This project is a demonstration of an Internet Billing System implemented in C. The system manages customer details, including adding new customers, searching for existing customers, making payments, and removing customers.
- Add Customer: Add new customer details to the system.
- Search Customer: Search for existing customers by their ID.
- Make Payment: Process payments for customers and update their balance.
- Remove Customer: Remove customer details from the system.
- main.c: Main entry point of the application, providing the user interface and navigation.
- Customer and Payment Functions: Contains functions to handle customer addition, search, payment, and removal.
Clone the Repository
git clone Programming.git
Navigate to the Project Directory
cd C Programming
Compile the C File
gcc main.c -o internet_billing
Run the Application
Run the application. You will see the main menu with the following options:
- Add Customer
- Search Customer
- Make Payment
- Remove Customer
- Exit
Select an option by entering the corresponding number.
Add Customer : Enter the customer's details as prompted. The system will save these details into Customers.txt.
Search Customer : Enter the customer ID to search for. The system will display the customer's details if found.
Remove Customer : Enter the customer ID to remove the customer from the system.
Exit : Exits the application.
******************************************************** WORLDLINK COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED Kathmandu, Nepal ******************************************************** Welcome to Internet Billing Portal of Worldlink. Press Enter to continue... ======================================================== 1. Add Customer 2. Search Customer 3. Make Payment 4. Remove Customer 5. Exit ======================================================== Enter your choice :
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
- GitHub: amritBskt
- Email: