A Content Database for CMaNGOS-WOTLK, and World of Warcraft Client Patch 3.3.5a - It Is Compatible Only With Client 3.3.5a (build 12340)
UDB is released under the GPL v2. The file (LICENSE.mdown
must be a part of any re-distributable packages made from this software. No
licenses should be removed from this software if you are making re-distributable
The UDB database is compatible with CMaNGOS-WOTLK core only.
The basic principle behind this database repository is to have a single SQL file
holding every table in the database. When something is changed into the database
the modification is done by adding small SQL update files placed into the updates
Every time a user (that would be you or UDB Developers) wishes to change something into the database, he/she
have to create and add the right SQL file. This helps tracking what changes are made, when and where.
UDB is the main content database for: mangos
where the world is defined
with creatures, items, objects, quests, etc.
It must be applied after creating the mangos
database from your CMaNGOS core distribution CMaNGOS-WOTLK from CMaNGOS Project.
If you used the default values when installing your mangos core, simply run into a bash compatible shell (like Bash Git for Windows) the following command ./InstallFullDB.sh .
It will create a single file InstallFullDB.config .
If you have modified the default values for connecting to the database, in order to use this database repository, you will have to open InstallFullDB.config , and edit in the desired database, username and password according to how you have configured your MySQL server. Default values for mangos core are username:mangos , password:mangos , database:mangos . For security reasons, it is strongly adviced to use different username and password.
Once you have the desired database user and rights configured in MySQL, you may run again the ./InstallFullDB.sh command to load the individual data tables into your database, populate them and apply all updates since the last milestone.
You can use Windows Batch File ./Windows_Install_Script.bat
if you are a Windows User and configure the Installation Options Setting Your MYSQL Database Names, Passwords and Source Folders. It will provide you a Menu With Various Installation Options and Configurations That Have Greatly Simplified The Process.
For a full installation guide, please refer to CMaNGOS installation instructions.
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