This site is modified by checking out this source repository from GitHub, modifying, and "pushing" ba
Make sure you have Ruby (2.4.+) installed
ruby --version
Install/Update Ruby from here:
TROUBLESHOOTING: Is the terminal still using the old ruby version? Try installing RVM(Ruby Version Manager) with this:
\curl -L | bash -s stable
rvm install ruby-2.4.0
Install npm:
Make sure you have RubyGems installed:
gem install bundler
git clone
cd thescienceofthedeal
bundle install
npm install -g bower
bower install
Troubleshooting: Issues installing 'nokogiri' on OSX: make sure you have xcode command line tools installed and license agreed to
Run the following in the check-out directory to spin up jekyll live compiler
bundle exec jekyll serve
Modify code and instantly see changes on your local machine(typically at http://localhost:4000/ )
(JetBrains IDE was used for development but is not essential)
git commit . -m "my commit message"
git push origin
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