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File metadata and controls

97 lines (76 loc) · 7.41 KB

WOLMO features


Base implementation of a presenter. It contains a nullable view [V] which is attached and detached given fragment’s lifecycle. It provides some callbacks to be overridden if needed:

  • onViewAttached(): Unit: invoked when the view is attached.
  • onViewDetached(): Unit: invoked when the view is detached.


Coroutine implementation of a BasePresenter. It’s a CoroutineScope attached to fragment’s lifecycle (it’s cancelled on view detached). It accepts a CoroutineContext and uses MainDispatcher as default.


Injectable helper class to open gallery and camera to get an image.

  • fun openGallery(fragment: Fragment, code: Int, onPermissionDenied: () -> Unit = {}, onGalleryNotFound: () -> Unit = {}): Request read permissions and open the gallery for result with the given [code] app if exists.
  • fun openCamera(fragment: Fragment, code: Int, destinationFilename: String, onPermissionDenied: () -> Unit = {}, onCameraNotFound: () -> Unit = {}): Request camera permissions and open the camera for result with the given [code] app if exists, saving the picture on the [destinationFilename].


Singleton injectable utils class to manipulate and retrieve images.

  • addPictureToDeviceGallery(picture: Uri): Unit: adds the given [picture] to the device images gallery.
  • getImageFromGallery(fragment: Fragment, requestCode: Int): Boolean : tries to open gallery to retrieve an image. Returns true if successful, false otherwise. Override onActivityResult on the given [fragment] and check the given [requestCode] for result.
  • getImageFromCamera(fragment: Fragment, requestCode: Int, file: String): Boolean: tries to open camera to take a picture to be saved on the given [file]. Returns true if successful, false otherwise. Override onActivityResult on the given [fragment] and check the given [requestCode] for result.
  • … and more!


Injectable class to manage the Android's soft keyboard.

  • show(editText: EditText): Unit: forces the soft keyboard to show for a specific [editText].
  • hide(view: View): Unit: forces the soft keyboard to hide, meant to be called from inside a Fragment's [view].
  • hide(view: View): Unit: forces the soft keyboard to hide, meant to be called from inside an [activity].


Injectable wrapper of [Log] to simplify logs in the same class by reusing the tag and to simplify unit tests.


Provides some context extensions for navigation.

  • Context.jumpTo(clazz: Class<*>, vararg intentExtras: IntentExtra): Unit: opens a new activity [clazz] sending all the given [intentExtras].
  • Context.jumpToClearingTask(clazz: Class<*>, transition: ActivityOptionsCompat?, vararg intentExtras: IntentExtra): Unit: opens a new activity [clazz] with a [transition] sending all the given [intentExtras].
  • Context.jumpTo(clazz: Class<*>, vararg intentExtras: IntentExtra): Unit: opens a new activity [clazz] clearing the current task and sending all the given [intentExtras].
  • Context.openBrowser(url: String?): Unit: opens browser with the given [url] (if it's null, open a blank page).
  • Context.makeCall(phone: String): Unit: make a call to the given [phone]. It needs the [CALL_PHONE] permission.
  • Context.openDial(phone: String): Unit: open the dial with the given [phone]. It doesn't need any extra permission.


Singleton injectable helper class to handler Android’s runtime permissions.

  • requestPermission(fragment: Fragment, listener: PermissionListener?, vararg permissions: String): Unit: request one or more [permissions] from a [fragment] and invokes the [listener] on complete.
  • requestPermission(activity: Activity, listener: PermissionListener?, vararg permissions: String): Unit: request one or more [permissions] from an [activity] and invokes the [listener] on complete.
  • onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode: Int, permissions: Array<String>, grantResults: IntArray): Unit: should be invoked on fragment/activity onRequestPermissionsResult. It’s already implemented on WolmoActivity so, since PermissionManager is a singleton, by using WolmoActivity no importance should be given to this.


Singleton injectable utility class to query and store values in [SharedPreferences].


Base implementation of a FragmentStatePagerAdapter for a ViewPager that allows, simply, to add fragments:

  • addFragment(fragment: Fragment, title: String): Unit: adds a single fragment with its titile to the adapter.
  • addFragments(fragments: List<Pair<Fragment, String>>): Unit: adds multiple fragments with theirs titles to the adapter.

Note: The fragments given to this should be injected.


Singleton injectable utility class to simplify work with Android's [Toast] messages.

View extensions

Provides some view extensions.

  • ViewGroup.inflate(@LayoutRes layoutRes: Int, attachToRoot: Boolean = false): View: inflates a layout inside the [ViewGroup].
  • TextView.setTextOrGone(newText: String?): Unit: set text and show if text is not null or empty or hide otherwise.


Base implementation of a DaggerActivity that provides these extra features:

  • replaceFragment(@IdRes resId: Int, fragment: Fragment): Unit: replace the [resId] with the given [fragment].
  • requireArgument(key: String): T: get the argument from the intent extras by the given [key] and returns it as a non-null [T].


Singleton injectable utils class for managing [File]s.

  • getNewCachePictureFilename(name: String, imageType: ImageType): String: returns a new picture filename inside the app cache. The filename will be [name]_[System.nanoTime()].
  • getNewCacheVideoFilename(name: String): String: returns a new video filename inside the app cache. The filename will be [name]_[System.nanoTime()].
  • getNewPictureName(name: String, imageType: ImageType): String: returns a new picture filename inside the DCIM folder. The filename will be [name]_[System.nanoTime()].
  • getNewVideoName(name: String): String: returns a new video filename inside the Videos folder. The filename will be [name]_[System.nanoTime()].
  • … and more!


Base implementation of a DaggerFragment that is MVP-ready (you can access the presenter [T] by presenter) and provides some extra callbacks to be overridden if needed:

  • init(): Unit: invoked on view created and used to initialize everything necessary.
  • setListeners(): Unit: invoked on view created and used to set listeners like onClick.
  • handleArguments(arguments: Bundle?): Boolean: invoked on create and used to verify if arguments contains what fragment requires. Returning null or false will end the execution.

It also provides this extra feature:

  • requireArgument(key: String): T: get argument by the given [key] and returns it as a non-null [T].

Wolmo testing features


A base that setups the environment for a Wolmo's [BasePresenter] test. It also provides a prepared environment for annotated mocks.


A Junit Test Rule that allows to use Coroutines main dispatcher on a test. If [runOnAllTests] is false then all tests will have this configuration, otherwise just those that have [CoroutineTest] annotation.