You've got a decision to make here. To one hand you have downloading the Scala IDE bundle including eclipse, on the other you can manually install some plugins in your current Eclipse installation.
- Head to
- Click Download -> Scala IDE
- Follow installation instructions
- Job done
- Head to
- Click Download -> Latest Stable and copy the update site URL
- Open up your current Eclipse installation
- Navigate to Help -> Install New Software...
- Click Add...
- Give the Repo a name, something like "Scala IDE" and then paste in the update site URL
- Install the following plugins and restart Eclipse:
- Scala IDE for Eclipse
- ScalaTest for Scala IDE
- Play 2 support
- In a terminal/command prompt navigate to the root of this project
- Run the following to generate the eclipse project files:
sbt eclipse
- Open your project in Eclipse using File -> Import -> General -> Existing Projects into Workspace and selecting this projects directory