This repository stores and serves my personal website at The source code, used for development, is stored in src/, and the compiled code, used to display the web page, is stored in docs/. I will provide snippets later so that you won't have to download the whole repository just for a feature.
The website is built in native HTML, CSS, and Javascript and supports all major browsers based on Chromium (Chrome, Edge, etc.), WebKit (Safari) and moz (Firefox).
- Node.js
- Sass
- Parcel v2
- package.json contains all required modules.
Parcel is a compiler that takes all of your files and dependencies, transforms them, and merges them together into a smaller set of output files that can serve as a web page.
The install Parcel, use npm install -D parcel@next
The following three commands, stored in package.json, are set up of develeopment, production and release:
npm run dev
is useful for development. It serves live page on localhost.npm run build
is used for debugging and local testing. It complies the source code to docs/ with local hyperlink references.npm run publish
is for the final release. It complies the source code to docs/ but with absolute hyperlink references ("").
Note that the compiled CSS and JS file in docs/ will not be overwritten. You need to clean them manually.
This project is licensed under the terms of MIT License.