What you'll learn:
- Describe what a data science methodology is and why data scientists need a methodology.
- Apply the six stages in the Cross-Industry Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM) methodology to analyze a case study.
- Evaluate which analytic model is appropriate among predictive, descriptive, and classification models used to analyze a case study.
- Determine appropriate data sources for your data science analysis methodology.
Skills you'll gain: Data Science, Data Analysis, Python Programming, Numpy, Pandas
- W1 : From Problem to Approach and From Requirements to Collection
- W2 : From Understanding to Preparation and From Modeling to Evaluation
- W3 : From Deployment to Feedback
- Final Exam : Credit Card Fraud Detection
- References
W1 : Syllabus
- Module 1: From Problem to Approach and from Requirements to Collection
- Module 2: From Understanding to Preparation and from Modeling to Evaluation
- Module 3: From Deployment to Feedback
- Q&A Data Science ?
- Data is every where and increasing ?
: a system of methods in a particular area of study or activity- Goal(in ds) : ensure that the data is used in problem solving is relevant and properly manipulated to address the question at handle
- course by John Rollins (IBM Analytics)
From problem to approach
10 questions answered ds methodology (in netshell)
1/ What is the problem that you are trying to solve ? 2/ How can you use data to answer the question Working w/ data: 3/ What data do you need to answer the question ? 4/ Where is the data comming from (identify all sources) and how will you get it ? 5/ Is the data that you collected representative and work with the data ? 6/ what additional work is required to manipulate and work with the data ? Deriving the answer: 7/ In what way can the data be visualized to get to the answer that is required ? 8/ Does the model used really answer the initial question or does it need to be adjusted 9/ Can you put the model into practive ? 10/ Can you get constructive feedback into answering the question ?
- CRISP-DM (Cross Industry Process for Data Mining ) : DS methodology is widely used similarly to Foundational Methodology of John Rollins Methodology
- Goal : increase the use of data mining over a wide variety of business applications and industries
CRISP-DM vs Foundational Methodology
- Business Understanding: where the intention of the project is outlined w/ the Stakeholders( Communication and clarity are important)
- Data Understanding: where the Data is Collected & relies on business understanding.
- CRISP-DM combines the stages of Data Requirements, Data Collection, and Data Understanding
- Data Preparation (common to Foundational Methodology): transformation of collected data into a useble subset.
- Check in any data is missing, or ambiguity cases
- Modeling: Choose the effient model based on the prepared data.
- Data mining purpose: create useful infos
- model: reveals patterns and structures & insight into the features of interest.
- Evaluation: where the model is tested (with generated testing data) to see its effectiveness
- Deployement: the model is used on new data outside of the scope of the dataset and by new stakeholders
Reajustement: new variables, needs for the dataset to the model - revision : business needs and actions // Model and data
CRISP-DM : is flexible and cyclical model (AGILE !!!)
graph LR
a[Business understanding]-->b[Analytic approach]
b-->c[Data Requirements]
c-->d[Data Collection]
d-->e[Data Understanding]
e-->f[Data Preparation]
In methodology : Spending time to seek clarification for business understanding process
From (Business) understanding to approach?
- What's the problem that you are trying to solve ?
- understanding this stage is crucial to answer the CORE question : Which data needed to be used ?
- Understand problem == understanding the GOAL of who's asking the question
- Goal leads to the objectives (Discussion amount stakeholders, priorities definition ..)
Case study
- identify the business requeriments
- Predict the outcome
- understanding the cause of the problem
- propose solution (narrative ? )
How can you use data to answer the question?
- identify the type of pattern to address the questions most effectively
- Descriptive : current status
- Diagnostic (Statistical analysis) : what happened/happenning?
- Predictive (Forecasting) : what if these trends continue?what will happen next?
- Prescritive : how do we solve it?
- identify the type of pattern to address the questions most effectively
The correct approach depends on business requirements for the model :
- Predictive model : probability of an action
- Descriptive model : question to show relationship
- Classification model : question YES/No
Machine learning when to use ?
- learn w/out explicitily programmed
- identifies relationships and trends in data that might otherwise not be accessible or identified
- Uses clustering association approach => human behaviour
Case Study
- Decision Tree classification?
- Predictive model:
- to predict the outcome
- Decision tree classification:
- Categorical outcome,
- Explicit "decision path" showing condition leading to high risk
- likelihood of classified outcome
- Easy to understand and apply
- Predictive model:
Entropy is defined as the randomness or measuring the disorder of the information being processed in Machine Learning
From Requirements to Collection
Cooking with data:
- what ingredients are required?
- how to understand/work with them (data ingredients)
- how to prepare the data to meet the desired outcome?
Ultime question: what are data requirements ?
- Answer the : WHO ? WHAT? WHERE ? WHEN ? WHY? HOW ?
- the necessary data content
- formats, sources for initial datas
Case study
- Selecting the cohort : type of sample, charateristics, specific conditions ..
- Define the data : contents, formats, representation for decision tree(X,Y - features)
- After the previous stage (data requirement) Collection needs more or less data ?
- Tehcniques like statistical analysis and data viz can be used to study the data collected
Ultime question: What occurs during data collection?
Case study
- Gathering available data?
- Available data sources (data can come from different sources*)
- Deferring inaccessible data?
- Data Wanted but not available
- Merging data?
- DBAs and dev work together to extract data from various sources and then merge it
- Data scientist and data analytics can discuss the better ways to manage the data
- automating certains process in the database
Ungraded External Tool: Ungraded External Tool From Requirements to Collection
- Encompasses all activities related to constructing the data
- ultime question : Is the collected data representative of the problem to be solve ?
graph LR
a(Data source)-->|Cleaning-integration|b(Data cleared)
b-->|Selection-transformation|c(Prepared Data )
c-->|Data Mining|d(Patterns)
@To review?
Case Study
- Descriptive statistics (meaningful data analysis) :
- Univariate statistics
- Pairwise corrections
- histogram (to see how variables are distributed) : which data prep most efficient for the model
- Data quality (veracity) :
- Missing values?
- Invalid/misleading values
- iterative process (cyclique):
- Interative data collection and understanding
- Refined definition of "CHF admission"
- Interative data collection and understanding
Data quality process
graph LR
Cleansing data :
- removes all unwanted elements : dirt or imperfections
- most time consuming (70% - 90% of ds projects) => Automation collaction/prep process in the database=> reduce time to 50%
- data become easier to work with
- ultime question : What are the ways in which data is prepared ? => Classifying data : Invalid values, missing data, removed double, formating ..
Uu6Using domain knowledge :
- Feature engineering : Feature A, Feature B, Feature C ...
Text analysis :
- to ensure that the proper grouping are set
Data Prep - Case Study : healthcare case
- In what way can the data be visualized to get to the answer that is required?
Predictive vs Descriptive Analytics?
- Descriptive(Optimization ) : choice, desire(if i did that i'll prefere that?)
- Predictive(Timming) : YEs/No, stop/go type outcomes
- Statistic driven
- ML driven
Calibration : Using training / test sets
training seta used in predictive modeling (outcome already known)
training sets : gauge to determine if any model calibration is needed
play w/ different algos to be sure that the variable in play are required
Understanding the question the follow is required : Constant refinement, adjustments and tweaking to ensure that the outcome is solid
Was the question answered?
Modeling - Case study
- Analyzing the 1st result of model
- Analytical Decision tree classification model ? (Y/N=> Predictive )
Evaluation : Does the model used really answer the initial question or does it need to be adjusted ?
- Hand-to-hand iterative stage w/ modeling
- perfomed during model dev and before model Deployement
- requirements GOODS ? Outcome compliant w/ the custumer requeriments ?
- 2 big stages :
- diagnostic measures
- Predictive model : decision tree is used to see if the output is aligned to the initial design (then adjust)
- Descriptive model : testing sets (known outcome) are applied, and model can be refined as needed
- Statistical significance testing :
- data is handled/ interpreted within the model
- diagnostic measures
Case study
- Misclassification COST TUNING :
- Tune the relative Misclassification costs
- Balance true-positive rate / false-positive rate for best model
- Optimal model at maximum separation
- ROC (Receiver Operating charateristic Curve)
Ultimate question: Are Stakeholders familiar w/ the new tool?
Solution ?
- Solution Owner
- Marketing
- Application devs
- IT administration
The model is deployed for an ultime test
Limited user testers / Test Environment
Case Study
- Understand the results :
- Assimilate knowledge for business
- Practical understand of the meaning of model results
- Implications of model results for designing intervention actions
- Assimilate knowledge for business
- Gathering Application requeriments :
- Application requirements
- Automated, near-real-time risk assessment of CHF inpatients
- Easy to use
- Automated data preparation and scoring
- Up-to-date risk assessment to help clinicians target high-risk patients
- Application requirements
- additional requirements
- additional reqs :
- Training for clinical staff
- Tracking / Monitoring (developed w/ IT devs and database administration)
- The results go then to FEEDBACK stage to refine the model over time
- additional reqs :
- Once in play (deployement) users feedback helps to refine the model & asset it for perfo & impact
- allows to adjust the model to meet the solution required
- Methodology is a cyclical process : refinement takes place at each stage
- Philosophy : "The more you know the more you want to know"
From Deployement to Feedback
- Once the model is evaluated and the data scientistis confident it will work, it is deployed and put to the ultimate test
- Actual real-time use in the field
Case Study
: Applying the Concepts
- Assessment model performance :
- To measure results of applying the "risk model" to the outcome
Assessment model performance
=> (Data Quality) \\
(Domain Expertise) => (Time) =>> Accuracy
=> (Interpretation) //
- Initialreview of the 1st year of implementation
- Based on feedback data and knowledge
- Participation in intervention program
- Other possible refinements as yet unknown
- Review and refine intervention actions
- Redeploy
- Continue modeling, deployement, feedback, and refinement throughout the life of the intervention program
Description : Build a ML solution to detection if a particular transaction is fraudulent or Genuine?
- @todo