertion sort to maintain order. This means that WeakAuras assumes that most of the list is in sorted order already, and that only small perturbations will need to be made when a child wants to be shown, in order to maintain sorted order. If your custom sorting requires that a child must be re-ordered without being shown (e.g. the progress info changes on an already visible child), then you must set the changed attribute on the relevant state to true in order for it to be resorted. If you use the builtin triggers (such as buff or cooldown trackers), then these will be automatically flagged to be resorted when appropriate.

Custom Grow

Custom Grow is slightly more involved, but still straightforward. You are given 2 parameters. The first is an empty table which is expected to be filled with positioning data, and the second's is a table containing the regionData of all active children, in sorted order (note that positioning always occurs after sorting). You are not expected to return anything, and anything you do return from this function are ignored.

function(newPositions, activeRegions)
    -- this function will produce a parabola shape
    local mid = #activeRegions / 2
    for i = 1, #activeRegions do
        newPositions[i] = {
            40 * (i - mid),
            0.5 * (i - mid)^2

If a child is not given any position data, then it is hidden, and moved to position 0, 0. You may hide a child at a particular spot other than 0, 0 (useful if you use the animated expand/collapse option) by setting the third value in the position data to false.

Since WeakAuras 2.14 Custom Grow function can also be used to group and anchor children per frame

function(newPositions, activeRegions)
    -- make a list of regionData for each frame
    local frames = {}
    for _, regionData in ipairs(activeRegions) do
        local unit = regionData.region.state and regionData.region.state.unit
        if unit then
            local frame = C_NamePlate.GetNamePlateForUnit(unit)
            if frame then
                frames[frame] = frames[frame] or {}
                tinsert(frames[frame], regionData)
    for frame, regionsData in pairs(frames) do
        local totalWidth = #regionsData - 1
        for _, regionData in ipairs(regionsData) do
            totalWidth = totalWidth + ( or regionData.region.width)
        local x, y = - totalWidth/2, - (#regionsData - 1)/2
        newPositions[frame] = {}
        for i, regionData in ipairs(regionsData) do
            x = x + ( or regionData.region.width) / 2
            newPositions[frame][regionData] = { x, y }
            x = x + ( or regionData.region.width) / 2

Group by Frame

The Group by Frame option use pre-built growers functions to group and anchor regions to frames. Nameplates to nameplates found from state.unit. Unit Frames to unit frames found from state.unit. Custom Frames give you control over which frame each region should be anchored to.

function(frames, activeRegions)
    for _, regionData in ipairs(activeRegions) do
        local unit = regionData.region.state and regionData.region.state.destUnit
        if unit then
            local frame = C_NamePlate.GetNamePlateForUnit(unit)
            if frame then
                frames[frame] = frames[frame] or {}
                tinsert(frames[frame], regionData)