The app simulates the real life robinhood app using the Rinkeby Testnet. Created BTC, DOGE, SOLANA, AND USDC tokens using Solidity. From our app you can purchase or sell these tokens.
For testing purposes you can add the tokens to your Rinkeby Testnet on your metamask
Bitcoin Contract Address => 0xb6c16Bf054A97b27Ad601644f231FD61A65E3dc6
Dogecoin Contract Address => 0xA94fAC6DA1AB1f550005069c0Ceadf031badf60a
Solana Contract Address => 0xE5EDf8AA146037C421664922A5cb29D68a362101
USDC Contract Address => 0x2A6FdFF843353fe1241EAc9308e91Ac22179279a
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
Make sure Node.js is running on your local machine
$ git clone
$ cd robinhood-clone
Install modules:
yarn add
Start server with:
yarn dev
👤 Uduak Essien
- Github: @acushlakoncept
- Twitter: @acushlakoncept
- Linkedin: acushlakoncept
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
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