NOTE: Some of the features in this demo require allowlist access. If you would like early access, apply to become a Trusted Tester for Google Cloud Generative AI.
This demo illustrates how to search through a corpus of documents using Vertex AI Search (formerly known as Enterprise Search).
Additional features include how to search the public Cloud Knowledge Graph using the Enterprise Knowledge Graph API.
Follow steps in Get started with Vertex AI Search for Unstructured Data.
- Sample Data Sources used in the deployed demo:
- Contract Understanding Atticus Dataset (CUAD)
- Alphabet Earnings Reports
- Contract Understanding Atticus Dataset (CUAD)
- Sample Data Sources used in the deployed demo:
Follow steps in Get started with Vertex AI Search for Websites
- Google Cloud site
- Google Cloud site
Follow steps in Get started with Recommendations for Unstructured Data.
- Sample Data Sources used in the deployed demo:
- Natural language papers from arXiv
- Natural language papers from arXiv
- Sample Data Sources used in the deployed demo:
Install the Google Cloud SDK
Install the prerequisites:
pip install -r requirements.txt
gcloud init
, create a new project, and enable billing -
Enable the Vertex AI Search API:
gcloud services enable
Enable the Enterprise Knowledge Graph API:
gcloud services enable
Enable Cloud Run:
gcloud services enable
Setup application default authentication, run:
gcloud auth application-default login
Give the Cloud Run service account required permissions:
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding [PROJECT_ID or PROJECT_NUMBER] \ --member='serviceAccount:[PROJECT_NUMBER]' \ --role='roles/discoveryengine.viewer'
(Optional) If your Google Cloud organization has polices to restrict sharing by domain, then you'll need to change this to allow all domains for the Cloud Run application to be open to the public Internet.
Update the
file with your ownPROJECT_ID
. -
Configure Vertex AI Search
- To use the prebuilt widget, copy the
from the<gen-search-widget>
in theIntegration > Widget
tab in the Cloud Console. - To use the Custom UI, add the engine id for your search engine to
- This is the string after
in the Cloud Console URL.
- Engine ID is
- This is the string after
- To use the prebuilt widget, copy the
Configure Recommendations
- Add the datastore id and engine id for your recommendations engine to
. - The datastore id is visible on the
Data > Details
page. - The engine id is the string after
in the Cloud Console URL.
- Engine ID is
- Add the datastore id and engine id for your recommendations engine to
Configure Image Search
- Follow the instructions in the documentation to enable image search for a website search engine.
- NOTE: You must enable Advanced Website Indexing which requires domain verification.
- Add the engine id for your search engine to
- Follow the instructions in the documentation to enable image search for a website search engine.
Deploy the Cloud Run app in your project.
gcloud run deploy vertex-ai-search-demo --source .
To test locally:
flask --app main run
Visit the deployed web page
Copyright 2023 Google LLC Author: Holt Skinner @holtskinner