This small repository contains my lab work from the summer of 2022. Its purpose is to show how that coursework can be counted as data science experience: it involved the recording, visualization, and interpretation of data.
The work is separated into:
- Biology labs completed for BIO f206L: Intro Biology Lab, and
- Physics labs completed for PHY f105M: Lab for Physics I. This was alongside BIO 311C: Biology I, and PHY 317K: Physics I.
In total, this was 4 months' worth of material compressed into 6 weeks. In terms of real time, the lab work counts for 1 month of experience. In terms of content, it counts for 4 months. The fact that I completed this work so quickly (and with straight A's) should not detract from the amount of work it really was; I worked nearly every waking minute from late May to early July. I consider this experience to have been a personal crucible. It was proof to me that I have the resolve to persevere through unreasonable levels of absorbing and applying new material, hence reasonable levels I can surely manage.