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381 lines (308 loc) · 7.33 KB

File metadata and controls

381 lines (308 loc) · 7.33 KB

Development Guide

Getting Started


  • Node.js (v16 or higher)
  • Yarn package manager
  • Yext API credentials
  • TypeScript knowledge
  • Web Components understanding
  • React knowledge

Initial Setup

  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone <repository-url>
    cd <project-directory>
  2. Install Dependencies

    yarn install
  3. Environment Setup Create a .env file in the root directory:


Project Structure

├── components/              # Web components and React components
│   ├── outline-yext-universal/
│   ├── outline-yext-vertical/
│   ├── outline-yext-pager/
│   ├── outline-yext-entities/
│   └── SearchContainer.tsx
├── libraries/              # Shared libraries
│   ├── data-access-yext/   # Yext API integration
│   └── ui-yext/            # UI components
├── controllers/            # Application controllers
├── stories/               # Storybook stories
└── tests/                 # Test files
    ├── unit/
    ├── integration/
    └── e2e/

Development Workflow

Running the Development Server

yarn dev

Building for Production

yarn build

Running Tests

yarn test

Component Development

Creating a New Component

  1. Create Component Directory

    mkdir src/components/my-new-component
  2. Component Structure

    // my-new-component.ts
    export class MyNewComponent extends HTMLElement {
      constructor() {
        this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' });
      connectedCallback() {
      render() {
        // Implementation
    customElements.define('my-new-component', MyNewComponent);

Component Testing

  1. Unit Tests

    // my-new-component.test.ts
    describe('MyNewComponent', () => {
      it('should render correctly', () => {
        // Test implementation
  2. Integration Tests

    describe('MyNewComponent Integration', () => {
      it('should interact with other components', () => {
        // Test implementation

Working with the Yext API


// Example API client setup
const client = new YextClient({
  apiKey: process.env.YEXT_API_KEY,
  businessId: process.env.YEXT_BUSINESS_ID

Making API Calls

// Example search request
async function performSearch(query: string) {
  try {
    const response = await{
      input: query,
      // other parameters
    return response;
  } catch (error) {

State Management

URL State

// Example state update
function updateSearchState(newState: SearchSettings) {
  const params = new URLSearchParams();
  Object.entries(newState).forEach(([key, value]) => {
    params.set(`yext_${key}`, JSON.stringify(value));

Error Handling

Component Errors

class ErrorBoundary extends HTMLElement {
  handleError(error: Error) {
    console.error('Component error:', error);
    this.render(); // Render fallback UI

Performance Optimization

Lazy Loading

// Example lazy loading implementation
async function loadComponent() {
  const module = await import('./my-component');
  return module.MyComponent;


// Example cache implementation
const cache = new Map();

function getCachedData(key: string) {
  if (!cache.has(key)) {
    cache.set(key, fetchData(key));
  return cache.get(key);


Browser DevTools

  1. Open browser developer tools
  2. Navigate to Elements tab
  3. Inspect shadow DOM components
  4. Use console for debugging

URL Parameters

  • Check URL parameters for state
  • Use browser console to view state changes
  • Monitor network requests

Build Process

Development Build

yarn dev
# Starts development server with hot reloading

Production Build

yarn build
# Creates optimized production build

Testing Build

yarn test
# Runs test suite


Code Style

  • Follow TypeScript best practices
  • Use consistent naming conventions
  • Document public APIs
  • Write meaningful comments

Pull Request Process

  1. Create feature branch
  2. Make changes
  3. Write tests
  4. Update documentation
  5. Submit PR


Common Issues

  1. API Authentication

    • Check API key configuration
    • Verify environment variables
    • Check network requests
  2. Component Rendering

    • Inspect shadow DOM
    • Check for JavaScript errors
    • Verify component registration
  3. State Management

    • Check URL parameters
    • Verify state updates
    • Monitor state flow

Debug Logging

// Enable debug logging
const DEBUG = true;

function log(message: string, data?: any) {
  if (DEBUG) {
    console.log(`[DEBUG] ${message}`, data);





Setting Up Tests

  1. Install Playwright

    yarn add -D @playwright/test
    npx playwright install
  2. Configure Playwright

    // playwright.config.ts
    import { PlaywrightTestConfig } from '@playwright/test';
    const config: PlaywrightTestConfig = {
      testDir: './tests/e2e',
      use: {
        baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',
        screenshot: 'only-on-failure',
      webServer: {
        command: 'yarn dev',
        port: 3000,
        reuseExistingServer: !process.env.CI,
    export default config;
  3. Run Tests

    # Run all tests
    yarn test
    # Run e2e tests
    yarn test:e2e
    # Run unit tests
    yarn test:unit

Writing Tests

  1. E2E Tests

    // tests/e2e/search.spec.ts
    import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
    test('search functionality', async ({ page }) => {
      await page.goto('/');
      await page.fill('[data-testid="search-input"]', 'test');
      await expect(page.locator('.search-results')).toBeVisible();
  2. Unit Tests

    // tests/unit/components/SearchContainer.test.tsx
    import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react';
    import { SearchContainer } from '../../../components/SearchContainer';
    test('renders search container', () => {
      render(<SearchContainer />);

Development Tools


# Run Storybook
yarn storybook

# Build Storybook
yarn build-storybook

Code Quality

# Run ESLint
yarn lint

# Run TypeScript type checking
yarn type-check

# Run Prettier
yarn format