Create config guides for each board
recommended fps and resolution. Zero W is the trickiest. Keeps stalling on me.
- Use rpi-imager to install Pi OS Lite to an SDCard
- Boot your pi. Set the hostname, enable the legacy camera interface, timezone, keyboard and locale
- apt update && apt upgrade
- apt install git
- Clone the pimera repo
- cd mmal-version
- Run make target for your board: make four, make three, make zero
- Make ~/h264 folder to store videos
- Adjust mmal-version/settings.ini as desired
- Adjust cpu-metrics/cpu-metrics.service for your StatsD / InfluxDB server. MORE WORK NEEDED HERE
- Copy cpu-metrics/cpu-metrics.service
- Adjust mmal-version/pimera.service if necessary and copy to /etc/systemd/system
- systemctl daemon-reload
- Use systemctl enable on cpu-metrics and pimera if you want them to start on boot
- Run systemctl start cpu-metrics to start CPU usage and temperature collection now
- Run systemctl start pimera to start PiMera now
- Open http://IP_OF_PI:8080 to view the live stream and select the detection region
I use Debian.
TODO: adapt video-browser/ to work without Caddy
- Install mysql/mariadb, python3 and venv, the caddy webserver
- Clone the pimera repository
- Prepare mysql database
- Fetch YOLO model
- Update pimera/config.json with database credentials, path to YOLO model, path to videos, path to thumbnails