Recommend Trigger: Command - Trigger Text: afk
Description: Set AFK Mode for yourself
Usage: -afk [time] [reason]
Code: below
{{$roles := .Member.Roles}}{{$yagroles := (getMember 204255221017214977).Roles}}{{$upos := 0}}{{$yagpos := 0}}
{{range $yagroles}}
{{- if lt $yagpos ($.Guild.Role .).Position}}{{- $yagpos = ($.Guild.Role .).Position}}{{- end}}
{{range $roles}}
{{- if lt $upos ($.Guild.Role .).Position}}{{- $upos = ($.Guild.Role .).Position}}{{- end}}
{{$name := or .Member.Nick .User.Username}}
{{$reason := "No reason specific"}}
{{$duration := ""}}
{{$StrippedMsg := .StrippedMsg}}
{{if $StrippedMsg}}
{{if eq $StrippedMsg "help"}}
-afk [-d duration] [reason] | Set AFK with reason and duration optional.
-afk help | Show this message
Remove your AFK with `-afk`
{{with reFindAllSubmatches `(?i)((?:-d) (\w+)(?:\s|$))` $StrippedMsg}}
{{$StrippedMsg = reReplace `(?i)(-d \w+\s+)|(?i)(-d \w+\s+)|(-d \w+$)` $StrippedMsg ""}}
{{$duration = (index . 0 2)}}
{{if eq $StrippedMsg ""}}{{$StrippedMsg = $reason}}{{end}}
{{$parsedDur := 0}}
{{with and $duration (toDuration $duration)}} {{$parsedDur = .}} {{end}}
{{if $parsedDur}}
{{dbSetExpire .User.ID "afk" $StrippedMsg (toInt $parsedDur.Seconds)}}
{{else}} {{dbSet .User.ID "afk" $StrippedMsg}} {{end}}
{{if and (lt (len $name) 27) (lt $upos $yagpos)}}{{editNickname (print "[AFK]" $name)}}{{end}}
{{.User.Mention}}, I set your AFK to `{{$StrippedMsg}}`.
{{if dbGet .User.ID "afk"}}
{{dbDel .User.ID "afk"}}
{{if and (reFind `[AFK]` $name) (lt $upos $yagpos)}}{{editNickname (slice $name 5)}}{{end}}
{{.User.Mention}}, I removed your AFK.
{{dbSet .User.ID "afk" $reason}}
{{if and (lt (len $name) 27) (lt $upos $yagpos)}}{{editNickname (print "[AFK]" $name)}}{{end}}
{{.User.Mention}}, I set your AFK to `{{$reason}}`.