First off, thank you for taking the time to contribute to Vime ❤️
This document will guide you on how to go from zero to PR!
It's important to note early on that this project is written with TypeScript. If you're unfamiliar with it or any strongly typed languages such as Java then this may be a slight roadblock. However, there's never a truly perfect time to start learning it, so ... why not today! You can always reach out on our Discord if you get stuck.
This project relies on Stencil to build and distribute Web Components. As a contributor you don't really need to worry about much other then how to simply build components. If you're already familiar with ES6 classes, decorators and JSX then this will all be a walk in the park. There's really not much more to it. You can always refer to existing components in Vime to see how to accomplish certain tasks.
Let's setup our machine. The only software you'll need to install is:
They're very easy to install, just follow the links and you should be up and running in no time.
Now we need to fork and clone the repository, install all the projects dependencies, and create
a separate branch to work on our feature/fix. We can name the branch by the
issue number on GitHub such as issue-64
. It's always
best to create an issue before submitting a PR. If you haven't, then you can simply name the branch
whatever you want, no wrong answers here.
Head over to the Vime repository on GitHub and click the Fork
button in the top right corner. After the project has been forked, run the following commands in
your terminal:
$: git clone{my-github-username}/vime --depth=1
$: cd vime
$: git checkout -b {issue-64}
Now it'll help if we keep our master
branch pointing at the original repository and you make pull
requests from branches on your fork.
# Add the original repository as a "remote" called "upstream".
$: git remote add upstream
# Fetch the git information from the remote.
$: git fetch upstream
# Set your local master branch to use the upstream master branch whenver you run `git pull`.
$: git branch --set-upstream-to=upstream/master master
# Run this when we want to update our version of master.
$: git pull
Vime is structured as a Lerna monorepo.
First, we need to install packages and then bootstrap the repo with Lerna. This sets up and creates links between the internal packages. For example, the local @vime/react
package will point directly at the local @vime/core
package rather than using an already-published version.
$: npm install
$: npm run bootstrap
To build all the packages:
$: npm run build
If you are modifying Vime and want to test out your updated code using one of the examples, you can also use Lerna to link the local packages into them:
$: npm run bootstrap:all
Note: this does not apply to the html
example, which loads the published version directly from a CDN.
For how Vime works in general see the Architecture document.
For how to add new UI components or work on them in general see the UI document.
For how to add new providers or work on them in general see the Providers document.
The documentation website is created with Docusaurus and can be found
in the docs
directory at the root. To start writing documentation simply follow the
instructions over in said directory.
We commit our changes by running git commit -m 'commit message'
This project uses semantic commit messages to automate package releases. Simply refer to the link, and also see existing commits to get an idea of how to write your message.
When you're all done, push your changes up to GitHub and head over to the
Vime repository. To create a pull request, click the big
green Compare & Pull Request
button that should appear after you've pushed your changes.
Don't expect your PR to be accepted immediately or even accepted at all. Give the community time to vet it and see if it should be merged into Vime. One of the following events will happen:
- You listen to feedback/reviews and make the necessary changes for it to be approved.
- The changes are rejected by the community and you can try to understand why, or ask more questions to clarify.
- Your changes are approved and merged into Vime.
Please don't be disheartened if it's not accepted. Your contribution is appreciated more then you can imagine, and even a failed PR can teach us a lot ❤️