- Returned striped hash implementation. It performs a bit worse on benchmark, but easy to undestand and prove correctness.
- Implemented buffer pool. Server can accept messages of any size now.
- Added unix socket support.
- Added file logger.
- Made some refactoring.
- Improved benchmark.
- Implemented lock-free hashmap. Huge performances improvements.
- Small optimization of hasmap.getIndex method.
- Implement basic server
- Implement client
- Sources structure refactoring
- Implement Striped Hash algorithm
- Implement FNV-1a hash function
- Add concurrent benchmarks
- Improve hashmap algorithm by substitution list by vector for collision resolution data structure.
- Implement vector data structure.
- Improve hashmap.getIndex method.
Initial version
- Implement basic hashmap algorithm
- Implement collections
- Implement API