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File metadata and controls

150 lines (141 loc) · 5.5 KB


- What is it?
    - ThreeDeeMiniEngine is a small 3d engine suited for small 3d games written in JAVA

- What is already working
    - 3d engine
        - model parsing
            - WaveFront OBJ
            - DAE parsing with skinned meshes and animations
                - group names/ids must not have whitespace characters
                - requires baked matrices
            - TDME Model file format
                - this is a much more efficient model file format for TDME
                - can be read and written
            - DAE and WaveFront OBJ files require triangulated meshes for now
        - object transformations
            - scaling
            - rotations
            - translation
        - animations
            - skinning can be computed on CPU or GPU
            - supports base animation and animation overlays
            - supports attaching objects to bones of another objects
        - color effects on objects
            - via shader
            - color addition
            - color multiplication
        - lighting via shaders
            - supports phong lighting
            - supports phong shading on GL3, GL2
            - supports gouraud shading on GLES2
            - supports diffuse mapping on GL3, GL2, GLES2
            - supports specular shininess mapping on GL3
            - supports normal mapping on GL3
        - dynamic shadows via shaders
        - particle system which
          - is object based
          - or point based
          - and supports
            - basic/point emitter
            - sphere emitter
            - bounding box emitter
            - circle on plane emitter
        - camera control
          - set up look from, look at, up vector can be computed
          - frustum culling
            - oct tree like partitioning from 16mx16mx16m up to 4mx4mx4m
        - object picking
        - supports offscreen instances
            - rendering can be captured as screenshot
            - rendering can be used (in other engine instances) as diffuse texture
        - screenshot ability
        - multiple renderer
          - GL2, GL3(core) and GLES2
    - physics
        - discrete collision detection
            - sphere
            - capsule
            - axis aligned bounding boxes
            - oriented bounding boxes
            - triangle
            - convex mesh
        - rigid body simulator
          - broadphase collision detection
              - uses oct tree like partitioning from 16mx16mx16m up to 4mx4mx4m
              - additionally sphere <> sphere test
          - narrowphase collision detection
          - collision filtering by type
          - sleeping technology
    - 3d audio
        - decoder
          - ogg vorbis decoder
        - audio entities
          - streams
          - sounds
    - GUI system
        - borrows some ideas from Nifty-GUI regarding XML and layouting
        - borrows some ideas from AngularJS like
            - all nodes are in the GUI node tree and can be made visible or unvisible depending on conditions
        - adds some improvements like
            - support auto keyword with nodes width and height attributes
        - supported primitive nodes from which compounds are built of
            - element
            - image
            - input
            - layout
            - panel
            - scrollbars
            - space
            - text
        - supported compound elements
            - button
            - checkbox
            - dropdown
            - input
            - radio button
            - scrollarea both
            - scrollarea horizontal
            - scrollarea vertical
            - selectbox
            - selectbox multiple
            - tabs
        - supports position and color based effects
- What does it (maybe still) lack
    - animation blending
    - physics
      - multiple bounding volumes for a rigid body
      - rag doll / joints / springs
    - example games
    - documentation

- What is WIP
    - rigid body simulator(needs to be updated to newer "ReactPhysics3D 0.5")

- Technology
    - designed for simple multi threading
        - 3d engine uses one thread for now
        - physics or game mechanics can run in a separate thread(s)
    - uses JOGL, JOAL, JOrbis-0.0.17
    - platforms
        - Windows
        - Linux
        - Mac Os X
        - Android

- Tools
    - TDME Model Viewer, see
    - TDME Particle System Editor, see
    - TDME Level Editor, see

- Links
    - <youtube link here>
    - TDME Android,
    - Nifty-GUI,

- References
    - "game physics - a practical introduction" / Kenwright
    - "real-time collision detection" / Ericson
    - "ReactPhysics3D" physics library, 
    - the world wide web! thank you for sharing

- Other credits
    - Dominik Hepp
    - Mathias Wenzel
    - Sergiu Crăiţoiu
    - Kolja Gumpert
    - others