This tool is meant to find 0-days in open source packages. The engine uses the open source AST SAST tool named [Semgrep](https://semgrep.dev/).
The backend is written in python (flask API) and the frontend with React (I used ant design for most of the components).
## supported repositories
Currently the supported repositories are:
## Installation
Clone the repo to a local folder and run `docker compose up`, this will run the backend API server in a docker on port `5000`.
The whole backend folder is mounted to the docker so adding/removing rules will have a direct effect.
To run the front end, from the frontend/ folder these commands sould be run (the will run the frontend on port 3000
I didnt managed yet to create a docker for it, so as of right now the forntend should be executed separately.
The rules are stored in backend/semgrep_rules
To read more about rules feel free to read on the Rules syntax
Rules playground
Community rules
semgrep-rules Repository