Provides dynamic loading of remote JavaScript and CSS resources
- Loads your files asynchronously, JS and CSS
- Updating CSS files without page reloading
- Fires onload callback when all files is loaded
- Add a script tag into your page:
<script src="/js/staticloader.js"></script>
- Initialize module:
<script>window.staticLoader = new window.staticLoader();</script>
- Use it:
], function () {
// onload callback
as Array The loads order will be the same order as elements of array
window.staticLoader.load([ '/path/to/large/file.js', '/path/to/small/file.js', { url: '/path/to/file.css?v=123' // ?v=123 - used as a fallback version detection }, '/path/to/another.css' ]);
as Object
window.staticLoader.load({ url: '/path/to/file.css', // Required. id: 'specifiedId', // Optional. Can be used to update files with different url. version: 123 // Required if you want to update CSS file, also can be }); // included into url with GET parameter "v".
as String
Some logic that should be executed when CSS and JavaScript files will be loaded.