method: POST
What you need :
- application id
- authenticity token
you can get application id from id="application_id" after you log in
example :
<input type="hidden" name="application_id" id="application_id" value="231d4a86905f0f262c5dsad">
you can get authenticity token from same form with application id or you can use login authenticity token. but you must convert it to url encode example:
curl "" --data "application_id=231d4a86905f0f262c5dsad&authenticity_token="%"2BAwWZPxvZypGyQtawe3yIFkd7raadK"%"2FDWe"%"2B"%"2FqHvn7tGeG5VIMUmiK76czJZgZbk9R3Va24USkrFIYoKRVPuEiw%3D"%"3D"
response what you need is access_token from body response