This guide assumes that you are inside folder that contains following:
- application executable.xroad-mock-proxy-example.yaml
- application configuration file examplexroad-mock-proxy.service
- Systemd service filecertificates
- folder containing X-road server certificatesmock
- folder containing X-road mock service response templatesweb
- folder containing mock/proxy frontend files
Hypothetical use case for proxy/mock:
- You are required to communicate with X-road through client auth TLS security server.
- X-road security server is located at (host:port)
- Client Apps must use client auth TLS even with Xroad mock/proxy
- You decide to serve proxy on all network interfaces on port
because we are going to connect to it from different server
Create certificates for proxy server. This is where we serve your proxy for Xroad
# generate private key with password export PASSWORD=SuperSecret1 openssl genrsa -passout env:PASSWORD -aes128 -out proxy_server_key.pem 4096 # generate certificate openssl req -x509 -key proxy_server_key.pem -passin env:PASSWORD -out proxy_server_cert.pem -nodes -days 3650 -subj "/CN=localhost/O=Xroad\ mock\ proxy"
Create client certificates for you application. This is needed as we server proxy over client certificate auth TLS (as our X-road security server does)
Create key and certificate signing request (CSR) for
client app1
extension NB: drop-nodes
from args if you want private key to have password# Ubuntu: /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf # Centos: /etc/pki/tls/openssl.cnf openssl req -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout client_app1_key.pem -out client_app1_csr.pem -nodes -subj "/CN=client-app1" \ -reqexts cert_ext -config <(cat /etc/pki/tls/openssl.cnf <(printf "\n[cert_ext]\nextendedKeyUsage=serverAuth,clientAuth"))
client app1
CSR with server key to create client certificate. NB: If you are going to issue multiple certificates then increment-set_serial 01
value for unique ID for certificatesopenssl x509 -req -in client_app1_csr.pem -CA proxy_server_cert.pem -CAkey proxy_server_key.pem -out client_app1.pem -set_serial 01 -days 3650
Create PKCS#12 keystore for our
certificate and key. This is used as client app JAVA keystore# NB: password is a must. The KeyStore fails to work with JSSE without a password openssl pkcs12 -export -in client_app1.pem -inkey client_app1_key.pem \ -out client_app1.p12 -name xroad-proxy \ -CAfile proxy_server_cert.pem -caname root
Extract X-road security server certificates and private key from existing java keystore
# convert Java keystore to PKCS12 so we can get cert/key out of it keytool -importkeystore \ -srckeystore keystore.jks \ -destkeystore keystore.p12 \ -deststoretype PKCS12 \ -srcalias xroad-client-alias \ -deststorepass keystore-password \ -destkeypass privatekey-password # Export certificate using openssl: openssl pkcs12 -in keystore.p12 -nokeys -out xroad-client-cert.pem # Export unencrypted private key: openssl pkcs12 -in keystore.p12 -nodes -nocerts -out xroad-client-key.pem
Extract X-road security server certificate to be used as
openssl s_client -showcerts -servername -connect \ </dev/null 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform PEM > xroad-server-cert.pem
Create system user for application. For security reasons no shell, no home, no nothing
sudo adduser -r -s /usr/sbin/nologin xroad
Create folder for application and its configuration
sudo mkdir -p /opt/app/xroad-mock-proxy sudo chown xroad:xroad /opt/app/xroad-mock-proxy sudo chmod 750 /opt/app/xroad-mock-proxy
Copy certificates to conf folder
sudo mkdir -p /opt/app/xroad-mock-proxy/certificates/ sudo cp proxy_server_*.pem /opt/app/xroad-mock-proxy/certificates/ sudo cp xroad-*.pem /opt/app/xroad-mock-proxy/certificates/
Copy mock response files for predefined mock responses
sudo cp -r mock /opt/app/xroad-mock-proxy/
assets for proxy and mock frontendsudo cp -r web /opt/app/xroad-mock-proxy/
Copy application and it's configuration files to
sudo cp xroad-mock-proxy /opt/app/xroad-mock-proxy/ sudo cp .xroad-mock-proxy-example.yaml /opt/app/xroad-mock-proxy/.xroad-mock-proxy.yaml # fix permissions for this and previous steps sudo chown xroad:xroad -R /opt/app/xroad-mock-proxy sudo chmod 750 -R /opt/app/xroad-mock-proxy
Edit configuration file
Configure network interface, port and certificates for proxy server
proxy: server: address: '' tls: ca_file: '/opt/app/xroad-mock-proxy/certificates/proxy_server_cert.pem' cert_file: '/opt/app/xroad-mock-proxy/certificates/proxy_server_cert.pem' key_file: '/opt/app/xroad-mock-proxy/certificates/proxy_server_key.pem' key_password: 'SuperSecret1' # (optional) force_client_cert_auth: true # force client auth TLS instead of regular HTTPS
Configure X-road security server as default route to proxy requests
proxy: routes: servers: - name: 'real-xroad' is_default: true address: '' tls: ca_file: '/opt/app/xroad-mock-proxy/certificates/xroad-server-cert.pem' cert_file: '/opt/app/xroad-mock-proxy/certificates/xroad-client-cert.pem' key_file: '/opt/app/xroad-mock-proxy/certificates/xroad-client-key.pem' key_password: '' # (optional) fill if you created private key with password
Copy systemd service file, enable service to start after reboot and start it right now
sudo cp xroad-mock-proxy.service /lib/systemd/system/. sudo chmod 755 /lib/systemd/system/xroad-mock-proxy.service sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable xroad-mock-proxy.service sudo systemctl start xroad-mock-proxy.service
Check service status
sudo systemctl start xroad-mock-proxy.service
Tail service logs from
to see if everything is oksudo journalctl -u xroad-mock-proxy -f
Test proxy with CURL
curl -v \ --cacert ./proxy_server_cert.pem \ --cert ./client_app1.pem \ --key ./client_app1_key.pem \ -X POST -d @../mock/rr.rr456.v1/rr456.paring.xml \ --header "Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8" https://localhost:18443/cgi-bin/consumer_proxy