- Added support for PCML generation - aligning to conformance profile
- removed restriction on Address.cs nullflavor
- Added Hl7v2 DI to CDA functionality
- Fixed HL7 requester.ParticipationEndTime to OBR-27.5 rather than OBR-22
- Added InformationRecipient to PCML Library
- Added HealthcareFacility to PCML Library
- Removed originalText for Diagnostic imaging study - not required.
- Fix UTC offset when using DaylightSavings time
- Fixed Service Referral to match IG 1.1 dv019 (Template id and Additional Comments)
- Fixed the Adding of a Blank tags in Discharge Summary (only) section “Record of Recommendations and Information Provided”
- Fixed OID in AIR Document for Australian Immunisation Register Entries (101.17039)
- Added support for additional Media Types (For Service Referral)
- Fixed up DRIV issue if including Interpreter
- Removed double Ref to Path attachments and made them linkHtml
- Added Hl7v2 Path to CDA functionality
- Added updated CDA Schema to support new document types
- Fixed Nullflavor for an organisation with no name for a participant
- A Reporting Radiologist Name can now be added to the narrative for a Diagnostic Imaging Examination Result section for a Diagnostic Imaging Report.
- Pathology Report documents author electronic communications details mandatory validation has been removed.
- Removed the fixed Snomed Version for Pathology report status
- Added Caching Class for XMLSerializer as it causes a Memory leak if continuously used (in Common lib)
- Updated any 'new XmlSerializer' with the CachingXmlSerializerFactory.Create method instead (CDAGeneratorHelp.cs, Extension.cs)
- Fixed typo 'Not stated/inadequated Described' to 'Not stated/inadequately described'
- Removed requirement for BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll
- Extensions for laterality (IPCDOCS-98)
- Add fix for Interval 'Create Value' - To populate the value field of IVL_TS
- Updated validation of participation field Role to be non-mandatory.
- Updated the field Indigenous Status to be non-mandatory.
- Updated Level 1A narrative generator to put each rendered multimedia item into a separate paragraph.
- Updated problem where OtherDiagnosisEntries was not displaying when no Diagnoses was included
- Updated to allow ServiceCommencementWindow and ServiceScheduled to be specified together.
- Added Reporting Pathologist Name Field - can now be added to the narrative for a test result.
- Updated Diagnostic Imaging - Examination Result - TargetSitCode to accept a nullflavor.
- Updated R5 documents requested organisation name and person last name to accept a nullflavor.
- Corrected where Medical History - 'date of onset' validation.
- Support added for care agency employee identifiers in clinical documents.
- Updated RecomendationOrChange where both values contained '01'.
- Populated RecomendationOrChange where both values contained '01'.
- Updated validation to allow 10 or 11 Medicare card numbers.
- Removed validation check for telcomm being Null
- Prescription Date time prescription expires from low to value
- Correct Narrative for Adverse Reactions
- Update the way the Interval narrative displays
- Update Pathology Test Result
- Update Diagnostic Investigations
- Update Diagnostic Imaging Report
- Update Event Summary
- Update Discharge Summary
- Update Shared Health Summary
- Removed the template id for Administration Observations Section
- Typo fix changed class Immunisations to Immunisations
- Changed Person Occupation to an CodedText that accepts an enum
- Provide Medicare number validation. Requires 11 digits for an Individual Medicare Card Number and 10 for Medicare Card Number
- ClinicalSynopsisDescription - Changed from a CodedText to string
- Include Path and DI NPDR Prescription and NPDR Dispense CDA libraries
- Added the Ability to add logo as an byte[]
- 1b support for cda libraries SL, DS & ER.
- Added HealthcareFacilityTypeCodes enum to assist in the generation of the healthCareFacility code.
- Updated Medical history items so the most recent dates are now listed higher in the table.
- Added CUP validation for Medical History - exclusion statements in Shared Health Summary.
- Fixed downgradable issue for VS 2008.
- Updated the CDA Library to Visual Studio 2010 (Note: Still downgradable to 2008)
- Included exclusion statements for Shared Health Summary - Medical History. (Note exclusion statements were removed in the previous version and have been included again for this release)
- Included an example of how CDA documents can be extended.
- Included validation for Event Summary - ClinicalSynopsisDescription. This field only accepts a non-coded entry, Validation has been included to ensure that the entry is not a coded entry.
- Updated Clinical Documents to be compliant with the Latest schematrons and conformance profiles.
- Corrected problems with rendering images for Other Test Result (102.16029).
- Updated samples to be 3b compliant.
- Automated the generation of exclusion statements for Medical History across documents.
- Changed the functions in the narrative generator to be public for reuse for custom narratives.
- Allow a byte[] to be provided for External Data
- Fix for Medical History where the single interval item in the narrative was represented as '-' changed to '->'
- Added an XML comment for the supported template packages
- ShowAdministrativeObservation has been split into two variables.
'ShowAdministrativeObservationsSection – This completely removes the AdministrativeObservations section for Point to Point. 'ShowAdministrativeObservationsNarrativeAndTitle' – This removes the Narrative and Section Title for Administrative Observations.
- Fix for Diagnostic Investigations - 'Anatomical Site' xml.
- Fix for image narrative generation for section ‘102.16029 diagnostic investigations’
- Updated the narrative in the CDA Library to align with the Best Practice Guidelines for Clinical Document Presentation
- Included a class called OIDHelper to assist in converting an UUID to an OID
- The ICodableText - CodeSystemName is now an optional field not a mandatory field in CDA Library
- Updated the samples to include valid Snomed and NCTIS codes
- Removed Date of Resolution from event Summary as this field is not included in the Implementation Guide
- Fixed the bug where an empty string for Medical History Item Comment produced an invalid CDA structure
- Removed all free text (structDoc.Text) from the Narrative and placed it in a (strucDocText.paragraph)
- Added 'Not stated' to omit the address purpose in all addresses
- The Administration Observation sections are optional for point to point delivery
- Updated the Report Content Other Test Result section to allow plain text or a file attachment
- Updated the ‘Mode of Separation’ for discharge summary to display friendly display names (note this change will only be compatible with the next release of Schematron)
- Enable the ability to specify the file location for an attached LOGO file
- Include validation to ensure that the Logo.png file is included in the output directory
- Restriction DateOfResolutionRemission must have a precision of 'Day', 'Hour' or 'Year' with no Time Zone specified"
- Restriction ReferralDateTime must have a precision to the 'Second'
- Remove space from tele details for a ElectronicCommunicationDetail
- Added helper function to allow the addition of EI (Employee Number) as an EntityIdentifier
- Include integrity check for logo and 1A attachments
- Updated section display name from 'Diagnostic Test Result’ to 'Diagnostic Investigation'
- Allow multiple 'Diagnostic Investigation' sections
- Added section Diagnostic Test Result to Diagnostic Investigations
- Updated the narrative exclusion statements to appear on one line
- Update the validation message for the object IAdverseReactionsWithoutExclusions where no AdverseReactions exists
- Fixed the Nominated Contact Provider so that person names appear when no address or identifiers are specified
- Changed narrative Imaging Examination Result Details for Diagnostic Investigations
- Allow NullFlavours in Discharge Mode of Separation
- Removed brackets from the Date Time narrative display to be compliant with the rendering specification
- Updated the Discharge Summary disposition code display name to be compliment with the IG
- Added the ability to add a custom narrative for every section using the 'CustomNarrative' variable
- Removed NarrativeHL7Text because this is overridden by the 'CustomNarrative'
- Fixed the duplication of the ‘Recipient Name’ in the Narrative
- Removed the conformance Level 1a, 1b and 2 level documents for the consumer because the minimum conformance level for consumer documents is 3A
- Refactored the Time narrative attribute and removed ISO8601DateTimeFormatter to be constant with how are narrative items are generated
- Allow the ‘Unit of Age’ to be specified for the subject of cares ‘Age’
- Merged enums DocumentTemplateType & CDADocumentType because they contained the same values
- Removed DocumentType cdaContext from the each CDA document because the variable was never used in the generator
- Changed the type of setId to Identifier to allow additional elements
- Added DocumentId to cdaContext as an Identifier
- Update narrative structure for Record of 'Recommendations and Information Provided' & 'Arranged Services '
- Update for PathologyTestResult model to allow for XPre narrative.
- Added support for nullFlavors for various elements.
- Support for consumer documents:
- Consumer Entered Notes
- Consumer Entered Health Summary
- Advanced Care Directive custodian Record
- Administrative observations has been moved to the bottom of the CDA document.
- Various updates for compliance with CDA validator version 1.12.
- Updated the CDA sample code to generate 1a, 1b, 2, 3A min/max conformance documents for each document type.
- Updated CDA identifiers to enable a root (valid uid or oid) and extension attribute.
- Updated Coadable text validation to only allow a displayName or code if a codesystem exists.
- Updated 'Result Group Specimen Detail' & 'Test Specimen Detail' code for Specialist Letter to show the correct code.
- Updated the library to show comments at the top of the CDA documents to show the current version and compliant CDA Validator version.
- Added an attribute to allow a XSL Stylesheet to be included in the App.config. This field is empty by default.
- Updated sample code to be compliant to level 3B for the CDA libraries.
- Updated Gender display names.
- Removed validation for HPIO in identifier lists.
- Updated the table view of the Requested Services in the Narrative.
- Updated ISO8601DateTime so that any time that is more specific than a day SHALL include a timezone.
- Removed the duplication of Requested Services in the Narrative.
- Introduced a new type for recording date/time and duration that allows a specified level of precision, and also for a setting for a time span
- Fixed NullFlavor='OTH' issue
- Changed identifiers for specimen type from string to a complex Identifier type
- Corrected the header "Reason for Ceasing" to "Reason for Change" in section "Current Medications"
- Corrected duplicated value for "Quantity Supplied" in section "Current Medications"
- Changed the display name of "Snomed CT-AU" to "SNOMED CT-AU"
- Anatomical location image now renders correctly
- Alignment to NCAP version Implementation Guides.
Known issues:
- Date and time is specified using the .NET type DateTime. This introduces a restriction where general date / time (eg: Jan 2008) cannot be set.
- Duration is represented by the "Duration" type in the CDA library, which allows the specification of a start and end date/time. It is currently not possible to set a time span (eg: 6 weeks).
- NullFlavor='OTH' is set alongside OriginalText if CodeSystem isn't specified for codable text elements.
- Resolved an issue with the narrative generator incorrectly displaying the difference between two dates.
- Added code that allows the re-use objects inherited from a base class in the header.
- Fixed the narrative for empty Adverse Substance Reactions.
- Fixed PCB enum to show No Benefit.
- Resolved a number of issues with CCA Schematron Validator 1.7
- Updated DischargeSummary to allow for ICodableTranslation
- Fixed the E-Referral 'Other Medical History' to reflect the IG e-Referral CDA Implementation Guide 1.1 - 9 Sep 2011
- Updated the codableText for Shared Health Summary to remove the requirement for a mandatory CodeSystem
- Fixed Typo spelling of E-Referral
- Updated legal authenticator to remove mandatory fields
- Resolved a number level 2 conformance for issues with Schematron for Event Summary, E-Referral and Shared Health Summary
- All CDA documents changed from ClinicalDocument/typeId/@extension="POCD_HD00040" to ClinicalDocument/typeId/@extension="POCD_HD000040"
- Provide the ability hide Administrative Observations in the narrative
- Include the OID’s for Medicare Identifiers
- Update code to address known CCA schematron issues
- Update to make HPII and IHI optional fields
- Update to make Date of Birth and Gender optional fields in Author
- Fixed the TimeSpan in Specialist Letter Recommendations section to show both dates
- Updated the CDA Schema to 1.2
- Updated to include Prescription Request CDA document
- Updated to include Dispense Record CDA document
- Removed dormant reference to Shared Health Summary Review
- Fixed the spelling of “Diagnoses” throughout the solution
- Correct the narrative for “Response Details”
- Added a templateID which references the CDA Rendering Guide
- Split the solution into two seperate libaries
- V2 ETP solution this generates ETP documents that refer to 'http://ns.electronichealth.net.au/Ci/Cda/Extensions/2.0'
- V3 CDA solution this generates CDA documents that refer to 'http://ns.electronichealth.net.au/Ci/Cda/Extensions/3.0'
- Updated to reflect changes from eReferral_Change_Document-1889
- Updated to reflect changes from eDischargeSummary_ChangeDocument-20111031
- Updated to reflect changes from Shared_Health_Summary_Change_Document-20111031
- Updated to reflect changes from Specialist_Letter_Change_Document-20111031
- Include Event Summary CDA document
- Include the ability to add a file into the narrative as a link by setting the media type to text
- Minor changes to the narrative
- Allow multiple Medical Record Numbers (MRN) to be added to the asEntityIdentifier field in the record target
- Fixed all bugs relating to null checks
- Fix entitlements national identifiers for HPIO/HPII/IHI accross all CDA documents to use root and assigningAuthorityName
- Add encompassing encounter for Specialist Letter
- Change the template id to '' for Shared Health Summary
- Change the template id to '' for Discharge Summary
- Change the extension attribute to '1.1' for the Shared Health Summary
- Change the extension attribute to '1.1' for Referral
- Change the extension attribute to '1.1' for Specialist Letter
- Fixed a bug related to creating a DiagnosticInvestigations.PathologyTestResult.SpecimenDetail.HandlingAndProcessing.ReceivedDateTime the null check was incorrect
- Changed output to UTF-8
- Fixed an issue where the narrative generation engine was using the displayName for codable text enetries, rather than utilizing the Orignial Text (if populated)
- Fixed some null references within the narrative generation engine when a minimal structured body is sent to the CDA generator and subsequently the narrative generation engine.
- Fixed entitlement id to be the identifier and not a GUID (this affects all CDA documents)
- Added ePrescription CDA generator
- Removed extensions from entity identifiers
- Updated discharge summary from change log 20110916
- updated shared health summary sample code to resemble PCEHR SHS long scenario
- Added Discharge Summary
- Added MRN to the CDA
- Changed ID to GUIDs for all CDA Documents
- Added LOGO image to CDA document
- Added Ms to the list of possible titles that can be associated with a person
- Added the ability to serialize the model
- Added a SerializeModel method to each of the document factories
- Applied XML Comments to Country and Occupation enums, thus removing all warnings from the solution.
- Changed the display name on the Shared Health Summary CDA Doument to "Patient Summary"
- Changed the CDA Context Model to contain a root ID; this is an optional property allow for a root ID to be passed though to the document generator
- Changed the CodableTexty object to allow for a list of translation codes
- Added an StructedXMLBodyFile property, this allows for a document to be added as the body for the CDA document.
- Added an INarrativeGenerator interface, and modified to the section generation methods to accept a the interface, thus providing a means by which to easily change how the narrative for each section is generated.
- Added SpecialistLetter
- SharedHealthSummary
- E-Referal