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Terminal Operations

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Author: Alexander Marin


Current Descriptions

Here is a list of SDK functions, from Terminal.h and Property.h files, that shows which functions can be replicated with the current spec:

SDK function name Described (X=Yes, O=No) Notes
Connect_Net X Without communication key.
Connect_Com O The serial communication it isn't considered.
Connect_USB O The USB communication it isn't considered.
Disconnect X Only for TCP/IP.
IsTFTMachine X Same result can be obtained with GetPlatform function.
GetDeviceStatus X
GetDeviceInfo X See Generic Requests section.
SetDeviceInfo X See Generic Requests section.
GetDeviceTime X
SetDeviceTime X
GetSerialNumber X See Generic Requests section.
GetProductCode X See Generic Requests section.
GetFirmwareVersion X
GetSDKVersion O This has nothing to do with the machine.
GetDeviceIP O Irrelevant.
SetDeviceIP O Irrelevant.
GetDeviceMAC O Irrelevant.
SetDeviceMAC O Irrelevant.
GetWiegandFmt O Irrelevant.
SetWiegandFmt O Irrelevant.
GetCardFun X See Generic Requests section.
SetDeviceCommPwd O Connection with commkey is not supported.
SetCommPassword O Connection with commkey is not supported.
QueryState X
GetVendor X See Generic Requests section.
GetDeviceStrInfo X See Generic Requests section.
GetPlatform X See Generic Requests section.
GetStrCardNumber O This is for BW devices.
SetStrCardNumber O This is for BW devices.
IsNewFirmwareMachine O Same result can be obtained with GetPlatform function.
GetDeviceFirmwareVersion O This is only for newer firmware.


In this document only connection using TCP/IP is considered.

Without Communication Key

To set a connection with the device we first need de ip address of the device, that can be manually set in the standalone machine.

First you need to setup a socket connection, using TCP/IP, with the given ip address and with the port 4370.

Then send a packet with the command CMD_CONNECT.


Keep in mind that for this packet the session id and reply number, must be zero, since the session id hasn't been assigned by the machine, and the reply number starts at zero.

The device should reply with the reply code CMD_ACK_OK.


Keep in mind that the reply number must be the same of the sent packet(zero), but the session id is defined with this packet, the client should parse and store the session id from this reply packet.

After sending the connection command is acknowledged, set the SDKBuild parameter to 1 using a CMD_OPTIONS_WRQ command.

> packet(id=CMD_OPTIONS_WRQ, data="SDKBuild=1\x00")
	> packet(id=CMD_ACK_OK)

With Communication Key

When a communication key is set in the device, and if the device doesn't receive the corresponding key, then it will reply with the reply code CMD_ACK_UNAUTH, that means that the connection hasn't been authorized.

To do this a packet with the command CMD_AUTH must be sent, the data field carries the communication key, the problem is that the key appears to be hashed, and the hash function it isn't known yet, but it seems that it depends on the session id of the machine reply, so currently there is no way to reproduce this procedure. Though this feature it isn't very useful, it only prevents other clients to send commands to the machine, but if someone have access to the network, it may still see all the trafic, since the communication it isn't encrypted, given that case, an attacker could capture the hashed value, discover the hashing function through disassembling, get the commkey and then send the correct hash, given a session id, to start a session and then send commands (like unlock door). Therefore the network used for the system must be dedicated and kept away from intruders.


To terminate a connection with a device just send packet with command CMD_EXIT.

> packet(id=CMD_EXIT)
	> packet(id=CMD_ACK_OK)

Keep in mind that the session id and reply number must be consistent with previous steps.

After that you may terminate the socket connection.

Get Device Status

To request status info from device, a disable command CMD_DISABLEDEVICE must be sent first, after that the device should reply with the command CMD_ACK_OK, then send the command CMD_GET_FREE_SIZES.

The device should reply with a command with the code CMD_ACK_OK and a data structure of 92 bytes.

Finally send the enable command CMD_ENABLEDEVICE, the device should reply with the CMD_ACK_OK code.

	> packet(id=CMD_ACK_OK)
> packet(id=CMD_GET_FREE_SIZES)
	> packet(id=CMD_ACK_OK, data=<status>)
	> packet(id=CMD_ACK_OK)

Where status is the structure of 92 bytes with the relevant info, which has the following fields:

SDK Value Name Description Position
1 admin count Number of administrators. 48
2 user count Number of registered users. 16
3 fp count Number of fingerprint templates on the machine. 24
4 pwd count Number of passwords. 52
5 oplog count Number of operation records. 40
6 attlog count Number of attendance records. 32
7 fp capacity Fingerprint template capacity. 56
8 user capacity User capacity. 60
9 attlog capacity Attendance record capacity. 64
10 remaining fp Remaining fingerprint template capacity. 68
11 remaining user Remaining user capacity. 72
12 remaining attlog Remaining attendance record capacity. 76
21 face count Number of faces. 80
22 face capacity Face capacity. 88

Note: All the values are 4-Byte wide and stored in little endian format.

The full data structure looks like this:

Offset(base 10) 0 4 8 12
0 0 0 0 0
16 user count 0 fp count 0
32 attlog count 0 oplog count 0
48 admin count pwd count fp capacity user capacity
64 attlog capacity remaining fp remaining user remaining attlog
80 face count 0 face capacity

The zeroed bytes can be seen as reserved bytes, some of them are actually accessed with the values [13,20] in the SDK function.

Device Time

Time is a very important parameter for access control, if the time is not set correctly the timezone settings will not work as expected.

Get Time

To request the device time send a CMD_GET_TIME command.


The device should reply with CMD_ACK_OK code and a 4 byte integer with the device time, stored in little endian format.

packet(id=CMD_ACK_OK, data=<enc_t>)

Where enc_t is calculated with the following formula:

enc_t = ((year%100)*12*31+((month-1)*31)+day-1)*(24*60*60)+(hour*60+minutes)*60+seconds

Which is approximately the number of seconds since 29 Aug 1999.

So to decode the date from this number, the following Python snippet may be used:

seconds = int(enc_t % 60)
minutes = int((enc_t/60.)%60)
hour = int((enc_t/(3600.))%24)
day = int(((enc_t/(3600.*24.))%31))+1
month = int(((enc_t/(3600.*24.*31.))%12))+1
year = int((enc_t/(3600.*24.)) / 365)+2000

Set Time

To change time send a packet with the command CMD_SET_TIME with a 4 byte integer with the new time, stored in little endian format, in the same format given for the get time function.

After that the machine should reply with CMD_ACK_OK, to make changes take effect send a CMD_REFRESHDATA command to load the new value, the machine should reply with CMD_ACK_OK.

This procedure can be summarized as follows:

> packet(id=CMD_SET_TIME, data=<enc_t>)
	> packet(id=CMD_ACK_OK)
> packet(id=CMD_REFRESHDATA)
	> packet(id=CMD_ACK_OK)

Generic Requests

The general procedure to read/write a list of parameters, is:

  1. Disable the device with a CMD_DISABLEDEVICE command.
  2. Read/write a set of parameters.
  3. Enable the device with a CMD_ENABLEDEVICE command.

Generic Read of Parameters

Some parameters of the device can be requested with a separate command but there is a set of parameters that can be requested with the one command, CMD_OPTIONS_RRQ, and an specific argument, which would be the name of the parameter.

> packet(id=CMD_OPTIONS_RRQ, data="<param name>\x00")
	> packet(id=CMD_ACK_OK, data="<param name>=<param value>\x00")


  • The param values are given in string format, that means that if a 1 is returned, it actually corresponds to 0x31.
  • Booleans are represented with "1" and "0".
  • Integers are given as a string number in base 10.
  • Some of these values may not be present on the machine, in that case the machine would reply with CMD_ACK_ERROR.

Here is a list of some parameters that can be requested using that format:

Parameter name Returns
~Platform Plaform name
~ZKFPVersion Integer
ZKFaceVersion -
~OS -
~ExtendFmt -
ExtendOPLog -
WorkCode Bool
Language Integer
BiometricType -
FingerFunOn Bool
~IsOnlyRFMachine Bool
FaceFunOn Bool
~OEMVendor Vendor name
~DeviceName Device name
MAC MAC address
~SerialNumber Serial number
~ProductTime Date string
~PIN2Width Integer
~IsABCPinEnable Bool
~T9FunOn Bool


1.Get platform(String):

00000000: 50 50 82 7D 12 00 00 00  0B 00 B9 E6 F3 8D 0C 00  PP.}............
00000010: 7E 50 6C 61 74 66 6F 72  6D 00                    ~Platform.

The machine may reply:

00000000: 50 50 82 7D 1D 00 00 00  D0 07 71 4C F3 8D 0C 00  PP.}......qL....
00000010: 7E 50 6C 61 74 66 6F 72  6D 3D 5A 45 4D 37 36 30  ~Platform=ZEM760
00000020: 5F 54 46 54 00                                    _TFT.

2.Get Worcode(Bool):

00000000: 50 50 82 7D 11 00 00 00  0B 00 84 C2 F3 8D 0B 00  PP.}............
00000010: 57 6F 72 6B 43 6F 64 65  00                       WorkCode.

The machine may reply:

00000000: 50 50 82 7D 13 00 00 00  D0 07 82 8A F3 8D 0B 00  PP.}............
00000010: 57 6F 72 6B 43 6F 64 65  3D 30 00                 WorkCode=0.

Get Serial Number

To request the serial number of the device, send:

> packet(id=CMD_OPTIONS_RRQ, data="~SerialNumber\x00")
	> packet(id=CMD_ACK_OK, data="~SerialNumber=<serial number>\x00")

Get Product Code

To request the product code, send:

> packet(id=CMD_OPTIONS_RRQ, data="~DeviceName\x00")
	> packet(id=CMD_ACK_OK, data="~DeviceName=<device name>\x00")

Get Card Function

This procedure comprises the request of two parameters:

> packet(id=CMD_OPTIONS_RRQ, data="~IsOnlyRFMachine\x00")
	> packet(id=CMD_ACK_OK, data="~IsOnlyRFMachine=<is_rf>\x00")
> packet(id=CMD_OPTIONS_RRQ, data="~RFCardOn\x00")
	> packet(id=CMD_ACK_OK, data="~RFCardOn=<card_on>\x00")

Where is_rf is a boolean variable, 1-Byte wide, that corresponds to 1 if the machine only supports RFID tags and 0 in the opposite case. The variable card_on is also a boolean variable, 1-Byte wide, that corresponds to 1 if the machine supports the RFID tags.

According to the SDK:

  • The function returns 1 if the machine only supports the RF card.
  • The function returns 2 if the machine supports the RF card and fingerprints.
  • The function returns 0 if the machine doesn't support the RF card.

That means that the value may be calculated with the next formula:

return value = card_on * (1 + not(is_rf))

Get Vendor

Procedure to request the vendor name:

> packet(id=CMD_OPTIONS_RRQ, data="~OEMVendor\x00")
	> packet(id=CMD_ACK_OK, data="~OEMVendor=<vendor name>\x00")

Get Device String Info

Procedure to request the product time:

> packet(id=CMD_OPTIONS_RRQ, data="~ProductTime\x00")
	> packet(id=CMD_ACK_OK, data="~ProductTime=yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS\x00")

Where the time can be easily parsed, consider the time to be in 24-hour format.

Get Platform

Procedure to request the platform:

> packet(id=CMD_OPTIONS_RRQ, data="~Platform\x00")
	> packet(id=CMD_ACK_OK, data="~Platform=<platform name>\x00")

Where the platform name specifies the device platform.

Get Device Info

This procedure it is performed in the same way that the Generic Read of Parameters:

> packet(id=CMD_OPTIONS_RRQ, data="<param name>\x00")
	> packet(id=CMD_ACK_OK, data="<param name>=<param value>\x00")

This table is based on the SDK definitions.

SDK Number Parameter name Description Permisions (RW/R) Notes
1 Maximum number of admins. NA Fixed value it isn't requested to the machine.
2 DeviceID Device ID. RW Value ranges from 1 to 254.
3 NewLng Language. RW For english it is 97.
4 IdleMinute The machine will enter standby state or power off, after this time elapses. RW Given in minutes.
5 LockOn Lock control time. RW Given in seconds.
6 AlarmAttLog Attendance record quantity alarm. RW
7 AlarmOpLog Operation record quantity alarm. RW
8 AlarmReRec Minimun time to record the same attendance state. RW Units are unknown.
9 RS232BaudRate Baud rate for RS232/485. RW Valid values are 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400 57600, 115200.
10 NA Parity check bit. NA Fixed value at 0.
11 NA Stop bit. NA Fixed value at 0.
12 NA Date separator. NA Return value fixed at 1.
13 NetworkOn Enable flag for network functions. RW
14 RS232On Enable flag for RS232. RW
15 RS485On Enable flag for RS485. RW
16 VoiceOn Enable announcements(voice). RW
17 MSpeed Perform high-speed comparison. RW Value codification is unknown.
18 IdlePower Idle mode. RW 87 indicates shutdown and 88 indicates hibernation.
19 AutoPowerOff Automatic shutdown time. RW Value 255 indicates the machine to not shutdown automatically.
20 AutoPowerOn Automatic startup time. RW Value 255 indicates the machine to not startup automatically.
21 AutoPowerSuspend Automatic hibernation time. RW Value 255 indicates the machine to not suspend automatically.
22 AutoAlarm1 Alarm 1 time. RW Value 65535 disables the alarm(t).
23 MThreshold 1:N comparison threshold. RW Integer.
24 EThreshold Registration threshold. RW Integer.
25 VThreshold 1:1 comparison threshold. RW Integer.
26 ShowScore Display matching score during verification. RW Bool.
27 UnlockPerson Number of people that may unlock the door at the same time. RW Integer.
28 OnlyPINCard Verify only the card number. RW Bool.
29 HiSpeedNet Network speed. RW Value correspondence: 1=100M-H, 4=10M-F, 5=100M-F, 8=Auto, others=10M-H.
30 MustEnroll Accept only registered cards. RW Bool.
31 TOState Timeout to return to the initial state. RW Given in seconds.
32 TOState Timeout to return to the initial state if there are no inputs after entering PIN. RW Given in seconds.
33 TOMenu Timeout to return to the initial state if there are no inputs after entering menu. RW Given in seconds.
34 DtFmt Time format. NA Value codification is unknown.
35 Must1To1 Flag for mandatory 1:1 comparison. RW Bool.
36 AutoAlarm2 Alarm 2 time. RW Value 65535 disables the alarm(t).
37 AutoAlarm3 Alarm 3 time. RW Value 65535 disables the alarm(t).
38 AutoAlarm4 Alarm 4 time. RW Value 65535 disables the alarm(t).
39 AutoAlarm5 Alarm 5 time. RW Value 65535 disables the alarm(t).
40 AutoAlarm6 Alarm 6 time. RW Value 65535 disables the alarm(t).
41-56 AS{N} Automatic status changing times. ? -1 value indicates that the status will not change automatically.
41 AS1 ?
42 AS2 ?
... AS{..} ?
56 AS16 ?
57 WGFailedID Wiegand failure ID. ?
58 WGDuressID Wiegand duress ID. ?
59 WGSiteCode Wiegand zone bit. ?
60 WGPulseWidth Pulse width of Wiegand outputs. ?
61 WGPulseInterval Pulse interval for Wiegand outputs. ?
62 ~RFSStart ID of the start sector on the Mifare card where fingerprints are stored. ?
63 ~RFSLen Total number of sectors on the Mifare card where fingerprints are stored. ?
64 ~RFFPC Number of fingerprints stored on the Mifare card. ?
65 Forbidden. NA
66 ~ShowState Wheter to display the attendance status. RW
67 Unused NA
68 Unused NA
69 TCPPort TCP Port. ?
70 UDPPort UDP Port. ?
71 ~ZKFPVersion Fingerprint algorithm version. R
72 ~ZKFaceVersion Face algorithm version. R
73 ~ZKFVVersion Finger vein version. R
74 ~FaceFunOn Face function. R
75 ~PIN2Width User id max length. R
76 IsSupportABCPin Does the user id support chars. R
77 IMEFunOn ? ?
78 IsSupportAlarmExt ? ?
79 ~DCTZ ? ?
80 ~DOTZ ? ?
81 Specify the param with the name. NA

(t) : To obtain time, convert the string number to bin, then take the 8 most significant bits, the given number will be the hour, the minutes are simply the number given by the 8 least significant bits.

? : Stands for unknown.

NA : Stands for Not Applicable.

Set Device Info

This procedure is used to change parameters of the device (see table of Device Info Parameters).

> packet(id=CMD_OPTIONS_WRQ, data="<parameter name>=<new value>\x00")
	> packet(id=CMD_ACK_OK)
	> packet(id=CMD_ACK_OK)

Also, keep in mind that some parameters are read only.


1.Changing Lock on timer(Integer):

00000000: 50 50 82 7D 11 00 00 00  0C 00 EB BB 84 C5 47 00  PP.}..........G.
00000010: 4C 6F 63 6B 4F 6E 3D 35  00                       LockOn=5.

The machine may reply with CMD_ACK_OK.

2.Changing antipassback flag(Bool):

00000000: 50 50 82 7D 19 00 00 00  0C 00 60 22 84 C5 43 00  PP.}......`"..C.
00000010: 41 6E 74 69 50 61 73 73  62 61 63 6B 4F 6E 3D 30  AntiPassbackOn=0
00000020: 00                                                .

The machine may reply with CMD_ACK_OK.

Get Firmware Version

To request the firmware version send a CMD_GET_VERSION command.


The device should reply with a CMD_ACK_OK code and a data structure with the version tag and date of the firmware:

packet(id=CMD_ACK_OK, data="Ver <version tag>  <date>\x00")


packet(id=CMD_ACK_OK, data="Ver 6.81  Apr 28 2015\x00")

Get Device State

To request the device current state send a CMD_STATE_RRQ command.


The device should reply with a CMD_ACK_OK code and the current device state, stored in the session id field in little endian format.

packet(id=CMD_ACK_OK, session id=<state>)

Where the state may have one of the following values:

Value Description
0 Waiting state.
1 Fingerprint registration state.
2 Fingerprint identification state.
3 Menu access state.
4 Busy.
5 Waiting for card writing.


Reply example

00000000: 50 50 82 7D 08 00 00 00  D0 07 F6 F7 02 00 37 00  PP.}..........7.

In this case the device is at state 2.

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