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HOWTO read from an interpolated TECPLOT file

Andrea Lani edited this page Jul 1, 2016 · 46 revisions

COOLFluiD allows for starting a simulation from TECPLOT files. To this end, two TECPLOT files, both in unstructured point-based format, are normally required:

  • .plt file having the mesh and solution for the full domain (for the moment, only one ZONE is supported)
  • .surf.plt file having the mesh and solution corresponding to the boundary nodes, divided in multiple zones.

The following example illustrates the related user-defined settings.

The given mesh/solution will be converted and then read as CFmesh file: Simulator.SubSystem.MeshCreator = CFmeshFileReader

A file named "input.CFmesh" will be read: Simulator.SubSystem.CFmeshFileReader.Data.FileName = input.CFmesh

Herein, your file is either local (in the directory from which you are running) or the path to it is relative to your COOLFluiD base directory. For instance: ../../RESULTS/input.CFmesh would mean that ../../ corresponds to your COOLFluiD base directory.

A given "input.plt" will be converted to "input.CFmesh": Simulator.SubSystem.CFmeshFileReader.convertFrom = Tecplot2CFmesh

The following two options define the conversion to a Finite Volume CFmesh format: Simulator.SubSystem.CFmeshFileReader.Tecplot2CFmesh.Discontinuous = true Simulator.SubSystem.CFmeshFileReader.Tecplot2CFmesh.SolutionOrder = P0

The TECPLOT file is in point-based format: Simulator.SubSystem.CFmeshFileReader.Tecplot2CFmesh.HasBlockFormat = false

The names of the boundary zones defined in the .surf.plt file are specified: Simulator.SubSystem.CFmeshFileReader.Tecplot2CFmesh.SurfaceTRS = Wall Inlet Outlet

The names of the variables to be read in both the .plt and .surf.plt are specified (note that the coordinates "x0","x1", "x2" must not appear explicitly here):
Simulator.SubSystem.CFmeshFileReader.Tecplot2CFmesh.ReadVariables = "p" "u" "v" "T"

The number of element types is given (but only 1 is supported for now): Simulator.SubSystem.CFmeshFileReader.Tecplot2CFmesh.NbElementTypes = 1

The following flag must be set to true if only the mesh (no solution) is read: Simulator.SubSystem.CFmeshFileReader.Tecplot2CFmesh.SkipSolution = false

The maximum precision of the floating data to be read can be enforced: Simulator.SubSystem.CFmeshFileReader.Tecplot2CFmesh.Precision = 9

Simulator.SubSystem.CellCenterFVM.Restart = true





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