- bielle manivelle : linear parameter didn't display on 3d
- the installation section of the documentation has been rewritten
- documentation : new features, typographical errors, and insertion of a commands Index
- new examples : jointCardan, piloteSafran, limiteurCouple
- new features : showParamLin, showParamAng, showDimension, addSurfPlane, importSTL, addArrowText, addText, showAxisName, createBasis
- the installation section of the documentation has been rewritten
- Readme file updated
- new examples : croixMalte and croixMalte_anim
- new : addSurfCylinder
- showBasis upgraded
- all files that use that function recompiled
- minor add in documentation
- new example : falconHaptic
- readme file updated
- new example : faucheuse
- new : addSphere
- new : addUshape
- readme file updated
- correction d'erreurs mineures
- readme file updated
- concasseur example that contains an error.
- vscode ;
- CAD ;
- documentation ;
- examples ;
- src.