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Provide access to the communities (DBMS based). It returns the list of existent communities.
Provide detailed information about a specific community. The JSON response document is as follow
"uuid": "7669c72a-3f2a-451f-a3b9-9210e7a4c02f",
"name": "OR2017 - Demonstration",
"handle": "10673/11",
"metadata": {
"dc.description": [
"value": "First description",
"language": null,
"authority": null,
"confidence": -1
"value": "Second description",
"language": null,
"authority": null,
"confidence": -1
"dc.description.abstract": [
"value": "This is a test community to hold content for the OR2017 demostration",
"language": null,
"authority": null,
"confidence": -1
"dc.description.tableofcontents": [
"value": "",
"language": null,
"authority": null,
"confidence": -1
"dc.rights": [
"value": "",
"language": null,
"authority": null,
"confidence": -1
"dc.title": [
"value": "OR2017 - Demonstration",
"language": null,
"authority": null,
"confidence": -1
"type": "community"
Exposed links:
- subcommunities: list of sub-communities within this community
- collections: list of collections within this community
- logo: link to the bitstream that represent the community's logo
- parentCommunity: the community containing this community
Example: t.b.p
It returns the sub-communities within this community
The supported parameters are:
- page, size see pagination
It returns the collections within this community
The supported parameters are:
- page, size see pagination
GET /api/core/communities/<:uuid>/logo
It returns the bitstream representing the logo of this community. [See the bitstream endpoint for more info]( Bitstream)
POST /api/core/communities/<:uuid>/logo
To be used on a community without a logo
Curl example:
curl '' \
-XPOST -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJI...' \
-F "file=@Downloads/test.png"
- The community is determined using the ID in the URL
- The file is uploaded using multipart/form-data
It returns the created bitstream. [See the bitstream endpoint for more info]( Bitstream)
The REST API can support Content-Length and Content-MD5 headers to verify integrity
Status codes:
- 201 Created - if the operation succeed
- 401 Unauthorized - if you are not authenticated
- 403 Forbidden - if you are not logged in with sufficient permissions
- 404 Not found - if the community doesn't exist
- 412 Precondition Failed - if there is a discrepancy between the declared size or checksum and the computed one
- 422 Unprocessable Entity - if there was no file, or if the community already contains a logo
This endpoint only accepts one file at a time. If multiple files are uploaded, any extra files will be ignored.
PUT /api/core/communities/<:uuid>/logo
To be used on a community with a logo
Curl example:
curl '' \
-XPUT -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJI...' \
-F "file=@Downloads/test.png"
- The community is determined using the ID in the URL
- The file is uploaded using multipart/form-data
It returns the created bitstream. [See the bitstream endpoint for more info]( Bitstream)
The REST API can support Content-Length and Content-MD5 headers to verify integrity
Status codes:
- 201 Created - if the operation succeed
- 401 Unauthorized - if you are not authenticated
- 403 Forbidden - if you are not logged in with sufficient permissions
- 404 Not found - if the community doesn't exist
- 412 Precondition Failed - if there is a discrepancy between the declared size or checksum and the computed one
- 422 Unprocessable Entity - if there was no file, or if the community didn't contain a logo
This endpoint only accepts one file at a time. If multiple files are uploaded, any extra files will be ignored.
DELETE /api/core/communities/<:uuid>/logo
To be used on a community with a logo
Curl example:
curl '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJI...'
- The community is determined using the ID in the URL
Status codes:
- 204 No content - if the operation succeed
- 401 Unauthorized - if you are not authenticated
- 403 Forbidden - if you are not logged in with sufficient permissions
- 404 Not found - if the community doesn't exist
- 422: if the community didn't contain a logo
It returns the community containing this communities, e.g. for trail purposes.
If a community is part of multiple parent communities, it only returns one community.
Return codes:
- 200 OK - if the parent community exists and returned
- 204 No content - if the current community exists but the parent community doesn't exist
- 401 Unauthorized - if you are not authenticated and the current community or parent community is not public
- 403 Forbidden - if you are not logged in with sufficient permissions to retrieve the current community or parent community
- 404 Not found - if the current community doesn't exist
The supported parameters are:
- page, size see pagination
It returns the top level communities in the repository (i.e. the communities that doesn't have a parent)
Example: not available
The supported parameters are:
- (mandatory) parent, the UUID of the parent community
- page, size see pagination
POST /api/core/communities
To create a top level community, perform as post with the JSON below to the communities endpoint when logged in as admin.
"name": "test creation",
"metadata": {
"dc.title": [
"value": "test creation",
"language": null,
"authority": null,
"confidence": -1
POST /api/core/communities?parent=<:communityUUID>
To create a sub level community, perform as post with the JSON below to the communities endpoint when logged in as admin.
"name": "test subcommunity",
"metadata": {
"dc.title": [
"value": "test subcommunity",
"language": null,
"authority": null,
"confidence": -1
Error messages:
- 200 OK - if the operation succeed
- 401 Unauthorized - if you are not authenticated
- 403 Forbidden - if you are not logged in with sufficient permissions
- 422 UNPROCESSABLE ENTITY - if the parent community doesn't exist (the REST URI /api/core/communities still exists)
PUT /api/core/communities/<:uuid>
Provide updated metadata information about a specific community, when the update is completed the updated object will be returned. The JSON to update can be found below.
"id": "b8872eba-1a79-4b8b-a8f6-55fa8f73197b",
"uuid": "b8872eba-1a79-4b8b-a8f6-55fa8f73197b",
"name": "test new title",
"handle": "123456789/60631",
"metadata": {
"dc.title": [
"value": "test new title",
"language": null,
"authority": null,
"confidence": -1
"dc.description": [
"value": "An example description",
"language": "en",
"authority": null,
"confidence": -1
"type": "community"
Error messages:
- 200 OK - if the operation succeed
- 401 Unauthorized - if you are not authenticated
- 403 Forbidden - if you are not logged in with sufficient permissions
- 404 Not found - if the community doesn't exist
- 422 UNPROCESSABLE ENTITY - Altering one of the non-editable parameters will result in a 422 UNPROCESSABLE ENTITY error. The non-editable parameters are optional, but if they are specified, they have to remain identical to the current value. The id, uuid, handle and type are non-editable.
DELETE /api/core/communities/<:uuid>
Delete a community.
- 204 No content - if the operation succeed
- 401 Unauthorized - if you are not authenticated
- 403 Forbidden - if you are not logged in with sufficient permissions
- 404 Not found - if the community doesn't exist (or was already deleted)
Community metadata can be modified as described in Modifying metadata via Patch.