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bundling postgres extension


gem install pgbundle


define your dependent postgres extensions in a Pgfile like this:

# Pgfile

database 'my_database', host: 'my.db.server', use_sudo: true, system_user: 'postgres'

pgx 'hstore'
pgx 'my_extension', '1.0.2', github: me/my_extension
pgx 'my_other_extionsion', :git => ''
pgx 'my_ltree_dependend_extension', github: me/my_ltree_dependend_extension, requires: 'ltree'


database defines on which database(s) the extensions should be installed. The first argument is the database name the additional options may specify your setup but come with reasonable default values.

option default desciption
user 'postgres' the database user (needs privilege to CREATE EXTENSION)
host 'localhost' the database host (needs to be accessible from where pgbundle runs)
use_sudo false if true use sudo to run make install if needed
system_user 'postgres' the (os) system user that is allowed to install an extension (through make)
port 5432 the database port
force_ssh false run commands via ssh even if host is localhost
slave false defines if the database runs as a read-only slave thus skips any CREATE command


The pgx command defines you actual Extension. The first argument specifies the Extension name, the second optional parameter defines the required Version. If the Extension is not yet installed on the server you may wish to define how pgbundle can find it's source to build and install it. And which Extensions may be required

option description
git any git repository pgbundle can clone from
github any github repository in the form user/repository
branch an optional branch name for git or github sources defaults to master
requires an optional extension that the extension depends on
path any absolute or relative local path e.g. './foo/bar'
pgxn any repository available on
flags optional string used for make results in "make flags && make flags install"

Some Extensions may require other Extensions to allow pgbundle to resolve dependencies and install it in the right order you can define them with requires. If the required Extension is not yet available on the target server or the Extension requires a specific Version you should define it as well. E.g.

# Pgfile

database ...

pgx 'foo', '0.1.2', github: me/foo

# set foo as dependency for bar
pgx 'bar', '1.2.3', github: me/bar, requires: 'foo'

# set bar and boo as dependency for baz
# will automatically set foo as dependency as well
pgx 'baz', '0.2.3', github: me/baz, requires: ['bar', 'boo']
# installs jsquery with flag 'USE_PGXS=1'
# i.e. running make USE_PGXS=1 && make USE_PGXS=1 install
pgx 'jsquery', github: 'postgrespro/jsquery', flags: 'USE_PGXS=1'

pgbundle commands

pgbundle comes with four commands. If the optional pgfile is not given it assumes to find a file named Pgfile in the current directory.


checks availability of required extensions.

pgbundle check [pgfile]

check does not change anything on your system, it only checks which of your specified extensions are available and which are missing. It returns with exitcode 1 if any Extension is missing and 0 otherwise.


installs extensions

pgbundle install [pgfile] [-f]

install tries to install missing Extensions. If --force is given it installs all Extension even if they are already installed.


create the extension at the desired version

pgbundle create [pgfile]

create runs the CREATE EXTENSION command on the specified databases. If a version is specified in the Pgfile it tries to install with CREATE EXTENSION VERSION version. If the Extension is already created but with a wrong version, it will run ALTER EXTENSION extension_name UPDATE TO new_version.


write an initial pgfile to stdout

pgbundle init db_name -u user -h host -p port

init is there to help you get started. If you have already a database with installed Extensions you get the content for an initial Pgfile. Pgbundle will figure out which Extension at which Version are already in use and print a reasonable starting point for you Pgfile. However this is only to help you get started you may wish to specify sources and dependencies correctly.

How it works

You may already have noticed that using Extensions on postgres requires two different steps. Building the extension on the database cluster with make install and creating the extension into the database with CREATE/ALTER EXTENSION. Pgbundle reflects that with the two different commands install and create.

Usually pgbundle runs along with your application on your application server which often is different from your database machine. Thus the install step will (if necessary) try to download the source code of the extension into a temporary folder and then copy it to your database servers into /tmp/pgbundle. From there it will run make clean && make && make install for each database. You may specify as which user you want these commands to run with the system_user option. Although for security reasons not recommended you can specify to run the install step with sudo use_sudo: true, but we suggest to give write permission for the postgres system user to the install targets. If you are not sure which these are run


and find the LIBDIR, SHAREDIR and DOCDIR

master - slave

Every serious production database cluster usually has a slave often ran as Hot Standby. You should make sure that all your Extension are also installed on all slaves. Because database slaves run as read-only servers any attempt to CREATE or ALTER Extension will fail, these commands should only run on the master server and will be replicated to the slave from there. You can tell pgbundle that it should skip these steps with slave: true.