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The Quickstep Type System

The types module is used across Quickstep and handles details of how date values are stored and represented, how they are parsed from and printed to human-readable text, and low-level operations on values that form the building blocks for more complex expressions.

The Type Class

Every distinct concrete type in Quickstep is represented by a single object of a class derived from the base quickstep::Type class. All types have some common properties, including the following:

  • A TypeID - an enum identifying the type, e.g. kInt for 32-bit integers, or kVarChar for variable-length strings.
  • Nullability - whether the type allows NULL values. All types have both a nullable and a non-nullable flavor, except for NullType, a special type that can ONLY store NULLs and has no non-nullable version.
  • Storage size - minimum and maximum byte length. For fixed-length types like basic numeric types and fixed length CHAR(X) strings, these lengths are the same. For variable-length types like VARCHAR(X), they can be different (and the Type class has a method estimateAverageByteLength() that can be used to make educated guesses when allocating storage). Note that storage requirements really only apply to uncompressed, non-NULL values. The actual bytes needed to store the values in the storage system may be different if compression is used, and some storage formats might store NULLs differently.

Some categories of types have additional properties (e.g. CharType and VarCharType also have a length parameter that indicates the maximum length of string that can be stored).

Getting a Type

Each distinct, concrete Type is represented by a single object in the entire Quickstep process. To actually get a reference to usable Type, most code will go through the TypeFactory. TypeFactory provides static methods to access specific types by TypeID and other parameters. It can also deserialize a type from its protobuf representation (a quickstep::serialization::Type message). Finally, it also provides methods that can determine a Type that two different types can be cast to.

More on the Type Interface

In addition to methods that allow inspection of a type's properties (e.g. those listed above), the Type class defines an interface with useful functionality common to all types:

  • Serialization (of the type itself) - the getProto() method produces a protobuf message that can be serialized and deserialized and later passed to the TypeFactory to get back the same type.
  • Relationship to other types - equals() determines if two types are exactly the same, while isCoercibleFrom() determines if it is possible to convert from another type to a given type (e.g. with a CAST), and isSafelyCoercibleFrom() determines if such a conversion can always be done without loss of precision.
  • Printing to human-readable format - printValueToString() and printValueToFile() can print out values of a type (see TypedValue below) in human-readable format.
  • Parsing from human-readable format - Similarly, parseValueFromString() produces a TypedValue that is parsed from a string in human-readable format.
  • Making values - makeValue() creates a TypedValue from a bare pointer to a value's representation in storage. For nullable types, makeNullValue() makes a NULL value, and for numeric types, makeZeroValue() makes a zero of that type.
  • Coercing values - coerceValue() takes a value of another type and converts it to the given type (e.g. as part of a CAST).

The TypedValue Class

An individual typed value in Quickstep is represented by an instance of the TypedValue class. TypedValues can be created by methods of the Type class, by operation and expression classes that operate on values, or simply by calling one of several constructors provided in the class itself for convenience. TypedValues have C++ value semantics (i.e. they are copyable, assignable, and movable). A TypedValue may own its own data, or it may be a lightweight reference to data that is stored elsewhere in memory (this can be checked with isReference(), and any reference can be upgraded to own its own data copy by calling ensureNotReference()).

Here are some of the things you can do with a TypedValue:

  • NULL checks - calling isNull() determines if the TypedValue represents a NULL. Several methods of TypedValue are usable only for non-NULL values, so it is often important to check this first if in doubt.
  • Access to underlying data - getDataPtr() returns an untyped void* pointer to the underlying data, and getDataSize() returns the size of the underlying data in bytes. Depending on the type of the value, the templated method getLiteral() can be used to get the underlying data as a literal scalar, or getAsciiStringLength() can be used to get the string length of a CHAR(X) or VARCHAR(X) without counting null-terminators.
  • Hashing - getHash() returns a hash of the value, which is suitable for use in the HashTables of the storage system, or in generic hash-based C++ containers. fastEqualCheck() is provided to quickly check whether two TypedValues of the same type (e.g. in the same hash table) are actually equal.
  • Serialization/Deserialization - getProto() serializes a TypedValue to a serialization::TypedValue protobuf. The static method ProtoIsValid() checks whether a serialized TypedValue is valid, and ReconstructFromProto() rebuilds a TypedValue from its serialized form.