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HOWTO run a testcase

Andrea Lani edited this page Jan 27, 2017 · 7 revisions

When the compilation is finished, the executable coolfluid-solver is created inside:


In order to run, you also need to have the file:


Before running a testcase from a generic TESTDIR folder, outside your COOLFluiD folder, you can create soft links to both files coolfluid-solver*:


ln -sf basebuild_dir/BUILD_MODE/src/Solver/coolfluid-solver* .

and then make sure that the .CFcase files you are trying to run specifies the following working path:

Simulator.Paths.WorkingDir = ./

NOTE: if you are a VKI end-user and not a developer you can use a preinstalled version of coolfluid-solver. For doing this, you first need to type:

module load cf2-2014.11/solver-mpich2 (on artesla2, arlin*, aglin* machines)


module load cf2-2014.11/rocks5/solver-mpich2 (on rocks5 cluster)


module load vki/coolfluid/openmpi/1.6.5-solver (on cvlogin cluster)

and then run inside the folder where your testcase is.

In order to run a testcase named file.CFcase, located in TESTPATH (full path or relative to coolfluid_dir), you must do:

./coolfluid-solver --scase TESTPATH/file.CFcase (serial)

mpirun -np NP ./coolfluid-solver --scase TESTPATH/file.CFcase (parallel).

Note: TESTPATH must be "./" if the case file is in the current directory, for example:

./coolfluid-solver --scase ./file.CFcase

NOTE: if you are a VKI end-user and not a developer and you are running the preinstalled version of COOLFluiD, you have to use "coolfluid-solver" instead of "./coolfluid-solver".

Newcomers to the project can start by looking at and running some existing cases from the regression test-suite, for example the following inviscid (Euler) cases taken from plugins/NavierStokes/testcases:

NOTE: if you are using Ubuntu, all testcases will fail. In order to make a testcase run, you have to manually modify the corresponding .CFcase file by adding:

libShapeFunctions to the module list at the beginning, right after Simulator.Modules.Libs =

Sorry for the inconvenience, this will be fixed soon...





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