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Releases: WoD5E-Developers/wod5e

5.0.1 Stable Release

04 Nov 05:41
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A follow-up hotfix to resolve a few issues found over the past few days since release.


As always, if you have any issues, then please feel free to submit an issue.

To install this release, please use the manifest URL provided here:

Or, if you already had an old version of the WOD5E system installed, just click the update button and everything should (should) update smoothly!

5.0.1 Changelog

From a player's side

  • Fixed an issue with the migration script for General Difficulty Veilza
  • Fixed an issue where Monk's Active Tile Triggers was erroring out due to a library conflict Veilza
  • Fixed Werewolf gifts that had a willpower cost but no rage cost rolling a rage dice anyway Veilza
  • Fixed an issue where removing the actor background wouldn't remove it until after the sheet was closed and re-opened Veilza
  • Fixed an issue where using URLs for actor backgrounds wasn't working Veilza
  • Added new selectors and effect keys Veilza
  • Allow for non-embedded items to include splat dicepools Veilza
  • Potentially resolved some edgecases that could cause errors Veilza
  • Fixed a Firefox-specific styling issue with the ProseMirror texteditors Veilza
  • Improved contrast on ProseMirror edit buttons Veilza
  • Added the ability to reset each option in the Splat Colors menu to its default setting Veilza
  • Fixed a couple of instances of Splat Colors not applying properly Veilza
  • Fixed Vampire navicons contrast in Dark Mode Veilza

From a developer's side

  • Moved the WorldVersion update function out of the try-catch to prevent getting stuck in an infinite loop Veilza
  • Fixed an additional div element being present in the Roll Message template Veilza

5.0.0 Stable Release

31 Oct 23:58
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World of Darkness 5.0 is here! After months of development time, I've completely reworked the backend of the system and overhauled the frontend of the system! Featuring wholly new actor and item sheets, 12 new item types, 5 system themes to choose from, and insane amounts of customization so that you can play World of Darkness the way that you envision it!

Not only that, but there's been really big features added, such as a Frenzy dialog to determine whether you're resisting Frenzy or Riding the Wave, Werewolves can now attach images to their forms to shift their token into, Hunter edges and perks got a huge rework to better apply the system mechanics of Hunter, new experience tracker page, expanded Biography fields and Equipment tracking, Pack sheets received the new traits from Shattered Nation, and so, so much more!

There's really so many changes I might have even missed some below! But nonetheless, please read, and play, and enjoy. I'm really proud of the work I've put into the system over the past year, and especially over the past 4 months getting everything into a better shape and improving and improving.

PS. The below list is not exhaustive, there was a lot of change in the past few months and I probably forgot to list some things. But! I made sure to get the big things in this changelog.

Thank You

Before I get into the changes, I just want to thank all the people that helped so, so much over the past few months over in the FoundryVTT Discord's World of Darkness channel. Everyone who's ever been in that channel has helped me in their own ways, between suggestions for features and improvements to the UI, to willingly testing the prerelease builds and helping me iron out the rough edges.

People who aren't in the channel have helped too, though! From my Ko-Fi supporters and Patreon supporters, to people who submit issues through the Github and even people who directly DM me with problems they're experiencing and feedback on how I can make things better, I can't thank you all enough.

You're all awesome, and the reason why I do this: I want to help people enjoy World of Darkness 5th edition the best way possible, and every piece of feedback gets me closer to making sure that happens.



As always, if you have any issues, then please feel free to submit an issue.

To install this release, please use the manifest URL provided here:

Or, if you already had an old version of the WOD5E system installed, just click the update button and everything should (should) update smoothly!

5.0.0 Changelog

From a player's side

  • All the actor sheets received a rework - now featuring navigation tabs on the left side of the page, a brand new header, and greatly improved UI experience.
  • Actor sheets can now feature a customizable sheet background and header background - the default being able to be customized by the storyteller, and even individual actor sheets being able to have their own individualized backgrounds and headers!
  • Overhauled Dark Mode and added Vampire, Hunter, and Werewolf themes
  • Added integration for WOD5E symbols in enrichers via a custom font
  • Power pages now use a new layout: To the left is a list of power categories and their powers, and these can be selected from in order to view the power's description and their associated category's description as well (though the category description is uncollapsed by default.)
  • Hunter Perks and Edges have been reworked to be more sensible and now feature a brand new type of item named "Edge Pool" that can be constructed and applies to a particular Edge category.
  • Rouse/Rage checks can now be rolled alongside the core roll or rolled separately from the roll itself
  • Hunter actor sheets will now have a "Drive" modifier they can enable on any roll so long as they are not currently in Despair, calculated based on their Cell's current Desperation value (if they are part of a cell)
  • Added a new setting to allow for auto-collapsing chat descriptions
  • Allowed for chat descriptions to be collapsed
  • Added a dialog popup to the Frenzy of Vampire sheets, allowing a player to choose between Riding the Wave or Resisting - which will both output appropriate chat messages
  • Overhauled the SPC sheets to allow for more dynamic story player character creation
  • Renamed "Bonuses" to "Modifiers" on items
  • Items can now be restricted to certain types of actor sheets and will show an error if someone drag-and-drops them onto a blacklisted or non-whitelisted actor type
  • Users will now get an error popup trying to edit a value that can't be edited due to the sheet being locked
  • Items now have an "Are you sure?" prompt upon trying to delete them
  • Added many new items:
    • Condition items can track various statuses on an actor and have support for both Modifiers and a brand new system of "Effects" - Modifiers will appear in the roll dialog and can be toggled on and off, and Effects will alter the base statistics of an actor, such as their max hunger, or their attribute or skill dots.
    • SPC Trait items can track various features of an SPC
    • Gear, Weapon, Armor, and Talisman items are new equipment that can be tracked in the Equipment page
    • Auspice and Tribe are new Werewolf items
    • Clan, Resonance, and Predator Type are new Vampire items
    • Creed, Edge Pool, and Drive are new Hunter items
  • Features, weapons, and gear items have a new feature that can track "uses" of each item
  • All rollable items now have a new way to construct dicerolls, using dropdown selectors to choose which things to add to a roll
  • Added an Experience page to track the Experience History with auto-calculations of spent/gained EXP
  • Added a new biography page with Age/Apparent Age (for vampires) and Date of Birth/Date of Death (for vampires), as well as showing the character's Biography and Appearance
  • Added a new page for Public and Private notes
  • Textfield areas such as Tenets, Touchstones, Biography, and Appearance can now be toggled whether they display in Limited view or not
  • Added the ability to make custom disciplines, edges and gifts which can be added via a module's configuration settings or through the Storyteller Menu
  • Added the ability to modify the base splat colours through the new Splat Colors Menu
  • Added a setting for determining how to sort different aspects of the system; default sorts everything except Attributes based on the currently selected language, All sorts everything based on the currently selected language and None maintains the sorting order based on the English names.
  • Fixed drag-and-drop of various rollable items into the macro bar
  • Added the new Pack attributes from Shattered Nation to the Pack sheet
  • Group sheets will now use the dot colour of the group member's associated splat
  • Reworked how the square counters work to be more consistent
  • Square counters can now be right clicked to clear a square of its value
  • Improved the roll dialog functionality to allow each field to be changed, even the one selected
  • Splat rolls made via chat commands will now properly convert into the system's chat message styling
  • Ensured that all rolls made via the character sheets will consistently use the roll mode selected
  • Added new Ghoul and Spirit SPC sheets, with the option to enable Disciplines on Ghoul sheets and enable Gifts on Spirit sheets
  • Added the option to disable General Difficulty on SPC sheets
  • Added a Blood Potency field to Vampire SPC characters
  • Improved enabling various Exceptional Dicepools for SPC sheets by adding a menu that allows for each dicepool to be toggled on via checkbox
  • Re-fixed Oblivion rolls applying humanity stains
  • Player actor sheets can now enable a new setting named "Use Input Fields For Stats" which will allow them to replace dot counters with number inputs
  • Added a "Frenzy Status" to Vampire sheets
  • Made significant improvements to ensuring almost every part of the system has a localization key
  • Removed Boons feature section from non-vampire sheets (unless there's already boons in use on that sheet)
  • Modifier selectors can now be looked up via localized labels in a search textfield instead of having to use keys ("So you can type "Athletics" instead of having to do "skills.athletics")
  • A link to the changelog and the wiki will now be displayed in the Settings page of the sidebar
  • "Licensed Under The Dark Pack" is now also included in the Settings page of the sidebar
  • Werewolf forms can now have an image included to "shift" into when activated
  • Added d10 icons to various labels that can be rolled for better clarity
  • Optimized various system assets to lower filesize (such as converting images into webp)
  • Improved visibility of what's being rerolled in the Willpower Reroll menu
  • Added a new Pause Icon
  • Added the ability to change the base actor type of player characters - such as converting Ghoul to Vampire, Mortal to Werewolf, or Hunter to Ghoul
  • Updates to the Italian localization files [Arcadio21]
  • Updates to the Russian localization files [deman4ik]
  • Added localization keys to Werewolf form abilities

From a developer's side

  • All actor and item sheets now use ApplicationV2
  • Gamesystem is no longer checked inside functions - it's handled in dataprep
  • Restructured CSS and updated all files to use LESS format for precompiling
  • All templates and functions are now sorted by either per-splat or "shared" folders
  • Removed a lot of unnecessarily duplicate CSS classes across splat styling
  • Improved how roll labels are constructed
  • Improved how definition classes are constructed
  • Ensured that all splat rolls have the 'cs>5' modifier to track successes properly, even if someone's doing /roll 3dv
  • Improved the dataprep of the system and its a...
Read more

5.0.0 Prerelease 5.2

24 Oct 23:36
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5.0.0 Prerelease 5.2 Pre-release

Though this is technically a "hotfix" it also includes a lot of the work in progress stuff that's coming in at the tailend of the 5.0 release cycle.

Prerelease Notice

If you don't wanna test out prerelease stuff, then don't! This version is for those who want to play around and help give feedback on the new stuff I've been working on. Over the next month there'll be a lot more additions and refinements, so if you want to wait for something more stable, stay on the current stable release.

If you still want to test out this prerelease, then great! Do make a backup before you use it in any existing worlds. If you find any issues with this prerelease, please do go into the issues tab and make an issue! Make sure to label it with "Prerelease Feedback" so I know it's an issue with the current prerelease and not the live version.


As always, if you have any issues, then please feel free to submit an issue.

To install this release, please use the manifest URL provided here:

5.0.0 Prerelease 5.2 Changelog

From a player's side

  • Fixed some styling issues with the Prose Mirror editor on item sheets Veilza
  • Fixed an issue where actor images not loaded would prevent changing them Veilza
  • Add a "remove" button for resonance items Veilza
  • Styling adjustments to make journals more readable Veilza
  • Re-add automation for Oblivion stains Veilza
  • Fixed an issue where input text boxes and checkboxes weren't working Veilza
  • Fixed health impairment condition applying both an effect and a modifier Veilza
  • Improve logic of negative modifiers in system rolls Veilza
  • Fix rolling items not always including modifier selectors Veilza
  • Added the ability to enable usage tracking on features, weapons and gear Veilza
  • Added the ability to suppress the modifiers and effects of conditions Veilza
  • Prevent dicepools from not rolling anything; all dicepools will at minimum roll 1 die Veilza
  • Add a new setting for autocollapsing chat card descriptions Veilza
  • Fixed an issue where private rolls were displaying to all users Veilza
  • Adjusted the filters when hovering over various buttons and icons Veilza
  • Added a menu and functionality for the storyteller to edit splat colours Veilza

From a developer's side

  • Unified all existing textures and apply filters based on selected theme Veilza
  • Updated splat colour variables to use HEXA instead of RGBA format Veilza
  • Added a new library - JSColor - to handle colour pickers Veilza

5.0.0 Prerelease 5.1

21 Oct 01:16
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5.0.0 Prerelease 5.1 Pre-release

Followup to Prerelease 5 to fix some various issues

Prerelease Notice

If you don't wanna test out prerelease stuff, then don't! This version is for those who want to play around and help give feedback on the new stuff I've been working on. Over the next month there'll be a lot more additions and refinements, so if you want to wait for something more stable, stay on the current stable release.

If you still want to test out this prerelease, then great! Do make a backup before you use it in any existing worlds. If you find any issues with this prerelease, please do go into the issues tab and make an issue! Make sure to label it with "Prerelease Feedback" so I know it's an issue with the current prerelease and not the live version.


As always, if you have any issues, then please feel free to submit an issue.

To install this release, please use the manifest URL provided here:

5.0.0 Prerelease 5.1 Changelog

From a player's side

  • Fixed an issue where the removal button on custom modifiers wasn't working Veilza
  • Updated conditions to be delete-able when the sheet is locked Veilza
  • Fix some saturation issues with icon hovering Veilza
  • Fixed the Roll Data to Dicepools migration script to migrate world items and compendium pack items Veilza
  • Fix some selectors not applying correctly Veilza
  • Switch terminology from "Bonuses" to "Modifiers" Veilza
  • Re-added the "Modifiers" tab to Conditions Veilza
  • Add physical, mental and social selectors to modifiers Veilza
  • Add a new Conditions compendium pack with Health and Willpower impairments set up Veilza
  • Fixed physical/mental/social modifiers not applying on attribute+attribute rolls Veilza
  • Fixed various issues with submitting actor data that was causing some data not to update properly Veilza
  • Re-add touchstones to the Werewolf sheet Veilza
  • Fixed feature and weapon type dropdowns not working Veilza
  • Updated gifts to show Renown/Gift type selectors in the Settings tab Veilza

From a developer's side

  • Fixed an issue where the condition item wouldn't call the base render function Veilza

5.0.0 Prerelease 5

19 Oct 20:49
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5.0.0 Prerelease 5 Pre-release

Prerelease 5 is the last prerelease before the official 5.0 comes out at the end of the month! Conditions are finally here, as well as a much-requested way to select selectors instead of having to manually type "skills.athletics", now all you have to do is search and select "Athletics" from the dropdown list! And it supports localization!

Prerelease Notice

If you don't wanna test out prerelease stuff, then don't! This version is for those who want to play around and help give feedback on the new stuff I've been working on. Over the next month there'll be a lot more additions and refinements, so if you want to wait for something more stable, stay on the current stable release.

If you still want to test out this prerelease, then great! Do make a backup before you use it in any existing worlds. If you find any issues with this prerelease, please do go into the issues tab and make an issue! Make sure to label it with "Prerelease Feedback" so I know it's an issue with the current prerelease and not the live version.


As always, if you have any issues, then please feel free to submit an issue.

To install this release, please use the manifest URL provided here:

5.0.0 Prerelease 5 Changelog

From a player's side

  • Fixed the Show Artwork buttons not appearing sometimes Veilza
  • Fixed General Difficulty to double the dicepool on a roll as per the rules Veilza
  • Disable Vampire Revised font for non-English languages Veilza
  • Fix label on the actor type banners Veilza
  • Add a new actor sheet setting to allow input fields for stats Veilza
  • Fixed the height of the main body of sheets Veilza
  • Add support for pulling bonuses from items in a more consistent way Veilza
  • Update Italian translations Arcadio21
  • Fixed an issue where non-splat rolls would get converted to Mortal dice Veilza
  • Fixed Blood Surge applying to too many things Veilza
  • Allow the search lookup of selectors Veilza
  • Fixed items not pulling the gamesystem from actors when embedded Veilza
  • Added functionality to Conditions and the SPC Traits item types Veilza
  • Fixed some wrong strings for Quantity in item sheets Veilza
  • Add new Pack details from Shattered Nation Veilza
  • Add a Blood Potency input field to the Vampire SPC sheet Veilza
  • Fixed a TextEditor issue that would cause sheets to not rerender power pages Veilza
  • Fixed an issue where trying to willpower reroll a message created in chat would fail Veilza
  • Undid previous changes to the logos in favour of adding contrast via drop-shadow filter Veilza
  • Added an option to resist or give into Vampire Frenzy Veilza
  • Added the ability to use right click to clear the state on a square counter Veilza
  • Fixed an issue where Disciplines and Boons couldn't be added to Ghoul sheets Veilza
  • Fixed an issue where dot counters could show wrong values Veilza
  • Added a collapse toggle for chat messages Veilza

From a developer's side

  • Add prependType and useValuePath options to the getList function of definition files Veilza
  • Updated the last remaining {{select}} helper to use V12 functionality {{selectOptions}} Veilza
  • Refactored the square counters code some Veilza

5.0.0 Prerelease 4

07 Oct 01:13
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5.0.0 Prerelease 4 Pre-release

Prerelease 4 is here! It has a lot of new stuff, new items! Equipment tab! Bunch of fixes! Set up for the future! New SPC types! Werewolf/Vampire/Hunter theme should look better now! Go check it all out!

Prerelease Notice

If you don't wanna test out prerelease stuff, then don't! This version is for those who want to play around and help give feedback on the new stuff I've been working on. Over the next month there'll be a lot more additions and refinements, so if you want to wait for something more stable, stay on the current stable release.

If you still want to test out this prerelease, then great! Do make a backup before you use it in any existing worlds. If you find any issues with this prerelease, please do go into the issues tab and make an issue! Make sure to label it with "Prerelease Feedback" so I know it's an issue with the current prerelease and not the live version.


As always, if you have any issues, then please feel free to submit an issue.

To install this release, please use the manifest URL provided here:

5.0.0 Prerelease 4 Changelog

From a player's side

  • Fixed being unable to edit item images Veilza
  • Added the ability for powers to be auto-selected on creation Veilza
  • Added the ability to click on the label of category/power to select it Veilza
  • Fix edges not displaying their name when posted to chat Veilza
  • Add the ability for splat dice rolled from chat commands to use system formatting Veilza
  • Fix the Remorse roll on vampire/ghoul sheets Veilza
  • Added a Ghoul SPC sheet Veilza
  • Updated SPC layouts to be prettier Veilza
  • Re-added General Difficulty and improved functionality Veilza
  • Fixed an issue where PrivateNotes weren't showing up Veilza
  • Fixed an issue where TextEditors were inconsistently using content area Veilza
  • Touched up the non-core themes Veilza
  • Fixed "Initial/Derived" EXP into "Legacy/Calculated" and hide Legacy HP unless there's content in those old fields Veilza
  • Added a bunch of new data item types for sheet data tracking Veilza
  • Sheets will now hide boons on non-vampire sheets unless the sheet already had boons Veilza
  • Added new Equipment tab Veilza
  • Added checks to item drops to ensure that the item can be dropped on the actor type Veilza
  • Fixed a niche issue where if an actor avatar didn't load the header positioning would get out of place Veilza

From a developer's side

  • Remove verifying gamesystem in every function since we do it in dataprep now Veilza
  • Fixed an issue where the rolldata on items wouldn't migrate properly Veilza
  • Added the ability to disable Advanced dice from SPC rolls Veilza
  • Added the ability to add custom definitions from a module Veilza
  • Fix powers from deleting data on actors when power types no longer exist in a world Veilza
  • Removed old migration scripts that are no longer needed Veilza
  • Added a new migration script that converts old actor data to the new item-based data format Veilza
  • Shuffle some dataprep around to resolve an issue caused by swapping actor types Veilza
  • Moved away from using header elements in favour of field-header and big-header CSS classes Veilza
  • Items now have a "Data Item ID" in the VTM5E flags Veilza

5.0.0 Prerelease 3.5

26 Sep 02:28
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5.0.0 Prerelease 3.5 Pre-release

New power pages! And some other small fixes. Expect Prerelease 4 this weekend.

Prerelease Notice

If you don't wanna test out prerelease stuff, then don't! This version is for those who want to play around and help give feedback on the new stuff I've been working on. Over the next month there'll be a lot more additions and refinements, so if you want to wait for something more stable, stay on the current stable release.

If you still want to test out this prerelease, then great! Do make a backup before you use it in any existing worlds. If you find any issues with this prerelease, please do go into the issues tab and make an issue! Make sure to label it with "Prerelease Feedback" so I know it's an issue with the current prerelease and not the live version.


As always, if you have any issues, then please feel free to submit an issue.

To install this release, please use the manifest URL provided here:

5.0.0 Prerelease 3.5 Changelog

From a player's side

  • Fixed an issue where increasing/damaging resources from square resource boxes wouldn't rerender the sheet for the players Veilza
  • Fixed Frenzy rolls on vampire sheets not working Veilza
  • Re-added the functions to prevent the page from snapping to the top on rerender Veilza
  • Fixed removing disciplines and posting disciplines to chat not working Veilza
  • Fixed removing gifts and posting gifts to chat not working Veilza
  • Update navbar styling to be more condensed and nicer looking Veilza
  • Change default discipline for new powers to Animalism Veilza
  • Allow header images to have more dynamic sizes Veilza
  • Move actors, items, and applications off of using the h1 element for their names Veilza
  • Add new layouts for Disciplines, Edges and Gifts Veilza
  • Fix Crinos health not appearing Veilza
  • Fixed the dicepool tab mistakenly displaying on perks Veilza
  • Add a separate "Touchstones" localization and move Touchstones/Convictions field to the Features page Veilza

5.0.0 Prerelease 3.4

21 Sep 15:27
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5.0.0 Prerelease 3.4 Pre-release

Just some fixes to follow up on Prerelease 3.3 (Can we make it to 3.5!?)

Prerelease Notice

If you don't wanna test out prerelease stuff, then don't! This version is for those who want to play around and help give feedback on the new stuff I've been working on. Over the next month there'll be a lot more additions and refinements, so if you want to wait for something more stable, stay on the current stable release.

If you still want to test out this prerelease, then great! Do make a backup before you use it in any existing worlds. If you find any issues with this prerelease, please do go into the issues tab and make an issue! Make sure to label it with "Prerelease Feedback" so I know it's an issue with the current prerelease and not the live version.


As always, if you have any issues, then please feel free to submit an issue.

To install this release, please use the manifest URL provided here:

5.0.0 Prerelease 3.4 Changelog

From a player's side

  • Re-re-fixed items not applying the correct selectors on roll (really fixed this time, 100%) Veilza
  • Fixed description dropdowns for items on actor sheets Veilza
  • Fixed a typo causing rolling from the discipline itself not to add the correct selector Veilza

5.0.0 Prerelease 3.3

21 Sep 14:32
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5.0.0 Prerelease 3.3 Pre-release

Just some fixes to follow up on Prerelease 3.2

Prerelease Notice

If you don't wanna test out prerelease stuff, then don't! This version is for those who want to play around and help give feedback on the new stuff I've been working on. Over the next month there'll be a lot more additions and refinements, so if you want to wait for something more stable, stay on the current stable release.

If you still want to test out this prerelease, then great! Do make a backup before you use it in any existing worlds. If you find any issues with this prerelease, please do go into the issues tab and make an issue! Make sure to label it with "Prerelease Feedback" so I know it's an issue with the current prerelease and not the live version.


As always, if you have any issues, then please feel free to submit an issue.

To install this release, please use the manifest URL provided here:

5.0.0 Prerelease 3.3 Changelog

From a player's side

  • Remove top and bottom borders from the navbars since they stood out too much Veilza
  • Fixed a data duplication error caused by directly modifying the origin dataset of a roll Veilza
  • Fix rolling items not applying selectors properly Veilza
  • Fix to the title of the Wereform Application showing up as undefined Veilza
  • Styling fixes to the Skill Application Veilza
  • Removed an unnecessary dataprep function to improve performance Veilza
  • Fixed a Possible Messy Critical when no difficulty set appearing as a Possible Bestial Failure Veilza

5.0.0 Prerelease 3.2

21 Sep 02:07
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5.0.0 Prerelease 3.2 Pre-release

This isn't prerelease 4 but it does contain some new stuff! Mainly related to items and fixing some lingering issues.

Prerelease Notice

If you don't wanna test out prerelease stuff, then don't! This version is for those who want to play around and help give feedback on the new stuff I've been working on. Over the next month there'll be a lot more additions and refinements, so if you want to wait for something more stable, stay on the current stable release.

If you still want to test out this prerelease, then great! Do make a backup before you use it in any existing worlds. If you find any issues with this prerelease, please do go into the issues tab and make an issue! Make sure to label it with "Prerelease Feedback" so I know it's an issue with the current prerelease and not the live version.


As always, if you have any issues, then please feel free to submit an issue.

To install this release, please use the manifest URL provided here:

5.0.0 Prerelease 3.2 Changelog

From a player's side

  • Items are now updated to use ApplicationV2 Veilza
  • Fixes for application styling in both the core theme and Dark Mode Veilza
  • Fix manual sorting of custom rolls and add the capacity for sorting other items later Veilza
  • Fix some elements not appearing specific to Handlebars rendering based on actor type Veilza
  • Added the ability to add a "Drive" bonus based on a Hunter's Cell's desperation value Veilza
  • Fix Blood Potency/Surge bonuses Veilza
  • Fixed an issue where storyteller notes would be visible to players with limited view of group sheets Veilza
  • Changed "Story Player Character" to "Story Character" Veilza
  • Fixed an issue where abilities -> attributes wouldn't migrate properly Veilza
  • Fix ownership updates for player characters Veilza

From a developer's side

  • Various PNG images were swapped to WEBP to reduce filesize Veilza
  • Reverted partial re-rendering for now Veilza
  • Reworked the dice labeling system to be more robust and extendable in the future Veilza