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aa1024 edited this page Jun 9, 2018 · 13 revisions

Welcome to the sphinxQ wiki!


Here are some tags that can be used in the code as comments and it will be automatically parsed and included in the documents.


Title of the documented page that will be displayed as a link on the main index page.

/# @name sample Sample functions to demonstrate the usage of tags for document generation


Logical group name, it can be used to with multiple files (@name). This will be used for grouping the various @name under the same @package name on the index page.

/# @name sample Sample functions to demonstrate the usage of tags for document generation
/# @package example


Explanation of the function, package, parameters etc. it will be used as paragraph when the documents are generated. Any comment without any tag will also be considered as @desc.

/# @desc  Stores the trades


/# Stores the trades


Name of the function displayed as document section title. The rest of the content will be displayed as a paragraph.

/# @function foo A sample function to generate 
/#. an inline table for input parameter dictionary


Literal code block to be displayed on the generated documents.

/# @code show dict


The code after this tag will be executed and output will be shown on the generated document.

/# @code-eval " func2[2;3] = ", string 2+3


Input Parameter to the function /# @param x Input Parameter x
/# @param y Input Parameter y


The output returned by the function

/# @return int sum of x & y


Table header; the columns can be defined using a pipe (e.g. Col1|Col2|Col3). It can be used with or without schema tag.

/# @header Key|Type|Required|Default|Desc


Table row; cells are | (pipe) separated.

/# @row startDate|date|0b|.z.d|Start Date (if null or not provided, will be set as current date) /# @row endDate|date|0b|startDate|End Date (if null or not provided, will be set as start date)


Something to be done

/# @todo Change the function name?


To specify a schema definition, the formatting of this tag is similar to the @function tag; should be used with @header and @row

/# @schema tab /# @header Column Name|Type|Desc /# @row d |date |Trade Date /# @row t |time |Trade Time

@toggle Show/Hide the contents.

/# @toggle Calculate the sum


The content followed by this tag will be displayed as a bullet point in the documentation.

/# @bullet Text Style test
.unittest.assert[`.rest.ts; ("italics";"*") ;"*italics*"];
/# @bullet Italics test
.unittest.assert[`.rest.i; enlist "italics" ;"*italics*"];


To Display an error message explicitly. The same formatting is used to report an error while processing the tags.


/# @see  lib-str


It can be used to define the keywords that can be found by browsing.

/# @package lib /# @name rest Sphinx-ReST helper functions to generate the ReST documents. /# @tags sphinx

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