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Table of Contents


  1. Clone repo
  2. Install Dependencies
npm i
  1. Run app.
npm run start


Refactored a Google Books Search Engine application that was previously using a RESTful API. The application now uses a GraphQL API built with an Apollo Server.

User Story

AS AN avid reader
I WANT to search for new books to read
SO THAT I can keep a list of books to purchase


GIVEN a book search engine
WHEN I load the search engine
THEN I am presented with a menu with the options Search for Books and Login/Signup and an input field to search for books and a submit button
WHEN I click on the Search for Books menu option
THEN I am presented with an input field to search for books and a submit button
WHEN I am not logged in and enter a search term in the input field and click the submit button
THEN I am presented with several search results, each featuring a book’s title, author, description, image, and a link to that book on the Google Books site
WHEN I click on the Login/Signup menu option
THEN a modal appears on the screen with a toggle between the option to log in or sign up
WHEN the toggle is set to Signup
THEN I am presented with three inputs for a username, an email address, and a password, and a signup button
WHEN the toggle is set to Login
THEN I am presented with two inputs for an email address and a password and login button
WHEN I enter a valid email address and create a password and click on the signup button
THEN my user account is created and I am logged in to the site
WHEN I enter my account’s email address and password and click on the login button
THEN I the modal closes and I am logged in to the site
WHEN I am logged in to the site
THEN the menu options change to Search for Books, an option to see my saved books, and Logout
WHEN I am logged in and enter a search term in the input field and click the submit button
THEN I am presented with several search results, each featuring a book’s title, author, description, image, and a link to that book on the Google Books site and a button to save a book to my account
WHEN I click on the Save button on a book
THEN that book’s information is saved to my account
WHEN I click on the option to see my saved books
THEN I am presented with all of the books I have saved to my account, each featuring the book’s title, author, description, image, and a link to that book on the Google Books site and a button to remove a book from my account
WHEN I click on the Remove button on a book
THEN that book is deleted from my saved books list
WHEN I click on the Logout button
THEN I am logged out of the site and presented with a menu with the options Search for Books and Login/Signup and an input field to search for books and a submit button


Screen Shot 2022-06-12 at 1 30 32 PM


Technologies Used

  • MongoDB
  • JavaScript
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • GraphQL
  • NPM
  • React.js
  • Mongoose


  • Faissal Shabani