title | footer |
\leantime\domain\repositories\install |
false |
- Full name:
__construct - get database connection
public install::__construct(): mixed
Return Value:
checkIfInstalled checks if zp user table exists (and assumes that leantime is installed)
public install::checkIfInstalled(): bool
Return Value:
setupDB installs database
public install::setupDB(array $values): bool
Parameter | Type | Description |
values |
array | Form values for admin user and company information |
Return Value:
| string
updateDB main entry point to update the db based on version number. Executes all missing db update scripts
public install::updateDB(): bool|array
Return Value:
sqlPrep - returns all the create table statements
private install::sqlPrep(): string
Return Value:
update_sql_20004 - database update sql for V2.0.4
- Updates all tables and db to utf8mb4
- converts 255 index to be smaller
private install::update_sql_20004(): bool|array
Return Value:
private install::update_sql_20100(): mixed
Return Value:
private install::update_sql_20101(): mixed
Return Value:
private install::update_sql_20102(): mixed
Return Value:
private install::update_sql_20103(): mixed
Return Value:
private install::update_sql_20104(): mixed
Return Value:
private install::update_sql_20105(): mixed
Return Value:
private install::update_sql_20106(): mixed
Return Value:
private install::update_sql_20107(): mixed
Return Value:
private install::update_sql_20108(): mixed
Return Value:
private install::update_sql_20109(): mixed
Return Value:
private install::update_sql_20110(): mixed
Return Value:
private install::update_sql_20111(): bool|array
Return Value:
private install::update_sql_20112(): bool|array
Return Value:
private install::update_sql_20113(): bool|array
Return Value:
public install::update_sql_20114(): bool|array
Return Value:
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