2x VCA is a two-channel VCA based on Mutable Instruments' Veils, designed by Émilie Gillet. It features two separate voltage-controlled amplifiers, each with gain and response curve potentiometers, which are variable from linear to exponential. The PCB has been adapted to create a larger, more performance-friendly module for my purposes, providing more space between the jacks and knobs.
The module is 8HP wide and 21mm deep.
The PCB utilizes 0805 format surface-mount device (SMD) components.
March 2024: Publication of the project.
2xVCA: Revision 3 (03/2022)
This work is licensed under [CC BY-SA 3.0]. Circuit by Émilie GILLET, adaptation by Abschall. (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/)