Please include your answers below in a good format so it is easy for me to see. For answers to questions please use these Blockquotes. Please see example as well.
Sprint Number: Nr
Scrum Master: Name
Git Master: Name
Sprint Goal: Your Sprint goal
How many User Stories did you add to the Product Backlog: Number
How many User Stories did you add to this Sprint:
Answer the questions below about your Sprint Planning?
How many User Stories did you add?
Your Answer
Why did you add exactly these US?
Your Answer
Why do you think you will get them done?
Your Answer
Do you have a rough idea what you need to do? (if the answer is no then please let me know on Slack)
Your Answer
Fill out the Meeting minutes during your Sprint and keep track of things. Update your Quality policies weekly, as explained in the lectures and in the Quality Policy documents. I would also advise you to already fill out the Contributions section (End of sprint) as you go, to create less work at the end.
Add as many rows as needed and fill out the table. (Travis CI starts with Sprint 3, not needed before that)
Date | Attendees | Minutes | Burndown Info | TravisCI info | Additional Info |
Add rows as needed and add the number how many meetings they attended:
Name1 : Num Meetings
Name2 : Num Meetings
Screen Cast link: Your link
Answer the following questions as a team.
What do you think is the value you created this Sprint?
Your Answer
Do you think you worked enough and that you did what was expected of you?
Your Answer
Would you say you met the customers’ expectations? Why, why not?
Your Answer
Include your Sprint retrospective here and answer the following questions in an evidence based manner as a team (I do not want each of your individuals opinion here but the team perspective). By evidence-based manner it means I want a Yes or No on each of these questions, and for you to provide evidence for your answer. That is, don’t just say "Yes we did work at a consistent rate because we tried hard"; say "we worked at a consistent rate because here are the following tasks we completed per team member and the rate of commits in our Git logs."
Did you meet your sprint goal?
Your Answer
Did you complete all stories on your Spring Backlog?
Your Answer
If not, what went wrong?
Your Answer
Did you work at a consistent rate of speed, or velocity? (Meaning did you work during the whole Sprint or did you start working when the deadline approached.)
Your Answer
Did you deliver business value?
Your Answer
Are there things the team thinks it can do better in the next Sprint?
Your Answer
How do you feel at this point? Get a pulse on the optimism of the team.
Your Answer
In this section I want you to point me to your main contributions (each of you individually). Some of the topcs are not needed for the first deliverables (you should know which things you should have done in this Sprint, if you don't then you have probably missed something):
**Links to GitHub commits with main code contribution (up to 5 links):
- link1
- link2
**GitHub links to your Unit Tests (up to 3 links):
- link1
- link2
**GitHub links to your Code Reviews (up to 3 links):
- link1
- link2
**How did you contribute to Static Analysis:
- link1
- link2
**What was your main contribution to the Quality Policy documentation?:
- info
- Filled out the complete form from above, all fields are filled and written in full sentences
- User Stories that were not completed, were left in the Sprint and a copy created
- Individual Survey was submitted individually (create checkboxes below -- see Canvas to get link)
- Team member 1
- Team member 2
- The original of this file was copied for the next Sprint (needed for all but last Sprint where you do not need to copy it anymore)
- Basic information (part 1) for next Sprint was included (meaning Spring Planning is complete)
- You know how to proceed