# install dependencies
yarn install
# dev server
yarn dev
# production build (fails to open locally with file:// protocol due to cors)
yarn build
Warning: this operation may result in the same puzzle repeating too often.
This operation is not idempotent. Re-creating allAnswers.json will change the order of the puzzles, which could result in the same puzzle twice in a row on deploy in the worst case. As of the latest version (v2.2.0) I've made createRandomGenerator
that produces pseudo-random numbers but can be given a seed to produce the same sequence of random numbers. This should make the operation idempotent.
This is only required if there are changes towordsAdded.txt
.yarn createAllWords
yarn createFiles
must already exist. It must contain a single word per line.answers.txt
and pangrams.txt are created for debugging.allAnswers.json
is created for use in the game.
# lint check
yarn lint
# lint autofix
yarn lintfix
# set version prefix
yarn config set version-tag-prefix "v"
# set version explicitly
yarn version --new-version <version>
# bump minor version
yarn version --minor
Favicons created with http://faviconer.com http://faviconer.com/user/17914
Page counting at https://spelling-b.goatcounter.com/