This process is invoked when the descriptor of a syntax element in the syntax tables is equal to f(n).
The next n bits are read from the bit stream.
This process is specified as follows:
x = 0
for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
x = 2 * x + read_bit( )
read_bit( ) reads the next bit from the bitstream and advances the bitstream pointer by 1. If the bitstream is provided as a series of bytes, then the first bit is given by the most significant bit of the first byte.
The value for the syntax element is given by x.
Aside from the uncompressed header and the partition sizes, the entire bitstream is entropy coded. The entropy decoder is referred to as the "Boolean decoder" and the function init_bool( sz ), exit_bool( ), and read_bool( p ) are used in this Specification to indicate the entropy decoding operation.
The input to this process is a variable sz specifying the number of bytes to be read by the Boolean decoder.
This process is invoked when the function init_bool( sz ) is called from the syntax structure.
Note: The bit position will always be byte aligned when init_bool is invoked because the uncompressed header and the data partitions are always a whole number of bytes long. {:.alert .alert-info }
The variable UpdateCdfs (representing if this is the biggest tile seen so far) is set equal to (sz > MaxTileSize).
The variable MaxTileSize (that tracks the largest tile size seen so far) is set equal to Max( MaxTileSize, sz ).
The variable buf is read using the f(15) parsing process.
The variable BoolValue is set to ((1 << 15) - 1) ^ buf.
The variable BoolRange is set to 1 << 15.
The variable BoolMaxBits is set to 8 * sz - 15.
A copy is made of each of the CDF arrays mentioned in the semantics for setup_past_independence. The name of the copy is the name of the CDF array prefixed with "Tile". This copying produces the following arrays:
TileDeltaLFMultiCdf[ i ] for i = 0..FRAME_LF_COUNT-1
The input to this process is a variable p which specifies the probability (in the range 0 to 255) to use during bool decode.
The output of this process is the variable bool, containing a decoded bool.
This process is invoked when the function read_bool( p ) is called from the syntax structure.
An array cdf of length 3 is constructed as follows:
cdf[ 0 ] = ( ( p << 15 ) + 256 – p ) >> 8
cdf[ 1 ] = 1 << 15
cdf[ 2 ] = 0
The return value for the function is given by read_symbol( cdf ).
This process is invoked when the function exit_bool( ) is called from the syntax structure.
The padding syntax element is read using the f(BoolMaxBits) parsing process.
It is a requirement of bitstream conformance that BoolMaxBits is greater than or equal to 0 whenever this process is invoked.
It is a requirement of bitstream conformance that padding is equal to 0.
Note: The padding is required to make the bit position byte aligned. It is legal for frames to end with more than one byte of padding. {:.alert .alert-info }
If UpdateCdfs is equal to 1, a copy is made of the final CDF values for each of the CDF arrays mentioned in the semantics for setup_past_independence. The name of the destination for the copy is the name of the CDF array prefixed with "Saved". The name of the source for the copy is the name of the CDF array prefixed with "Tile". For example, an array SavedYModeCdf will be created with values equal to TileYModeCdf.
This process is invoked when the function read_literal( n ) is invoked.
This process is specified as follows:
x = 0
for ( i = 0 ; i < n; i++ ) {
x = 2 * x + read_bool( 128 )
The return value for the function is given by x.
The input to this process is an array cdf of length N + 1 which specifies the cumulative distribution for a symbol with N possible values.
The output of this process is the variable symbol, containing a decoded syntax element. The process also modifies the input array cdf to adapt the probabilities to the content of the stream.
This process is invoked when the function read_symbol( cdf ) is called.
Note: When this process is invoked, N will be greater than 1 and cdf[ N-1 ] will be equal to 1 << 15. {:.alert .alert-info }
The variables cur, prev, and symbol are calculated as follows:
cur = BoolRange
symbol = -1
do {
prev = cur
f = ( 1 << 15 ) - cdf[ symbol ]
cur = ((BoolRange >> 8) * (f >> EC_PROB_SHIFT)) >> (7 - EC_PROB_SHIFT)
cur += EC_MIN_PROB * (N - symbol - 1)
} while ( BoolValue < cur )
Note: Implementations may prefer to store the inverse cdf to move the subtraction out of this loop. {:.alert .alert-info }
The variable BoolRange is set to prev - cur.
The variable BoolValue is set equal to BoolValue - cur.
The range and value are renormalized by the following ordered steps:
The variable bits is set to 15 – floor( log2( BoolRange ) ). This represents the number of new bits to be read from the bitstream.
The variable BoolRange is set to BoolRange << bits.
The variable newData is read using the f(bits) parsing process.
The variable BoolValue is set to newData ^ ( ( ( BoolValue + 1 ) << bits ) - 1 ).
The variable BoolMaxBits is set to BoolMaxBits - bits.
Note: bits may be equal to 0, in which case these ordered steps have no effect. {:.alert .alert-info }
The cumulative distribution is updated as follows:
rate = 3 + ( cdf[ N ] > 15 ) + ( cdf[ N ] > 31 ) + Min( floor( log2( N ) ), 2 )
tmp = 0
for (i = 0; i < N - 1; i++) {
tmp = ( i == symbol ) ? ( 1 << 15 ) : tmp
if ( tmp < cdf[ i ] ) {
cdf[ i ] -= ( ( cdf[ i ] - tmp ) >> rate )
} else {
cdf[ i ] += ( ( tmp - cdf[ i ] ) >> rate )
cdf[ N ] += ( cdf[ N ] < 32 )
Note: The last entry of the cdf array is used to keep a count of the number of times the symbol has been decoded (up to a maximum of 32). This allows the cdf to change faster for the first 32 times the symbol is decoded. Symbols with only 2 entries adapt fast for the first 8 times, then at a medium rate, then at a slow rate {:.alert .alert-info }
The return value from the function is given by symbol.
This process is invoked when the descriptor of a syntax element in the syntax tables is equal to S.
The input to this process is the name of a syntax element.
[Section 8.3.1][] specifies how a CDF array is chosen for the syntax element. The variable cdf is set equal to a reference to this CDF array.
Note: The array must be passed by reference because read_symbol will adjust the array contents. {:.alert .alert-info }
The output of this process is the result of calling the function read_symbol( cdf ).
The input to this process is the name of a syntax element.
The output of this process is a reference to a CDF array.
When the description in this section uses variables, these variables are taken to have the values defined by the syntax tables at the point that the syntax element is being decoded.
The probabilities depend on the syntax element as follows:
use_intrabc: The cdf for use_intrabc is given by TileIntrabcCdf.
intra_frame_y_mode: The cdf for intra_frame_y_mode is given by Default_Intra_Frame_Y_Mode_Cdf[ abovemode ][ leftmode ] where abovemode and leftmode are the intra modes used for the blocks immediately above and to the left of this block and are computed as:
abovemode = Intra_Mode_Context[ AvailU ? YModes[ MiRow - 1 ][ MiCol ] : DC_PRED ]
leftmode = Intra_Mode_Context[ AvailL ? YModes[ MiRow ][ MiCol - 1] : DC_PRED ]
where Intra_Mode_Context is defined as follows:
Intra_Mode_Context[ INTRA_MODES ] = {
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 0, 1, 2, 0
Note: We are using a 2D array to store the YModes for clarity. It is possible to reduce memory consumption by only storing one intra mode for each 4x4 horizontal and vertical position, i.e. to use two 1D arrays instead. {:.alert .alert-info }
y_mode: The cdf for y_mode is given by TileYModeCdf[ ctx ] where the variable ctx is computed as Size_Group[ MiSize ].
uv_mode: The cdf for uv_mode is derived as follows:
* If Max( Block_Width[ MiSize ], Block_Height[ MiSize ] ) <= 32, the cdf is given by
TileUVModeCflAllowedCdf[ YMode ].
* Otherwise, the cdf is given by TileUVModeCflNotAllowedCdf[ YMode ].
angle_delta_y: The cdf for angle_delta_y is given by TileAngleDeltaCdf[YMode - V_PRED].
angle_delta_uv: The cdf for angle_delta_uv is given by TileAngleDeltaCdf[UVMode - V_PRED].
partition: The variable ctx is computed as follows:
bsl = Mi_Width_Log2[ bSize ]
above = AvailU && ( Mi_Width_Log2[ MiSizes[ r - 1 ][ c ] ] < bsl )
left = AvailL && ( Mi_Height_Log2[ MiSizes[ r ][ c - 1 ] ] < bsl )
ctx = left * 2 + above
The cdf is derived as follows:
If bsl is equal to 1, the cdf is given by TilePartitionW8Cdf[ ctx ].
Otherwise, if bsl is equal to 2, the cdf is given by TilePartitionW16Cdf[ ctx ].
Otherwise, if bsl is equal to 3, the cdf is given by TilePartitionW32Cdf[ ctx ].
Otherwise, if bsl is equal to 4, the cdf is given by TilePartitionW64Cdf[ ctx ].
Otherwise (bsl is equal to 5), the cdf is given by TilePartitionW128Cdf[ ctx ].
split_or_horz: split_or_horz uses the same derivation for the variable ctx as for the syntax element partition.
The array partitionCdf is derived according to the cdf derivation procedure for the syntax element partition.
The cdf to return is given by an array of length 3 which is constructed as follows:
psum = ( partitionCdf[ PARTITION_VERT ] - partitionCdf[ PARTITION_VERT - 1 ] +
partitionCdf[ PARTITION_SPLIT ] - partitionCdf[ PARTITION_SPLIT - 1 ] +
partitionCdf[ PARTITION_HORZ_A ] - partitionCdf[ PARTITION_HORZ_A - 1 ] +
partitionCdf[ PARTITION_VERT_A ] - partitionCdf[ PARTITION_VERT_A - 1 ] +
partitionCdf[ PARTITION_VERT_B ] - partitionCdf[ PARTITION_VERT_B - 1 ] )
if ( bSize != BLOCK_128X128 )
psum += partitionCdf[ PARTITION_VERT_4 ] - partitionCdf[ PARTITION_VERT_4 - 1 ] )
cdf[0] = ( 1 << 15 ) - psum
cdf[1] = 1 << 15
cdf[2] = 0
Note: The syntax element split_or_horz is not allowed to return a PARTITION_VERT, so the probability for a vertical partition is assigned to the probability for the split partition. {:.alert .alert-info }
split_or_vert: split_or_vert uses the same derivation for the variable ctx as for the syntax element partition.
The array partitionCdf is derived according to the cdf derivation procedure for the syntax element partition.
The cdf to return is given by an array of length 3 which is constructed as follows:
psum = ( partitionCdf[ PARTITION_HORZ ] - partitionCdf[ PARTITION_HORZ - 1 ] +
partitionCdf[ PARTITION_SPLIT ] - partitionCdf[ PARTITION_SPLIT - 1 ] +
partitionCdf[ PARTITION_HORZ_A ] - partitionCdf[ PARTITION_HORZ_A - 1 ] +
partitionCdf[ PARTITION_HORZ_B ] - partitionCdf[ PARTITION_HORZ_B - 1 ] +
partitionCdf[ PARTITION_VERT_A ] - partitionCdf[ PARTITION_VERT_A - 1 ] )
if ( bSize != BLOCK_128X128 )
psum += partitionCdf[ PARTITION_HORZ_4 ] - partitionCdf[ PARTITION_HORZ_4 - 1 ]
cdf[0] = ( 1 << 15 ) - psum
cdf[1] = 1 << 15
cdf[2] = 0
tx_depth: the cdf depends on the value of maxRectTxSize and ctx, where ctx is computed by:
maxTxWidth = Tx_Width[ maxRectTxSize ]
maxTxHeight = Tx_Height[ maxRectTxSize ]
aboveHasCoeffs = AvailU && !Skips[ MiRow - 1 ][ MiCol ]
leftHasCoeffs = AvailL && !Skips[ MiRow ][ MiCol - 1 ]
if ( !aboveHasCoeffs && !leftHasCoeffs )
ctx = 1
else if ( !aboveHasCoeffs )
ctx = ( 2 * Tx_Height[ TxSizes[ MiRow ][ MiCol - 1 ] ] ) > maxTxHeight
else if ( !leftHasCoeffs )
ctx = ( 2 * Tx_Width[ TxSizes[ MiRow - 1 ][ MiCol ] ] ) > maxTxWidth
ctx = ( 2 * ( Tx_Width[ TxSizes[ MiRow - 1 ][ MiCol ] ] +
Tx_Height[ TxSizes[ MiRow ][ MiCol - 1 ] ] ) ) >
( maxTxWidth + maxTxHeight )
The cdf to return is given by:
TileTx64x64Cdf[ ctx ] if maxTxDepth is equal to 4.
TileTx32x32Cdf[ ctx ] if maxTxDepth is equal to 3.
TileTx16x16Cdf[ ctx ] if maxTxDepth is equal to 2.
TileTx8x8Cdf[ ctx ] otherwise.
txfm_split: the cdf is given by TileTxfmSplitCdf[ ctx ], where ctx is computed by:
if ( !AvailU ) {
aboveW = 4
} else {
if ( Skips[ row - 1][ col ] )
aboveW = Block_Width[ MiSizes[ row - 1 ][ col ] ]
aboveW = Tx_Width[ InterTxSizes[ row - 1 ][ col ] ]
if ( !AvailL ) {
leftH = 4
} else {
if ( Skips[ row - 1][ col ] )
leftH = Block_Height[ MiSizes[ row ][ col - 1 ] ]
leftH = Tx_Height[ InterTxSizes[ row ][ col - 1] ]
txW = Tx_Width[txSz]
txH = Tx_Height[txSz]
above = aboveW < txW
left = leftH < txH
size = Max( Block_Width[ MiSize ], Block_Height[ MiSize ] )
maxTxSz = find_tx_size( size, size )
if (maxTxSz >= TX_8X8) {
ctx = (txSz != maxTxSz && maxTxSz > TX_8X8) +
(TX_SIZES - 1 - maxTxSz) * 2
ctx = ctx * 3 + above + left
segment_id: The cdf is given by TileSegmentIdCdf[ ctx ] where ctx is computed by:
if (prevUL < 0 || prevU < 0 || prevL < 0)
ctx = 0
else if ((prevUL == prevU) && (prevUL == prevL))
ctx = 2
else if ((prevUL == prevU) || (prevUL == prevL) || (prevU == prevL))
ctx = 1
ctx = 0
seg_id_predicted: the cdf is given by TileSegmentIdPredictedCdf[ ctx ], where ctx is computed by:
ctx = LeftSegPredContext[ MiRow ] + AboveSegPredContext[ MiCol ]
new_mv: the cdf is given by TileNewMvCdf[ NewMvContext ].
zero_mv: the cdf is given by TileZeroMvCdf[ ZeroMvContext ].
ref_mv: the cdf is given by TileRefMvCdf[ RefMvContext ].
drl_mode: the cdf is given by TileDrlModeCdf[ DrlCtxStack[ idx ] ].
is_inter: the cdf is given by TileIsInterCdf[ ctx ] where ctx is computed by:
if ( AvailU && AvailL )
ctx = (LeftIntra && AboveIntra) ? 3 : LeftIntra || AboveIntra
else if ( AvailU || AvailL )
ctx = 2 * (AvailU ? AboveIntra : LeftIntra)
ctx = 0
use_filter_intra: the cdf is given by TileFilterIntraCdf[ TxSize ].
filter_intra_mode: the cdf is given by TileFilterIntraModeCdf.
comp_mode: the cdf is given by TileCompModeCdf[ ctx ] where ctx is computed by:
if ( AvailU && AvailL ) {
if ( AboveSingle && LeftSingle )
ctx = (AboveRefFrame[ 0 ] == CompFixedRef)
^ (LeftRefFrame[ 0 ] == CompFixedRef)
else if ( AboveSingle )
ctx = 2 + (AboveRefFrame[ 0 ] == CompFixedRef || AboveIntra)
else if ( LeftSingle )
ctx = 2 + (LeftRefFrame[ 0 ] == CompFixedRef || LeftIntra)
ctx = 4
} else if ( AvailU ) {
if ( AboveSingle )
ctx = AboveRefFrame[ 0 ] == CompFixedRef
ctx = 3
} else if ( AvailL ) {
if ( LeftSingle )
ctx= LeftRefFrame[ 0 ] == CompFixedRef
ctx = 3
} else {
ctx = 1
skip_mode: the cdf is given by TileSkipModeCdf[ ctx ] where ctx is computed by:
ctx = 0
if ( AvailU )
ctx += SkipModes[ MiRow - 1 ][ MiCol ]
if ( AvailL )
ctx += SkipModes[ MiRow ][ MiCol - 1 ]
skip: the cdf is given by TileSkipCdf[ ctx ] where ctx is computed by:
ctx = 0
if ( AvailU )
ctx += Skips[ MiRow - 1 ][ MiCol ]
if ( AvailL )
ctx += Skips[ MiRow ][ MiCol - 1 ]
comp_ref: the cdf is given by TileCompRefCdf[ ctx ][ 0 ] where ctx is computed by:
above0 = AboveRefFrame[ 0 ]
left0 = LeftRefFrame[ 0 ]
if ( AvailU && AvailL ) {
if ( AboveIntra && LeftIntra ) {
ctx = 2
} else if ( LeftIntra ) {
ctx = 1 + 2 * (!check_golden_or_last3(above0))
} else if ( AboveIntra ) {
ctx = 1 + 2 * (!check_golden_or_last3(left0))
} else {
frfa = above0
frfl = left0
if ( frfa == frfl && check_golden_or_last3(frfa) ) {
ctx = 0
} else if ( LeftSingle && AboveSingle ) {
if ((check_backward(frfa) && check_last_or_last2(frfl)) ||
(check_backward(frfl) && check_last_or_last2(frfa)))
ctx = 4
else if ( check_golden_or_last3(frfa) || check_golden_or_last3(frfl) )
ctx = 1
ctx = 3
} else if ( LeftSingle || AboveSingle ) {
frfc = LeftSingle ? frfa : frfl
rfs = AboveSingle ? frfa : frfl
if ( check_golden_or_last3(frfc) && !check_golden_or_last3(rfs) )
ctx = 1
else if ( check_golden_or_last3(rfs) && !check_golden_or_last3(frfc) )
ctx = 2
ctx = 4
} else if ( check_last_or_last2(frfa) && check_last_or_last2(frfl) ) {
ctx = 4
} else {
ctx = 2
} else if ( AvailU ) {
if ( AboveIntra ) {
ctx = 2
} else {
if ( AboveSingle )
ctx = 3 * ( !check_golden_or_last3(above0) )
ctx = 4 * ( !check_golden_or_last3(above0) )
} else if ( AvailL ) {
if ( LeftIntra ) {
ctx = 2
} else {
if ( LeftSingle )
ctx = 3 * ( !check_golden_or_last3(left0) )
ctx = 4 * ( !check_golden_or_last3(left0) )
} else {
ctx = 2
comp_ref_p1: the cdf is given by TileCompRefCdf[ ctx ][ 1 ] where ctx is computed by:
above0 = AboveRefFrame[ 0 ]
left0 = LeftRefFrame[ 0 ]
if ( AvailU && AvailL ) {
if ( AboveIntra && LeftIntra ) {
ctx = 2
} else if ( LeftIntra ) {
ctx = 1 + 2 * (!check_last(above0))
} else if ( AboveIntra ) {
ctx = 1 + 2 * (!check_last(left0))
} else {
frfa = above0
frfl = left0
if ( frfa == frfl && check_last(frfa) ) {
ctx = 0
} else if ( LeftSingle && AboveSingle ) {
if ( check_last(frfa) || check_last(frfl) )
ctx = 1
else if ( check_golden_or_last3(frfa) || check_golden_or_last3(frfl) )
ctx = 2 + (frfa != frfl)
else if ( frfa==frfl ||
(check_backward(frfa) && check_backward(frfl)))
ctx = 3
ctx = 4
} else if ( LeftSingle || AboveSingle ) {
frfc = LeftSingle ? frfa : frfl
rfs = AboveSingle ? frfa : frfl
if (check_last(frfc) && !check_last(rfs))
ctx= 1
else if (check_last(rfs) && !check_last(frfc))
ctx = 2
ctx = 3 + (frfc == LAST2_FRAME || check_golden_or_last3(rfs))
} else if ( check_last(frfa) && check_last(frfl) ) {
ctx = 2
} else {
ctx = 3 + (check_golden_or_last3(frfa) || check_golden_or_last3(frfl))
} else if ( AvailU ) {
if ( AboveIntra ) {
ctx = 2
} else {
if ( !AboveSingle )
ctx = 4 * (!check_last(above0))
else if (check_last(above0))
ctx = 0
ctx = 2 + check_golden_or_last3(above0)
} else if ( AvailL ) {
if ( LeftIntra ) {
ctx = 2
} else {
if ( !LeftSingle )
ctx = 4 * (!check_last(LeftRefFrame[ RefFrameSignBias[ BWDREF_FRAME ] ]))
else if (check_last(left0))
ctx = 0
ctx = 2 + check_golden_or_last3(left0)
} else {
ctx = 2
comp_ref_p2: the cdf is given by TileCompRefCdf[ ctx ][ 2 ] where ctx is computed by:
above0 = AboveRefFrame[ 0 ]
left0 = LeftRefFrame[ 0 ]
if ( AvailU && AvailL ) {
if ( AboveIntra && LeftIntra ) {
ctx = 2
} else if ( LeftIntra ) {
ctx = 1 + 2 * (!check_golden(above0))
} else if ( AboveIntra ) {
ctx = 1 + 2 * (!check_golden(left0))
} else {
frfa = above0
frfl = left0
if ( frfa == frfl && check_golden(frfa) ) {
ctx = 0
} else if ( LeftSingle && AboveSingle ) {
if ( check_golden(frfa) || check_golden(frfl) )
ctx = 1
else if ( check_last_or_last2(frfa) || check_last_or_last2(frfl) )
ctx = 2 + (frfa != frfl)
else if ( frfa==frfl ||
(check_backward(frfa) && check_backward(frfl)))
ctx = 3
ctx = 4
} else if ( LeftSingle || AboveSingle ) {
frfc = LeftSingle ? frfa : frfl
rfs = AboveSingle ? frfa : frfl
if (check_golden(frfc) && !check_golden(rfs))
ctx= 1
else if (check_golden(rfs) && !check_golden(frfc))
ctx = 2
ctx = 3 + (frfc == LAST3_FRAME || check_last_or_last2(rfs))
} else if ( check_golden(frfa) && check_golden(frfl) ) {
ctx = 2
} else {
ctx = 3 + (check_last_or_last2(frfa) || check_last_or_last2(frfl))
} else if ( AvailU ) {
if ( AboveIntra ) {
ctx = 2
} else {
if ( !AboveSingle )
ctx = 4 * (!check_golden(above0))
else if (check_golden(above0))
ctx = 0
ctx = 2 + check_last_or_last2(above0)
} else if ( AvailL ) {
if ( LeftIntra ) {
ctx = 2
} else {
if ( !LeftSingle )
ctx = 4 * (!check_golden(LeftRefFrame[ RefFrameSignBias[ BWDREF_FRAME ] ]))
else if (check_golden(left0))
ctx = 0
ctx = 2 + check_last_or_last2(left0)
} else {
ctx = 2
comp_bwdref: the cdf is given by TileCompBwdRefCdf[ ctx ][ 0 ] where ctx is computed by:
brfarf2Count = count_refs( BWDREF_FRAME ) + count_refs( ALTREF2_FRAME )
arfCount = count_refs( ALTREF_FRAME )
ctx = ref_count_ctx( brfarf2Count, arfCount )
where count_refs is defined as:
count_refs(frameType) {
c = 0
if ( AvailU ) {
if ( AboveRefFrame[ 0 ] == frameType ) c++
if ( AboveRefFrame[ 1 ] == frameType ) c++
if ( AvailL ) {
if ( LeftRefFrame[ 0 ] == frameType ) c++
if ( LeftRefFrame[ 1 ] == frameType ) c++
return c
and ref_count_ctx is defined as:
ref_count_ctx(counts0, counts1) {
if (counts0 < counts1)
return 0
else if (counts0 == counts1)
return 1
return 2
comp_bwdref_p1: the cdf is given by TileCompBwdRefCdf[ ctx ][ 1 ] where ctx is computed by:
brfCount = count_refs( BWDREF_FRAME )
arf2Count = count_refs( ALTREF2_FRAME )
ctx = ref_count_ctx( brfCount, arf2Count )
where count_refs and ref_count_ctx are the same as given in the CDF selection process for comp_bwdref.
single_ref_p1: the cdf is given by TileSingleRefCdf[ ctx ][ 0 ] where ctx is computed by:
above0 = AboveRefFrame[ 0 ]
left0 = LeftRefFrame[ 0 ]
if ( AvailU && AvailL ) {
if ( AboveIntra && LeftIntra ) {
ctx = 2
} else if ( LeftIntra ) {
if ( AboveSingle )
ctx = 4 * (!check_backward(above0))
ctx = 2
} else if ( AboveIntra ) {
if ( LeftSingle )
ctx = 4 * (!check_backward(left0))
ctx = 2
} else {
if ( AboveSingle && LeftSingle ) {
ctx = 2 * (!check_backward(above0)) +
2 * (!check_backward(left0))
} else if ( !AboveSingle && !LeftSingle ) {
ctx = 2
} else {
rfs = AboveSingle ? above0 : left0
ctx = (!check_backward(rfs)) ? 4 : 1
} else if ( AvailU ) {
if ( AboveIntra ) {
ctx = 2
} else {
if ( AboveSingle )
ctx = 4 * (!check_backward(above0))
ctx = 2
} else if ( AvailL ) {
if ( LeftIntra ) {
ctx = 2
} else {
if ( LeftSingle )
ctx = 4 * (!check_backward(left0))
ctx = 2
} else {
ctx = 2
single_ref_p2: the cdf is given by TileSingleRefCdf[ ctx ][ 1 ] where ctx is computed by:
brfarf2Count = count_refs( BWDREF_FRAME ) + count_refs( ALTREF2_FRAME )
arfCount = count_refs( ALTREF_FRAME )
ctx = ref_count_ctx( brfarf2Count, arfCount )
where count_refs and ref_count_ctx are the same as given in the CDF selection process for comp_bwdref.
Note: The context calculation for single_ref_p2 is the same as for comp_bwdref. ctx can only equal 0, 1, or 2 for single_ref_p2. {:.alert .alert-info }
single_ref_p3: the cdf is given by TileSingleRefCdf[ ctx ][ 2 ] where ctx is computed by:
above0 = AboveRefFrame[ 0 ]
above1 = AboveRefFrame[ 1 ]
left0 = LeftRefFrame[ 0 ]
left1 = LeftRefFrame[ 1 ]
if ( AvailU && AvailL ) {
if ( AboveIntra && LeftIntra ) {
ctx = 2
} else if ( LeftIntra ) {
if ( AboveSingle ) {
if ( check_backward(above0) )
ctx = 3
ctx = 4 * check_last_or_last2(above0)
} else {
ctx = 1 + 2 * (check_last_or_last2(above0) ||
} else if ( AboveIntra ) {
if ( LeftSingle ) {
if ( check_backward(left0) )
ctx = 3
ctx = 4 * check_last_or_last2(left0)
} else {
ctx = 1 + 2 * (check_last_or_last2(left0) ||
} else {
if ( AboveSingle && LeftSingle ) {
if (check_backward(above0) && check_backward(left0)) {
ctx = 2 + (above0 == left0)
} else if (check_backward(above0) ||
check_backward(left0)) {
edge0 = check_backward(above0) ? left0 : above0
ctx = 4 * check_last_or_last2(edge0)
} else {
ctx = 2 * check_last_or_last2(above0) + 2 * check_last_or_last2(left0)
} else if ( !AboveSingle && !LeftSingle ) {
if (above0 == left0 && above1 == left1)
ctx = 3 * (check_last_or_last2(above0) ||
check_last_or_last2(above1) ||
check_last_or_last2(left0) ||
ctx = 2
} else {
rfs = AboveSingle ? above0 : left0
crf1 = AboveSingle ? left0 : above0
crf2 = AboveSingle ? left1 : above1
if (check_last_or_last2(rfs))
ctx = 3 + (check_last_or_last2(crf1) || check_last_or_last2(crf2))
else if (check_golden_or_last3(rfs))
ctx = (check_last_or_last2(crf1) || check_last_or_last2(crf2))
ctx = 1 + 2 * (check_last_or_last2(crf1) || check_last_or_last2(crf2))
} else if ( AvailU ) {
if ( AboveIntra || (check_backward(above0) && AboveSingle) )
ctx= 2
else if ( AboveSingle )
ctx= 4 * check_last_or_last2(above0)
ctx= 3 * ( check_last_or_last2(above0) ||
check_last_or_last2(above1) )
} else if ( AvailL ) {
if ( LeftIntra || (check_backward(left0) && LeftSingle) )
ctx = 2
else if ( LeftSingle )
ctx = 4 * check_last_or_last2(left0)
ctx = 3 * ( check_last_or_last2(left0) ||
check_last_or_last2(left1) )
} else
ctx = 2
single_ref_p4: the cdf is given by TileSingleRefCdf[ ctx ][ 3 ] where ctx is computed by:
above0 = AboveRefFrame[ 0 ]
above1 = AboveRefFrame[ 1 ]
left0 = LeftRefFrame[ 0 ]
left1 = LeftRefFrame[ 1 ]
if ( AvailU && AvailL ) {
if ( AboveIntra && LeftIntra ) {
ctx = 2
} else if ( LeftIntra ) {
if ( AboveSingle ) {
if ( !check_last_or_last2(above0) )
ctx = 3
ctx = 4 * check_last(above0)
} else {
ctx = 1 + 2 * (check_last(above0) ||
} else if ( AboveIntra ) {
if ( LeftSingle ) {
if ( !check_last_or_last2(left0) )
ctx = 3
ctx = 4 * check_last(left0)
} else {
ctx = 1 + 2 * (check_last(left0) ||
} else {
if ( AboveSingle && LeftSingle ) {
if (!check_last_or_last2(above0) && !check_last_or_last2(left0)) {
ctx = 2 + (above0 == left0)
} else if (!check_last_or_last2(above0) ||
!check_last_or_last2(left0)) {
edge0 = !check_last_or_last2(above0) ? left0 : above0
ctx = 4 * check_last(edge0)
} else {
ctx = 2 * check_last(above0) + 2 * check_last(left0)
} else if ( !AboveSingle && !LeftSingle ) {
if (above0 == left0 && above1 == left1)
ctx = 3 * (check_last(above0) ||
check_last(above1) ||
check_last(left0) ||
ctx = 2
} else {
rfs = AboveSingle ? above0 : left0
crf1 = AboveSingle ? left0 : above0
crf2 = AboveSingle ? left1 : above1
if (check_last(rfs))
ctx = 3 + (check_last(crf1) || check_last(crf2))
else if (check_last2(rfs))
ctx = (check_last(crf1) || check_last(crf2))
ctx = 1 + 2 * (check_last(crf1) || check_last(crf2))
} else if ( AvailU ) {
if ( AboveIntra || (!check_last_or_last2(above0) && AboveSingle) )
ctx= 2
else if ( AboveSingle )
ctx= 4 * check_last(above0)
ctx= 3 * ( check_last(above0) ||
check_last(above1) )
} else if ( AvailL ) {
if ( LeftIntra || (!check_last_or_last2(left0) && LeftSingle) )
ctx = 2
else if ( LeftSingle )
ctx = 4 * check_last(left0)
ctx = 3 * ( check_last(left0) ||
check_last(left1) )
} else
ctx = 2
single_ref_p5: the cdf is given by TileSingleRefCdf[ ctx ][ 4 ] where ctx is computed by:
above0 = AboveRefFrame[ 0 ]
above1 = AboveRefFrame[ 1 ]
left0 = LeftRefFrame[ 0 ]
left1 = LeftRefFrame[ 1 ]
if ( AvailU && AvailL ) {
if ( AboveIntra && LeftIntra ) {
ctx = 2
} else if ( LeftIntra ) {
if ( AboveSingle ) {
if ( !check_golden_or_last3(above0) )
ctx = 3
ctx = 4 * check_last3(above0)
} else {
ctx = 1 + 2 * (check_last3(above0) ||
} else if ( AboveIntra ) {
if ( LeftSingle ) {
if ( !check_golden_or_last3(left0) )
ctx = 3
ctx = 4 * check_last3(left0)
} else {
ctx = 1 + 2 * (check_last3(left0) ||
} else {
if ( AboveSingle && LeftSingle ) {
if (!check_golden_or_last3(above0) && !check_golden_or_last3(left0)) {
ctx = 2 + (above0 == left0)
} else if (!check_golden_or_last3(above0) ||
!check_golden_or_last3(left0)) {
edge0 = !check_golden_or_last3(above0) ? left0 : above0
ctx = 4 * check_last3(edge0)
} else {
ctx = 2 * check_last3(above0) + 2 * check_last3(left0)
} else if ( !AboveSingle && !LeftSingle ) {
if (above0 == left0 && above1 == left1)
ctx = 3 * (check_last3(above0) ||
check_last3(above1) ||
check_last3(left0) ||
ctx = 2
} else {
rfs = AboveSingle ? above0 : left0
crf1 = AboveSingle ? left0 : above0
crf2 = AboveSingle ? left1 : above1
if (check_last3(rfs))
ctx = 3 + (check_last3(crf1) || check_last3(crf2))
else if (check_golden(rfs))
ctx = (check_last3(crf1) || check_last3(crf2))
ctx = 1 + 2 * (check_last3(crf1) || check_last3(crf2))
} else if ( AvailU ) {
if ( AboveIntra || (!check_golden_or_last3(above0) && AboveSingle) )
ctx= 2
else if ( AboveSingle )
ctx= 4 * check_last3(above0)
ctx= 3 * ( check_last3(above0) ||
check_last3(above1) )
} else if ( AvailL ) {
if ( LeftIntra || (!check_golden_or_last3(left0) && LeftSingle) )
ctx = 2
else if ( LeftSingle )
ctx = 4 * check_last3(left0)
ctx = 3 * ( check_last3(left0) ||
check_last3(left1) )
} else
ctx = 2
single_ref_p6: the cdf is given by TileSingleRefCdf[ ctx ][ 5 ] where ctx is computed by:
brfCount = count_refs( BWDREF_FRAME )
arf2Count = count_refs( ALTREF2_FRAME )
ctx = ref_count_ctx( brfCount, arf2Count )
where count_refs and ref_count_ctx are the same as given in the CDF selection process for comp_bwdref.
Note: The context calculation for single_ref_p6 is the same as for comp_bwdref_p1. ctx can only equal 0, 1, or 2 for single_ref_p6. {:.alert .alert-info }
compound_mode: the cdf is given by TileCompoundModeCdf[ CompoundModeContext ].
interp_filter: the cdf is given by TileInterpFilterCdf[ ctx ] where ctx is computed by:
ctx = ( ( dir & 1 ) * 2 + ( RefFrame[ 1 ] > INTRA_FRAME ) ) * 4
leftType = 3
aboveType = 3
if ( AvailL ) {
if ( RefFrames[ MiRow ][ MiCol - 1 ][ 0 ] == RefFrame[ 0 ] ||
RefFrames[ MiRow ][ MiCol - 1 ][ 1 ] == RefFrame[ 0 ] )
leftType = InterpFilters[ MiRow ] [ MiCol - 1 ][ dir ]
if ( AvailU ) {
if ( RefFrames[ MiRow - 1 ][ MiCol ][ 0 ] == RefFrame[ 0 ] ||
RefFrames[ MiRow - 1 ][ MiCol ][ 1 ] == RefFrame[ 0 ] )
aboveType = InterpFilters[ MiRow - 1 ] [ MiCol ][ dir ]
if ( leftType == aboveType )
ctx += leftType
else if ( leftType == 3 )
ctx += aboveType
else if ( aboveType == 3 )
ctx += leftType
ctx += 3
motion_mode: the cdf is given by TileMotionModeCdf[ MiSize ].
mv_joint: the cdf is given by TileMvJointCdf[ MvCtx ].
mv_sign: the cdf is given by TileMvSignCdf[ MvCtx ][ comp ].
mv_class: the cdf is given by TileMvClassCdf[ MvCtx ][ comp ].
mv_class0_bit: the cdf is given by TileMvClass0BitCdf[ MvCtx ][ comp ].
mv_class0_fr: the cdf is given by TileMvClass0FrCdf[ MvCtx ][ comp ][ mv_class0_bit ].
mv_class0_hp: the cdf is given by TileMvClass0HpCdf[ MvCtx ][ comp ].
mv_fr: the cdf is given by TileMvFrCdf[ MvCtx ][ comp ].
mv_hp: the cdf is given by TileMvHpCdf[ MvCtx ][ comp ].
mv_bit: the cdf is given by TileMvBitCdf[ MvCtx ][ comp ][ i ].
all_zero: the cdf is given by TileTxbSkipCdf[ txSzCtx ][ ctx ], where ctx is computed as follows:
maxX4 = MiCols
maxY4 = MiRows
if ( plane > 0 ) {
maxX4 = maxX4 >> subsampling_x
maxY4 = maxY4 >> subsampling_y
w = Tx_Width[txSz]
h = Tx_Height[txSz]
bw = Block_Width[ MiSize ]
bh = Block_Height[ MiSize ]
mask = use_128x128_superblock ? 255 : 127
if ( plane > 0 ) {
bw = bw >> subsampling_x
bh = bh >> subsampling_y
w4 = w4 >> subsampling_x
h4 = h4 >> subsampling_y
if (plane == 0) {
top = 0
left = 0
for (k = 0; k < w4; k++) {
if ( x4 + k < maxX4 )
top = Max( top, AboveLevelContext[ plane ][ x4 + k ] )
for (k = 0; k < h4; k++) {
if ( y4 + k < maxY4 )
left = Max( left, LeftLevelContext[ plane ][ ( y4 + k ) & mask ] )
top = Min( top, 255 )
left = Min( left, 255 )
if ( bw == w && bh == h ) {
ctx = 0
} else if ( top == 0 && left == 0 ) {
ctx = 1
} else if ( top == 0 || left == 0 ) {
ctx = 2 + ( Max( top, left ) > 3 )
} else if ( Max( top, left ) <= 3 ) {
ctx = 4
} else if ( Min( top, left ) <= 3 ) {
ctx = 5
} else {
ctx = 6
} else {
above = 0
left = 0
for( i = 0; i < w4; i++ ) {
if ( x4 + i < maxX4 ) {
above |= AboveLevelContext[ plane ][ x4 + i ]
above |= AboveDcContext[ plane ][ x4 + i ]
for( i = 0; i < h4; i++ ) {
if ( y4 + i < maxY4 ) {
left |= LeftLevelContext[ plane ][ ( y4 + i ) & mask ]
left |= LeftDcContext[ plane ][ ( y4 + i ) & mask ]
ctx = ( above != 0 ) + ( left != 0 )
ctx += 7
if ( bw * bh > w * h )
ctx += 3
eob_pt_16: the cdf is given by TileEobPt16Cdf[ ptype ][ ctx ], where ctx is computed as follows:
txType = compute_tx_type( plane, txSz, startX, startY )
ctx = ( get_tx_class( txType ) == TX_CLASS_2D ) ? 0 : 1
where get_tx_class() is defined as in the CDF selection for coeff_base.
eob_pt_32: the cdf is given by TileEobPt32Cdf[ ptype ][ ctx ], where ctx is computed as for eob_pt_16.
eob_pt_64: the cdf is given by TileEobPt64Cdf[ ptype ][ ctx ], where ctx is computed as for eob_pt_16.
eob_pt_128: the cdf is given by TileEobPt128Cdf[ ptype ][ ctx ], where ctx is computed as for eob_pt_16.
eob_pt_256: the cdf is given by TileEobPt256Cdf[ ptype ][ ctx ], where ctx is computed as for eob_pt_16.
eob_pt_512: the cdf is given by TileEobPt512Cdf[ ptype ][ ctx ], where ctx is computed as for eob_pt_16.
eob_pt_1024: the cdf is given by TileEobPt1024Cdf[ ptype ][ ctx ], where ctx is computed as for eob_pt_16.
eob_extra: the cdf is given by TileEobExtraCdf[ txSzCtx ][ ptype ][ eobPt ].
coeff_base: the cdf is given by TileCoeffBaseCdf[ txSzCtx ][ ptype ][ ctx ], where ctx is computed as follows:
ctx = get_coeff_base_ctx(txSz, plane, x4, y4, scan[c], c, 0)
where get_coeff_base_ctx is defined as:
get_coeff_base_ctx( txSz, plane, blockX, blockY, pos, c, isEob ) {
adjTxSz = Adjusted_Tx_Size[ txSz ]
bwl = Tx_Width_Log2[ adjTxSz ]
width = 1 << bwl
height = Tx_Height[ adjTxSz ]
txType = compute_tx_type( plane, txSz, blockX, blockY )
if (isEob) {
if (c == 0) {
if (c <= (height << bwl) / 8) {
if (c <= (height << bwl) / 4) {
txClass = get_tx_class( txType )
row = pos >> bwl
col = pos - (row << bwl)
mag = 0
for ( idx = 0; idx < SIG_REF_DIFF_OFFSET_NUM; idx++ ) {
refRow = row + Sig_Ref_Diff_Offset[ txClass ][ idx ][ 0 ]
refCol = col + Sig_Ref_Diff_Offset[ txClass ][ idx ][ 1 ]
if (refRow >= 0 &&
refCol >= 0 &&
refRow < height &&
refCol < width ) {
mag += Min( Abs( Quant[ (refRow << bwl) + refCol ] ), 3 )
ctx = Min( ( mag + 1 ) >> 1, 4 )
if ( txClass == TX_CLASS_2D ) {
if (row == 0 && col == 0) {
return 0
return ctx + Coeff_Base_Ctx_Offset[ txSz ][ Min( row, 4 ) ][ Min( col, 4 ) ]
idx = ( txClass == TX_CLASS_VERT ) ? row : col
return ctx + Coeff_Base_Pos_Ctx_Offset[ Min( idx, 2 ) ]
where get_tx_class is defined as:
get_tx_class( txType ) {
if ( ( txType == V_DCT ) ||
( txType == V_ADST ) ||
( txType == V_FLIPADST ) ) {
} else if ( ( txType == H_DCT ) ||
( txType == H_ADST ) ||
( txType == H_FLIPADST ) ) {
} else
return TX_CLASS_2D
Coeff_Base_Ctx_Offset is defined as:
Coeff_Base_Ctx_Offset[ TX_SIZES_ALL ][ 5 ][ 5 ] = {
{ 0, 1, 6, 6, 0 },
{ 1, 6, 6, 21, 0 },
{ 6, 6, 21, 21, 0 },
{ 6, 21, 21, 21, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
{ 0, 1, 6, 6, 21 },
{ 1, 6, 6, 21, 21 },
{ 6, 6, 21, 21, 21 },
{ 6, 21, 21, 21, 21 },
{ 21, 21, 21, 21, 21 }
{ 0, 1, 6, 6, 21 },
{ 1, 6, 6, 21, 21 },
{ 6, 6, 21, 21, 21 },
{ 6, 21, 21, 21, 21 },
{ 21, 21, 21, 21, 21 }
{ 0, 1, 6, 6, 21 },
{ 1, 6, 6, 21, 21 },
{ 6, 6, 21, 21, 21 },
{ 6, 21, 21, 21, 21 },
{ 21, 21, 21, 21, 21 }
{ 0, 1, 6, 6, 21 },
{ 1, 6, 6, 21, 21 },
{ 6, 6, 21, 21, 21 },
{ 6, 21, 21, 21, 21 },
{ 21, 21, 21, 21, 21 }
{ 0, 11, 11, 11, 0 },
{ 11, 11, 11, 11, 0 },
{ 6, 6, 21, 21, 0 },
{ 6, 21, 21, 21, 0 },
{ 21, 21, 21, 21, 0 }
{ 0, 16, 6, 6, 21 },
{ 16, 16, 6, 21, 21 },
{ 16, 16, 21, 21, 21 },
{ 16, 16, 21, 21, 21 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
{ 0, 11, 11, 11, 11 },
{ 11, 11, 11, 11, 11 },
{ 6, 6, 21, 21, 21 },
{ 6, 21, 21, 21, 21 },
{ 21, 21, 21, 21, 21 }
{ 0, 16, 6, 6, 21 },
{ 16, 16, 6, 21, 21 },
{ 16, 16, 21, 21, 21 },
{ 16, 16, 21, 21, 21 },
{ 16, 16, 21, 21, 21 }
{ 0, 11, 11, 11, 11 },
{ 11, 11, 11, 11, 11 },
{ 6, 6, 21, 21, 21 },
{ 6, 21, 21, 21, 21 },
{ 21, 21, 21, 21, 21 }
{ 0, 16, 6, 6, 21 },
{ 16, 16, 6, 21, 21 },
{ 16, 16, 21, 21, 21 },
{ 16, 16, 21, 21, 21 },
{ 16, 16, 21, 21, 21 }
{ 0, 11, 11, 11, 11 },
{ 11, 11, 11, 11, 11 },
{ 6, 6, 21, 21, 21 },
{ 6, 21, 21, 21, 21 },
{ 21, 21, 21, 21, 21 }
{ 0, 16, 6, 6, 21 },
{ 16, 16, 6, 21, 21 },
{ 16, 16, 21, 21, 21 },
{ 16, 16, 21, 21, 21 },
{ 16, 16, 21, 21, 21 }
{ 0, 11, 11, 11, 0 },
{ 11, 11, 11, 11, 0 },
{ 6, 6, 21, 21, 0 },
{ 6, 21, 21, 21, 0 },
{ 21, 21, 21, 21, 0 }
{ 0, 16, 6, 6, 21 },
{ 16, 16, 6, 21, 21 },
{ 16, 16, 21, 21, 21 },
{ 16, 16, 21, 21, 21 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
{ 0, 11, 11, 11, 11 },
{ 11, 11, 11, 11, 11 },
{ 6, 6, 21, 21, 21 },
{ 6, 21, 21, 21, 21 },
{ 21, 21, 21, 21, 21 }
{ 0, 16, 6, 6, 21 },
{ 16, 16, 6, 21, 21 },
{ 16, 16, 21, 21, 21 },
{ 16, 16, 21, 21, 21 },
{ 16, 16, 21, 21, 21 }
{ 0, 11, 11, 11, 11 },
{ 11, 11, 11, 11, 11 },
{ 6, 6, 21, 21, 21 },
{ 6, 21, 21, 21, 21 },
{ 21, 21, 21, 21, 21 }
{ 0, 16, 6, 6, 21 },
{ 16, 16, 6, 21, 21 },
{ 16, 16, 21, 21, 21 },
{ 16, 16, 21, 21, 21 },
{ 16, 16, 21, 21, 21 }
and Coeff_Base_Pos_Ctx_Offset is defined as:
Coeff_Base_Pos_Ctx_Offset[ 3 ] = {
coeff_base_eob: the cdf is given by TileCoeffBaseEobCdf[ txSzCtx ][ ptype ][ ctx ], where ctx is computed as follows:
ctx = get_coeff_base_ctx(txSz, plane, x4, y4, scan[c], c, 1) - SIG_COEF_CONTEXTS + SIG_COEF_CONTEXTS_EOB
where get_coeff_base_ctx() is as defined in the CDF selection for coeff_base.
dc_sign: the cdf is given by TileDcSignCdf[ ptype ][ ctx ], where ctx is computed as follows:
maxX4 = MiCols
maxY4 = MiRows
if ( plane > 0 ) {
maxX4 = maxX4 >> subsampling_x
maxY4 = maxY4 >> subsampling_y
dcSign = 0
for ( k = 0; k < w4; k++ ) {
if ( x4 + k < maxX4 ) {
sign = AboveDcContext[ plane ][ x4 + k ]
if ( sign == 1 ) {
} else if ( sign == 2 ) {
mask = use_128x128_superblock ? 255 : 127
for ( k = 0; k < h4; k++ ) {
if ( y4 + k < maxY4 ) {
sign = LeftDcContext[ plane ][ ( y4 + k ) & mask ]
if ( sign == 1 ) {
} else if ( sign == 2 ) {
if ( dcSign < 0 ) {
ctx = 1
} else if ( dcSign > 0 ) {
ctx = 2
} else {
ctx = 0
coeff_br: the cdf is given by TileCoeffBrCdf[ Min( txSzCtx, TX_32X32 ) ][ ptype ][ ctx ], where ctx is computed as follows:
adjTxSz = Adjusted_Tx_Size[ txSz ]
bwl = Tx_Width_Log2[ adjTxSz ]
txw = Tx_Width[ adjTxSz ]
txh = Tx_Height[ adjTxSz ]
row = pos >> bwl
col = pos - (row << bwl)
mag = 0
txType = compute_tx_type( plane, txSz, x4, y4 )
txClass = get_tx_class( txType )
for ( idx = 0; idx < 3; idx++ ) {
refRow = row + Mag_Ref_Offset_With_Tx_Class[ txClass ][ idx ][ 0 ]
refCol = col + Mag_Ref_Offset_With_Tx_Class[ txClass ][ idx ][ 1 ]
if ( refRow >= 0 &&
refCol >= 0 &&
refRow < txh &&
refCol < (1 << bwl) ) {
mag += Min( Quant[ refRow * txw + refCol ], COEFF_BASE_RANGE + NUM_BASE_LEVELS + 1 )
mag = Min( ( mag + 1 ) >> 1, 6 )
if ( pos == 0 ) {
ctx = mag
} else if (txClass == 0) {
if ( ( row < 2 ) && ( col < 2 ) ) {
ctx = mag + 7
} else {
ctx = mag + 14
} else {
if ( txClass == 1 ) {
if ( col == 0 ) {
ctx = mag + 7
} else {
ctx = mag + 14
} else {
if ( txClass == 2 ) {
if ( row == 0 ) {
ctx = mag + 7
} else {
ctx = mag + 14
} else {
ctx = mag + 14
where get_tx_class() is defined as in the CDF selection for coeff_base, and Mag_Ref_Offset_With_Tx_Class is defined as:
Mag_Ref_Offset_With_Tx_Class[ 3 ][ 3 ][ 2 ] = {
{ { 0, 1 }, { 1, 0 }, { 1, 1 } },
{ { 0, 1 }, { 1, 0 }, { 0, 2 } },
{ { 0, 1 }, { 1, 0 }, { 2, 0 } }
has_palette_y: the cdf is given by TilePaletteYModeCdf[ bsizeCtx ][ ctx ] where ctx is computed as follows:
ctx = 0
if ( AvailU && PaletteSizes[ 0 ][ MiRow - 1 ][ MiCol ] > 0 )
ctx += 1
if ( AvailL && PaletteSizes[ 0 ][ MiRow ][ MiCol - 1 ] > 0 )
ctx += 1
has_palette_uv: the cdf is given by TilePaletteUVModeCdf[ ctx ] where ctx is computed as follows:
ctx = ( PaletteSizeY > 0 ) ? 1 : 0
palette_size_y_minus_2: the cdf is given by TilePaletteYSizeCdf[ bsizeCtx ].
palette_size_uv_minus_2: the cdf is given by TilePaletteUVSizeCdf[ bsizeCtx ].
palette_color_idx_y: the cdf depends on PaletteSizeY, as follows:
PaletteSizeY | cdf |
2 | TilePaletteSize2YColorCdf[ ctx ] |
3 | TilePaletteSize3YColorCdf[ ctx ] |
4 | TilePaletteSize4YColorCdf[ ctx ] |
5 | TilePaletteSize5YColorCdf[ ctx ] |
6 | TilePaletteSize6YColorCdf[ ctx ] |
7 | TilePaletteSize7YColorCdf[ ctx ] |
8 | TilePaletteSize8YColorCdf[ ctx ] |
{:.table .table-sm .table-bordered } |
where ctx is computed as follows:
ctx = Palette_Color_Context[ ColorContextHash ]
palette_color_idx_uv: the cdf depends on PaletteSizeUV, as follows:
PaletteSizeUV | cdf |
2 | TilePaletteSize2UVColorCdf[ ctx ] |
3 | TilePaletteSize3UVColorCdf[ ctx ] |
4 | TilePaletteSize4UVColorCdf[ ctx ] |
5 | TilePaletteSize5UVColorCdf[ ctx ] |
6 | TilePaletteSize6UVColorCdf[ ctx ] |
7 | TilePaletteSize7UVColorCdf[ ctx ] |
8 | TilePaletteSize8UVColorCdf[ ctx ] |
{:.table .table-sm .table-bordered } |
where ctx is computed as follows:
ctx = Palette_Color_Context[ ColorContextHash ]
delta_q_abs: the cdf is given by TileDeltaQCdf.
delta_lf_abs: the cdf is derived as follows:
If delta_lf_multi is equal to 0, the cdf is given by TileDeltaLFCdf.
Otherwise (delta_lf_multi is equal to 1), the cdf is given by TileDeltaLFMultiCdf[ i ].
intra_tx_type: the cdf depends on the variable set, as follows:
set | cdf |
TX_SET_INTRA_1 | TileIntraTxTypeSet1Cdf[ Tx_Size_Sqr[ txSz ] ][ intraDir ] |
TX_SET_INTRA_2 | TileIntraTxTypeSet2Cdf[ Tx_Size_Sqr[ txSz ] ][ intraDir ] |
{:.table .table-sm .table-bordered } |
where the variable intraDir is derived as follows:
If use_filter_intra is equal to 1, intraDir is set equal to Filter_Intra_Mode_To_Intra_Dir[ filter_intra_mode ],
Otherwise (use_filter_intra is equal to 0), intraDir is set equal to YMode.
The table Filter_Intra_Mode_To_Intra_Dir is defined as:
Filter_Intra_Mode_To_Intra_Dir[ INTRA_FILTER_MODES ] = {
inter_tx_type: the cdf depends on the variable set, as follows:
set | cdf |
TX_SET_INTER_1 | TileInterTxTypeSet1Cdf[ Tx_Size_Sqr[ txSz ] ] |
TX_SET_INTER_2 | TileInterTxTypeSet2Cdf[ Tx_Size_Sqr[ txSz ] ] |
TX_SET_INTER_3 | TileInterTxTypeSet3Cdf[ Tx_Size_Sqr[ txSz ] ] |
{:.table .table-sm .table-bordered } |
comp_ref_type: The cdf is given by TileCompRefTypeCdf[ ctx ], where ctx is computed as follows:
above0 = AboveRefFrame[ 0 ]
above1 = AboveRefFrame[ 1 ]
left0 = LeftRefFrame[ 0 ]
left1 = LeftRefFrame[ 1 ]
aboveCompInter = AvailU && !AboveIntra && !AboveSingle
leftCompInter = AvailL && !LeftIntra && !LeftSingle
aboveUniComp = aboveCompInter && is_samedir_ref_pair(above0, above1)
leftUniComp = leftCompInter && is_samedir_ref_pair(left0, left1)
if (AvailU && !AboveIntra && AvailL && !LeftIntra) {
samedir = is_samedir_ref_pair(above0, left0)
if (!aboveCompInter && !leftCompInter) {
ctx = 1 + 2 * samedir
} else if (!aboveCompInter) {
if (!leftUniComp)
ctx = 1
ctx = 3 + samedir
} else if (!leftCompInter) {
if (!aboveUniComp)
ctx = 1
ctx = 3 + samedir
} else {
if (!aboveUniComp && !leftUniComp)
ctx = 0
else if (!aboveUniComp || !leftUniComp)
ctx = 2
ctx = 3 + ((above0 == BWDREF_FRAME) == (left0 == BWDREF_FRAME))
} else if (AvailU && AvailL) {
if (aboveCompInter)
ctx = 1 + 2 * aboveUniComp
else if (leftCompInter)
ctx = 1 + 2 * leftUniComp
ctx = 2
} else if (aboveCompInter) {
ctx = 4 * aboveUniComp
} else if (leftCompInter) {
ctx = 4 * leftUniComp
} else {
ctx = 2
where is_samedir_ref_pair is defined as:
is_samedir_ref_pair(ref0, ref1) {
if (ref0 <= INTRA_FRAME || ref1 <= INTRA_FRAME)
return 0
return (ref0 >= BWDREF_FRAME) == (ref1 >= BWDREF_FRAME)
uni_comp_ref: The cdf is given by TileUniCompRefCdf[ ctx ][ 0 ], where ctx is computed as follows:
fwdCount = count_refs( LAST_FRAME )
fwdCount += count_refs( LAST2_FRAME )
fwdCount += count_refs( LAST3_FRAME )
fwdCount += count_refs( GOLDEN_FRAME )
bwdCount = count_refs( BWDREF_FRAME )
bwdCount += count_refs( ALTREF2_FRAME )
bwdCount += count_refs( ALTREF_FRAME )
ctx = ref_count_ctx( fwdCount, bwdCount )
where count_refs and ref_count_ctx are the same as given in the CDF selection process for comp_bwdref.
uni_comp_ref_p1: The cdf is given by TileUniCompRefCdf[ ctx ][ 1 ], where ctx is computed as follows:
last2Count = count_refs( LAST2_FRAME )
last3GoldCount = count_refs( LAST3_FRAME ) + count_refs( GOLDEN_FRAME )
ctx = ref_count_ctx( last2Count, last3GoldCount )
where count_refs and ref_count_ctx are the same as given in the CDF selection process for comp_bwdref.
uni_comp_ref_p2: The cdf is given by TileUniCompRefCdf[ ctx ][ 2 ], where ctx is computed as follows:
last3Count = count_refs( LAST3_FRAME )
goldCount = count_refs( GOLDEN_FRAME )
ctx = ref_count_ctx( last3Count, goldCount )
where count_refs and ref_count_ctx are the same as given in the CDF selection process for comp_bwdref.
comp_group_idx: The cdf is given by TileCompGroupIdxCdf[ ctx ], where ctx is computed as follows:
ctx = 0
if ( AvailU ) {
if ( !AboveSingle )
ctx += CompGroupIdxs[ MiRow - 1 ][ MiCol ]
else if (AboveRefFrame[ 0 ] == ALTREF_FRAME)
ctx += 3
if ( AvailL ) {
if ( !LeftSingle )
ctx += CompGroupIdxs[ MiRow ][ MiCol - 1 ]
else if (LeftRefFrame[ 0 ] == ALTREF_FRAME)
ctx += 3
compound_idx: The cdf is given by TileCompoundIdxCdf[ ctx ], where ctx is computed as follows:
fwd = Abs( OrderHints[ RefFrame[ 0 ] ] - OrderHint )
bck = Abs( OrderHints[ RefFrame[ 1 ] ] - OrderHint )
ctx = ( fwd == bck ) ? 3 : 0
if ( AvailU ) {
if ( !AboveSingle )
ctx += CompoundIdxs[ MiRow - 1 ][ MiCol ]
else if (AboveRefFrame[ 0 ] == ALTREF_FRAME)
if ( AvailL ) {
if ( !LeftSingle )
ctx += CompoundIdxs[ MiRow ][ MiCol - 1 ]
else if (LeftRefFrame[ 0 ] == ALTREF_FRAME)
compound_type: The cdf is given by TileCompoundTypeCdf[ MiSize ].
interintra: The cdf is given by TileInterIntraCdf[ ctx ], where ctx is computed as follows:
ctx = Size_Group[ MiSize ]
interintra_mode: The cdf is given by TileInterIntraModeCdf[ ctx ], where ctx is computed as follows:
ctx = Size_Group[ MiSize ]
wedge_interintra: The cdf is given by TileWedgeInterIntraCdf[ MiSize ].
use_obmc: The cdf is given by TileUseObmcCdf[ MiSize ].
cfl_alpha_signs: The cdf is given by TileCflSignCdf.
cfl_alpha_u: The cdf is given by TileCflAlphaCdf[ ctx ] where ctx is computed as follows:
ctx = (signU - 1) * 3 + signV
Note: The variable ctx produced by this calculation will be equal to cfl_alpha_signs - 2. {:.alert .alert-info }
cfl_alpha_v: The cdf is given by TileCflAlphaCdf[ ctx ] where ctx is computed as follows:
ctx = (signV - 1) * 3 + signU
use_wiener: The cdf is given by TileUseWienerCdf.
use_sgrproj: The cdf is given by TileUseSgrprojCdf.
restoration_type: The cdf is given by TileRestorationTypeCdf.