Full Installation Instructions: https://github.com/concerto/concerto/wiki/Installing-Concerto-2
Concerto is an open source digital signage system. Users submit graphic, textual, and other content, and moderators approve that content for use in a variety of content feeds which are displayed on screens connected to computers displaying the Concerto frontend.
- Ruby 2.0 or newer
- Rubygems
- Imagemagick
- Webserver (Apache/Unicorn/Thin/Nginx)
- Rack interface to the webserver (Passenger, FastCGI)
- ActiveRecord-compatible database (Mysql, SQLite, Postgres)
Note: For those upgrading Concerto from earlier Debian/Ubuntu versions, make sure that your APT source line looks like this: http://dl.concerto-signage.org/packages/ jessie main
- Add Concerto repository using
curl https://get.concerto-signage.org/add_repo.sh | sh
- Install Concerto via APT
sudo apt-get install concerto-full
The virtual server image contains a full-stack installation of the Concerto webserver with all components pre-configured.
Concerto 2 is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.