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Mailing list guidelines

The Kubernetes Mailing list or Google Groups functions as the primary means of asynchronous communication for the project's Special Interest Groups (SIG) and Working Groups (WG).

ATTENTION: SIG/WG Mailing list owners

If you are currently a moderator of a SIG or WG Mailing List. See the new policy requirements here:

Code of conduct

The Kubernetes project adheres to the community Code of Conduct throughout all platforms and includes all communication mediums.


Check the centralized list of administrators for contact information.

To connect: Reach out to one of the listed moderators,Mailing list owners, the sig contributor experience Mailing list or the #sig-contribex slack channel.

Mailing list owners

Mailing list owners should include the Chairs for your SIG or WG and the below contacts:

  • parispittman[at]
  • jorgec[at]
  • ihor[at]


SIG and Working Group Mailing lists should have the Mailing list owners as co-owners to the list so that administrative functions can be managed centrally across the project.

Moderation of the SIG/WG lists is up to that individual SIG/WG. The admins are there to help facilitate leadership changes, or various other administrative functions.

Users who are violating the Code of Conduct or other negative activities (like spamming) should be moderated.

Moderator expectations and guidelines

Moderators should adhere to the general Kubernetes project moderation guidelines.

New user posting queue

New members who post to the Mailing list will automatically have their messages put in the moderation queue. Moderators of the list will receive a notification of their message and should process them accordingly.

Annual permissions review

SIG and WG Moderators must establish an annual review of their Mailing lists to ensure their Moderator list is current and includes Mailing List owners. Many of the SIG and WG Mailing lists pre-date current communication policy and an annual review ensures ownership is up to date.

This review does not need to occur at a specific recurring date and can be combined with other actions such as SIG/WG leadership changes or sub-project additions.

Mailing list creation

Create a Google Group at!creategroup, following the below procedure:

  • Each SIG must have two discussion groups with the following settings.
    • kubernetes-sig-<foo> (the discussion group):
      • Anyone can view content.
      • Anyone can join.
      • Moderate messages from non-members of the group.
      • Only members can view the list of members.
    • kubernetes-sig-<foo>-leads (list for the leads, to be used with Zoom and Calendars)
      • Only members can view group content.
      • Anyone can apply to join.
      • Moderate messages from non-members of the group.
      • Only members can view the list of members.
  • Groups should be created as e-mail lists with at least three owners and must include the Mailing list owners.
  • To add the owners, visit the Group Settings (drop-down menu on the right side), select Direct Add Members on the left side and add them via their email address (with a suitable welcome message).
  • In Members/All Members select the Mailing list owners and assign them to the owner role.
  • Set the following permissions to Public:
    • View topics
    • Post
    • Join the Group
  • Create and share your "meeting notes" Google doc with the following permissions settings:
    • Can edit for members of the newly created Mailing List.
    • Can comment for
    • View only for anyone with the link. NOTE: Depending on employer organization policy, this may not be possible to configure. The document should be copied over to an account without the restriction and include the owner reference at the top of the document.

Familiarize yourself with the moderation guidelines for the project and create a moderation queue. Chairs should be cognizant that a new group will require an initial time investment moderation-wise as the group establishes itself.

Create moderation queue

The moderation queue will direct all new user messages to the a moderation queue before being posted to the Mailing List.

  • From the Google Groups management page goto Settings -> Moderation.
  • Configure the following settings:
    • Post:
      • Owners of the Group
      • Manager of the Group
      • All Members of the Group
    • Post as the Group:
      • Owners of the Group
      • Managers of the Group
    • Approve Members:
      • Managers of the Group
    • Lock Topics:
      • Owners of the Group
      • Managers of the Group
    • Modify Members: (should be Greyed out)
      • Owners of the Group
      • Managers of the Group
    • New Member Restrictions:
      • New member posts are moderated
    • Reject author notification:
      • Notify authors when moderators reject their posts -> checked
      • Message:
        Since you're a new subscriber you're in a moderation queue, sorry for the inconvenience, a moderator will check your message shortly.
    • Spam messages:
      • Send them to moderation queue and send notification to moderators.

Archive a mailing list

To archive a mailing list, use the below procedure.

  • Send a final notice to the mailing list that it is closed. This notice should include a brief description as to why and include links to any other relevant information.
  • From the Google Groups management page goto Information -> General Information.
    • Configure the following settings:
      • Group description -> Set to the same message used for the final mailing list notice.
  • From the Google Groups management page goto Information -> Content Control.
    • Configure the following settings:
      • Archive messages to the group -> checked
  • From the Google Groups management page goto Permissions -> Basic permissions.
    • Configure the following settings:
      • View Topics:
        • Managers of the group
        • All members of the group
        • Anyone on the web
      • Post: -> uncheck all options
      • Join the group:
        • Only invited users