The core file for configure Paella Player is under the config folder and its called "config.json". In this file we have all the setups concerning plugins.. streams.. compositions.. skins..
"profileFrameStrategy": "paella.ProfileFrameStrategy",
"videoQualityStrategy": "paella.BestFitVideoQualityStrategy",
"reloadOnFullscreen": false,
{ "factory":"ChromaVideoFactory", "enabled":true },
{ "factory":"WebmVideoFactory", "enabled":true },
{ "factory":"Html5VideoFactory", "enabled":true },
{ "factory":"MpegDashVideoFactory", "enabled":true },
{ "factory":"HLSVideoFactory", "enabled":true },
{ "factory":"RTMPVideoFactory", "enabled":true },
{ "factory":"ImageVideoFactory", "enabled":true },
{ "factory":"YoutubeVideoFactory", "enabled":true }
{ "factory":"MultiformatAudioFactory", "enabled":true }
"audio": {
"master": 1.0
"requiresSubscription": false
"userInfo": "UserDataDelegate",
"visualAnnotations": "VisualAnnotationsDataDelegate"
"folders": {
"profiles": "config/profiles",
"resources": "resources",
"skins": "resources/style"
"enablePluginsByDefault": false,
"//**** Instructions: Disable any individual plugin by setting its enable property to false": {"enabled": false},
"//**** For a list of available plugins and configuration, go to": "",
{ "factory":"MultiformatAudioFactory", "enabled":true }
"standalone" : {
"repository": "../repository/"
In "player" : { "methods" } We can set the priority of streaming method.
Use "defaultProfile" for set the default video composition.
Take a look to the Integrate Paella section
Can I choose when a plugin is shown depending on the play mode ( embed, fullScreen, standard .. etc )?
Inside config file at plugins section you can set the mode for show the plugin using:
"":{"enabled":true,......,"visibleOn":['standard', 'fullscreen', 'embed']},
Remember that this only works with ButtonPlugins.