Zoiper provisioning server example
Copyrights (c) Zoiper 2016
Zoiper XML provisioning This automatic configuration can be done by using an HTTP/S server. Once an end-user launches the application a pop-up window will appear to ask the end-user to enter his username and password. After the end-user fills in the username and password and clicks on "Ok" an HTTP/s Get request will be sent to the provisioning server.
username=[user] - the provisioning username password=[password] - the provisioning password version=[version] - the provisioning version
The server should reply with account configuration in XML format. An example XML looks like this:
Possible values: string
Version of the provisioning XML
Possible values: string
Optional unique customer ID
Possible values: string
Optional unique provisioning ID
Possible values: string
Optional name of the provisioning something something.
Accounts holds account nodes for each provisioned account.
Only one per provisioning XML.
Account contains a complete account configuration.
Possible values: string
Identifier of the account unique and not changeable.
Possible values: string
Account display name.
Possible values: string
Possible values: string
Possible values: true, false
Controls startup registration of the account.
Possible values: true, false
Controls the use of push notifications.
Possible values: true, false
Optional enables ring-back tones
Possible values: string
Optional voice mail extension.
Possible values: string
Optional voice mail transfer extension.
Possible values: true, false
Optional forces rfc3264.
Possible values: true, false
Optional enables KPML.
Possible values: true, false
Optional enables overlap dialing.
Possible values: true, false
Optional enables custom ringtone.
Possible values: string
Optional custom ring-tone uri.
Possible values: none, common, location, configuration, self_signed
Optional custom certificate usage ...
Possible values: string
Optional custom certificate uri.
Possible values: string
Optional custom certificate data.
Possible values: disabled, before, after, both
Optional message waiting indication subscription ...
Possible values: true, false
Optional enables number rewriting.
Possible values: string, auto-detect
Optional specifies country code to be applied to numbers without such.
Possible values: string
Optional enables number rewriting with custom dialout prefix.
Possible values: true, false
Optional enables the striping of characters from the dial string.
Possible values: string
Optional the characters that are gooing to be stripped from the dial string.
<strip_dial_chars> .-()[]{}</strip_dial_chars>
Possible values: string
Possible values: string
Possible values: string
Possible values: string
Possible values: string
Possible values: SIP, IAX2, XMPP, RTSP
Protocol. Controls the presence of configuration
blocks: SIP, IAX2
Possible values: default, custom
The default registration refresh should be 600s for TCP and 30s for UDP.
Note that the server might enforce different (shorter) refresh time. The stack
will not wait for the full period to refresh the registration. It will
try to refresh it after 90% of the negotiated time has elapsed.
Possible values: unsigned long
Use this to specify the reregistration time when the mode selected is custom.
Possible values: default, custom
The default subscription refresh should be 1800s for TCP and UDP.
Possible values: unsigned long
Possible values: string
Configures the user domain.
Possible values: true, false
Optional use outbound proxy.
Possible values: string
Optional SIP proxy server to force
instead of the automatically detected one.
Possible values: UDP, TCP, TLS
The signalling protocol.
Possible values: true, false
Optional use authentication username.
Possible values: string
Optional user name to be used
when responding to a SIP authentication challenge.
Possible values: string
Optional the display name.
Possible values: true, false
This function can be used to discover the public address and port in case
there is a NAT between the user and the server. It also helps for normal
unfirewalled TCP and TLS connections (highly recommended for these two
If rport is enabled for UDP connects along with STUN, STUN will be preferred.
The default is to have rport disabled for UDP. To enable rport, call this
function before RegisterUser(). A registration must be done to do a full
discovery before making any calls if they are to benefit from rport.
Possible values: true, false
Enables usage of rport discovered public address for media negotiations.
Can help in some firewall/NAT/VPN setups where the port is not changed,
only the private address is replaced with a public one. When both rport
and STUN are enabled, STUN will be preferred.
This option is not recommended. Enable it only if you absolutely know
what you're doing.
Possible values: none, SDES
Select the user's SRTP mode.
Possible values: inband, rfc_2833, SIP_info_numeric, SIP_info_ascii, disbaled
Select the DTMF band for the user.
Possible values: true, false
Optional enable busy line feed.
Possible values: true, false
Optional publish user presence.
Possible values: true, false
Optional subscribe for other users presence.
Possible values: disabled, default, custom
Possible values: unsigned long
Possible values: true, false
Optional enable preconditions.
Possible values: true, false
Optional enable reg events.
Possible values: string
The Jabber Id of the user
Possible values: string
Optional full name of the XMPP user
<XMPP_name>Alexander Savov</XMPP_name>
Possible values: string
Optional XMPP connect server
Possible values: true, false
It governs the usage of the legacy TLS mode for XMPP
stun holds stun related settings.
Possible values: disabled, custom, default
In most cases only disabled and custom are used
Controls the use of STUN.
Possible values: string
Configures the address of the STUN server.
Possible values: unsigned int
Configures the port of the STUN server.
Possible values: unsigned int
Sets the refresh period of the STUN server
Use this function to specify how often to refresh the STUN server.
The default is 30 seconds. The refresh can be used to keep the NAT mapping alive.
Possible values: string
Configures the server address.
Possible values: string
Configures the context to be used.
Possible values: string
Optional the display name.
Possible values: string
Configures the user name used for identification.
Possible values: inband, disabled, outband
Select the DTMF band for the user.
Possible values: true, false
Enable file transfer for the user.
Possible values: true, false
Enable video fmtp for the user.
msrp holds msrp related settings.
Possible values: true, false
Enable msrp for the user.
Possible values: true, false
Force user to use msrp for chat messages.
Possible values: true, false
Enables TLS for the MSRP.
Possible values: true, false
Enable msrp relay for the user.
Possible values: string
MSRP relay uri.
Possible values: string
MSRP relay username.
Possible values: string
Msrp relay password.
sms holds sms related settings.
Possible values: true, false
Enable SMS for the user.
Possible values: true, false
Enable SMS center for the user.
Possible values: string
SMS center uri.
codecs holds codec nodes for each supported codec for that.
Only one per provisioning xml.
codec contains a codec id, name, priority and if it's enabled.
Possible values: unsigned int
Internal codec id
Current list:
0 - uLaw
1 - GSM
6 - aLaw
7 - g722
16 - g729
24 - Speex
25 - Speex wide
26 - Speex ultra
27 - iLBC30
29 - g726
30 - H263 Plus
31 - VP8
34 - Opus narrow
35 - Opus wide
36 - Opus super
37 - Opus full
Possible values: unsigned int
Codec priority in media negotiations.
Possible values: true, false
Controls if the codec is enabled
Possible values: long
Possible values: long
Possible values: long
zrtp holds zrtp related settings.
Possible values: true, false
Enables ZRTP
Possible values: S256, S384
Hash algorithm name
Possible values:
0 - S256
1 - S384
Hash algorithm id
Possible values: int
Hash algorithm priority
Possible values: true, false
Controls if the hash algorithm is enabled
Possible values: AES51,
Cipher algorithm name
Possible values:
0 - AES51
Cipher algorithm id
Possible values: int
Cipher algorithm priority
Possible values: true, false
Controls if the cipher algorithm is enabled
Possible values: HS32, HS80
Auth tags name
Possible values:
0 - HS32
1 - HS80
Auth tags id
Possible values: int
Auth tags priority
Possible values: true, false
Controls if the Auth tags is enabled
Possible values: DH2K, EC25, DH3K, EC38
Key agreement name
Possible values:
0 - DH2K
1 - EC25
2 - DH3K
3 - EC38
Key agreement id
Possible values: int
Key agreement priority
Possible values: true, false
Controls if the Key agreement is enabled
Possible values: B256, B32
Sas encodings name
Possible values:
0 - B32
1 - B256
Sas encodings id
Possible values: int
Sas encodings priority
Possible values: true, false
Controls if the SAS encodings is enabled
diagnostics holds diagnostics related settings.
Possible values: true, false
Optional enables the debug logging into a file
Possible values: true, false
Optional enables the extended crash dump file. Available only on Windows.
Possible values: true, false
Optional enables the audio log files.
Breakpad holds breakpad related settings.
Possible values: true, false
Optional enables breakpad
Possible values: true, false
Optional enables automatic breakpad dumps sending
Possible values: true, false
Optional enables “ask user for breakpad” dumps sending
Copyrights (c) Zoiper 2016