This little guide is my reference when I am setting up a new machine with GNU/Linux.
- install linux
- update everything
- settings setup
- little fixes
- web browser logins
- ssh and gpg setup
- terminal setup
- extra packages
- dotfiles
Download your distro of choice and install it on your machine (I'll use a Debian based one as reference). Set your username, hostname, password and so on.
Turn off automatic updates and run these commands in the terminal.
First install these package managers (or some of them) following the official guides:
Then you can launch the
script, it will automatically install lots of useful packages.
Otherwise, manually select which one you'd like to install (just delete or comment the unwanted lines).
- Set system settings.
- Set file manager settings.
- Restore data from backup (optional).
- Setup dock (minimal).
- Install language support.
- Set hostname.
mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
# manually add caffeine-indicator as a startup application.
Open up your browser and start logging inside your main websites.
Set up your ssh and gpg keys correctly and test them.
The main color scheme theme is catppuccin in the variant Catppuccin-Macchiato
. Apply it to these main applications, if installed (some of them are automatically configured in the dotfiles):
- alacritty
- firefox
- gedit
- gnome-terminal
- jetbrains-icons
- jetbrains
- kitty
- nvim
- slack
- spotify-player
- tmux
- vim
- vscode
- xfce4-terminal
- zellij
Set the terminal profile Catppuccin-Macchiato
as default.
Install Alacritty.
Install Kitty.
# create a symbolic link (it will only work for the current user though)
sudo ln -s ~/.cargo/bin/alacritty /usr/local/bin/alacritty
sudo ln -s ~/.local/ /usr/local/bin/kitty
From now on, from Gnome, with alt + f2
you can run alacritty
or kitty
These extra packages must be installed manually.
- 1password
- chrome
- composer
- devilbox
- docker
- dua-cli
- jetbrains-mono
- kitty
- lazydocker
- lazygit
- nvm
- toolbox app
- wp-cli
Add the dotfiles to your system (beware that there are a few ones only for macOS).
This includes mainly includes .config/*
and .local/bin/*
, plus a few other files.