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258 lines (198 loc) · 12.5 KB

⚕ coronanlp

Total alerts Language grade: Python

The current status of the project is experimental 🔬


CORD19.__init__ method

Construct a CORD19 object. Initialize with a single path or a list paths pointing to the directory with JSON files, e.g., /../dir/*.json

import coronanlp
root = coronanlp.Path('/path/to/Datasets/AllenAI/CORD-19/2020-03-13/')
source = [p for p in root.iterdir() if p.is_dir()]
cord19 = coronanlp.CORD19(source, sort_first=True)
# CORD19(papers: 13202, files_sorted: True, source: [
#   comm_use_subset, noncomm_use_subset, pmc_custom_license, biorxiv_medrxiv,
# ])

CORD19.sample method

name type description
k int Sample size, if k < max_ids; random sample. Otherwise, -1 for all ids.
s int Split of ids, id is based on the order of path(s) passed and n directories.
seed Optional[Union[int, float]] Random seed if not None.
returns List[int] Returns a list of paper ids.
sample = cord19.sample(s=0)  # e.g., All ids from the biorxiv_medrxiv directory
sample = cord19.sample(k=-1) # Returns all ids available in order.
sample = cord19.sample(k=1000) # 1K randomly selected ids, e.g., from all 45941

CORD19.batch method

name type description
sample List[int] A list of integer sequences.
minlen int Minimum length of a string to consider valid.
workers int Number of cores to use, if None; obtained from cpu_count().
returns SentenceStore The newly constructed object.
sample = cord19.sample(-1)
sentence_store = cord19.batch(sample,  minlen=15)
# files/papers: 24% ████     | 3112/13202 [09:49<19:51, 8.47it/s]

After extracting the text from the JSON files, pre-processing, cleaning, and sentence-tokenization we get a newly constructed SentenceStore object with a container Dict[int, List[str]]. holding all the sentences.

Using the spaCy model en_core_sci_sm is recommended for building high quality sentences.

  • Below we can see the contrast in how the models recognize sentence boundaries; en-core-web-sm starts splitting at " ( " ? that doesn't make sense!? if this is done here; where else it will do it? Given the fact the text is scientific literature, we can expect equations, many abbreviations, and symbols - all destroyed because we used the wrong tokenizer. Meanwhile, en_core_sci_sm has no issues 🥇 scispacy - SpaCy models for biomedical text processing
# en_core_web_sm
2: We analyzed ... pulmonary artery endothelial cells (hPAECs).
3: The effect of ... electric resistance, molecule trafficking, calcium (
4: Ca 2+ ) homeostasis, gene expression and proliferation studies.

# en_core_sci_sm
2: We analyzed ... pulmonary artery endothelial cells (hPAECs).
3: The effect of ... electric resistance, molecule trafficking, calcium (Ca 2+ ) homeostasis, gene expression and proliferation studies.

coronanlp.core.SentenceStore.__str__ method

  • Wow 🤔 13,202 papers produce 1,890,230 million sentences and 60,847,005 million tokens! It takes about ~30 minutes with SSD and around ~40 on HDD, but it really depends on hardware.
# SentenceStore(avg_seqlen=32.19, num_papers=13202, num_sents=1890230, num_tokens=60847005)

SentenceTransformer.__init__ method

encoder = coronanlp.SentenceTransformer('model_name_or_path')
sentence_embeddings = encoder.encode(list(sentence_store), batch_size=8)
# batches: 96% ██████████████ | 36585/38168 [17:10<01:17, 20.38it/s]

coronanlp.indexing.fit_index_ivf_hnsw method


The following method requires faiss, which should be easy to install for both Linux and MacOS. Except for Windows which needs to be built from source, read more here: windows support? | issue<1437>

Install faiss with CUDA or CPU (I have only used the CPU version and haven't experienced any issues even at 2 million dense vectors runs extremely fast. See official repo: faiss github

  • cpu-version:

    • conda install faiss-cpu -c pytorch
  • gpu-version:

    • [8.0, 9.0, 10.0] replace X with your version.
      • conda install faiss-gpu cudatoolkit=X.0 -c pytorch
index_ivf = coronanlp.fit_index_ivf_hnsw(sentence_embeddings,  metric='l2')
# True

ScibertQuestionAnswering.__init__ method

The following table defines the minimum arguments required to construct a new ScibertQuestionAnswering object.

name type description
papers Union[str, SentenceStore] A path or papers object.
index Union[str, faiss.IndexIVFFlat] A path or index object
encoder Union[str, SentenceTransformer] A path or model object
from coronanlp.engine import ScibertQuestionAnswering
qa =  ScibertQuestionAnswering(sentence_store, index_ivf, encoder)
# {'summarizer_model_device': device(type='cuda'),
#  'sentence_transformer_model_device': device(type='cuda'),
#  'question_answering_model_device': device(type='cpu')}

QuestionAnsweringEngine.answer method

name type description
question str Question(s) to query the QA model (split by sentence tokenization)
topk int Number of answers to return (chosen by likelihood)
top_p int A path or model object
nprobe int index search probe value
mode str Compressor mode to use on context; 'bert', 'freq'
returns QuestionAnsweringOutput Object holding the predictions of the model(s)

The subsequent keyword arguments can be used in QuestionAnsweringEngine.answer method, which then gets passed to transformers.QuestionAnsweringPipeline.__call__. Click in here to read the official HuggingFace documentation.

**kwargs type description
doc_stride int (default=128) If input length overlaps split by chunks.
max_answer_len int (default=15) Max length of predicted answers.
max_seq_len int (default=384) Max length of the total sentence (context+question) after tokenization.
max_question_len int (default=64) Max length of the question after tokenization.
handle_impossible_answer bool (default=False) Whether or not we accept impossible as an answer.

Question Answering

Open book question-answering on CORD-19 literature

  • base-model: scibert-scivocab-cased
  • finetuned: CORD-19 dataset nli-stsb-mean-tokens (using the sentence-transformers library).
  • downstream-task: question-answering SQUAD 2.0
question =  ("What has been published concerning systematic, holistic approach to"
            " diagnostics (from the public health surveillance perspective to being"
            " able to predict clinical outcomes)?")
preds = qa.answer(question,  topk=5, top_p=25, nprobe=64, mode='bert')
preds.popempty()  # quickly pop any empty answers from the list.
print(preds.ids, preds.dist)
  • Each sentence id with its respective distance (nearest-neighbor to query/question):
(array([[179943,  38779,  48340, 171641,  11026,  16090, 132451,  10551,
         231547,  32627, 203359, 123822, 231157,  59945, 333167, 203328,
          37302,  74584,   1534, 425932, 261597, 268659, 397260,  27072,
 array([[114.0309 , 119.05531, 127.31623, 128.10754, 134.01633, 135.51642,
         137.91711, 138.64822, 139.26003, 141.16678, 142.14966, 144.36464,
         147.06775, 147.06958, 147.22888, 148.9502 , 149.55885, 149.9512 ,
         150.12485, 150.1834 , 150.33147, 151.04956, 151.89029, 152.3189 ,
         152.47305]], dtype=float32))
  • In the following output we can see all the predicted answers and get a nice view of each answer's information.
  ModelOutput(score=0.02010919339954853, start=11, end=35, answer='laboratory confirmation,'),
  ModelOutput(score=0.00906957034021616, start=133, end=143, answer='sequencing.'),
  ModelOutput(score=0.00279330019839108, start=40, end=143, answer='national reference, ...'),
  ModelOutput(score=0.002625082153826952, start=11, end=21, answer='laboratory')
  • Get all spans [(start, end)] index of each answer. Both styles produce the same result.
for span in preds: print(span.start, span.end)
# or
  [(11, 35), (133, 143), (40, 143), (11, 21)]
  • Highlighting the predicted answer:
from coronanlp import render_output as render

output = preds[2]  # e.g., iter all answer: [o.answer for o in preds]
answer = output.answer
render(answer=answer, context=preds.c, question=preds.q)
* Question

> What has been published concerning systematic, holistic approach to 
diagnostics (from the public health surveillance perspective to being 
able to predict clinical outcomes)?

* Context:

In case of laboratory confirmation, `<< the national reference laboratory 
aims to obtain material from regional laboratories for further sequencing. ANSWER >>` 
An alternate measure of program success is the extent to which screening delays the 
first importation of cases into the community, possibly providing additional time 
to train medical staff, deploy public health responders or refine travel policies 
(Cowling et al., Unlike the UK national strategy documents and plans, the US National 
Health Information Infrastructure Strategy document (also known as "Information for Health") 
refers explicitly to GIS and real-time health and disease monitoring and states that "public 
health will need to include in its toolkit integrated data systems; high-quality 
community-level data; tools to identify significant health trends in real-time data streams; 
and geographic information systems" [48]. This thinktank is used to address matters related 
to combating new issues and to expand on the Saudi reach to the international scientific 
community. For the purpose of this paper, the following de�nition is used, "Public health 
surveillance is the ongoing systematic collection, analysis, interpretation and 
dissemination of health data for the planning, implementation and evaluation of 
public health action" (see Section 2.3 below). Finally, we discuss policy and 
logistical and technological obstacles to achieving a potential transformation 
of public health microbiology.
  • Example of the render_output() method shown above in a jupyter notebook:
