Given a binary tree and a sum, determine the existence/counts of the tree paths whose path sum (adding up all the values along the path) equals the target sum OR find the max/min path sum.
Simple DFS.
- (Existence) 112-Path Sum.
- (Print all paths) 113-Path Sum II.
Here, the path does not need to start or end at the root or a leaf, but it must go downwards. The simplest way is to traverse the tree with DFS/BFS, then run the above approach at each node.
Optimizaton: use a hash map to store the prefix sum along the traversal.
- (Counts) 437-Path Sum III
- (Counts; Array Variant) 560-Subarray Sum Equals K
Any path in a tree must be either a downwards path or the concatenation of two downwards paths (a central node + two downwards path starting at two different children of the central node, can view the central node + one downwards path as one path).
It is in gerneral difficult to determine the existence/counts of the tree paths whose path sum equals the target sum. However, it is easy to find a recursive solution to the max/min path sum problem.
- (Max path sum) 124-Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum