This project uses Pytest along with the pytest-mpl plugin to test matplotlib figures and chart generation functions.
To generate fresh baseline chart images with the tests/plotting/, use the following command:
pytest --mpl-generate-path=tests/plotting/baseline
This will need to be done after creating new functions within tests/plotting/ or modifying their output. A baseline sub-directory will be created within the tests/plotting directory.
Tests can be run as usual, but with the --mpl
option, which enables comparison of any returned Figure objects
in unit test functions with the reference figures in the baseline directory.
pytest --mpl --mpl-baseline-path=tests/plotting/baseline
Test functions can be wrapped to utilise a particular reference figure for comparison:
def test_function():
Using kwargs passed to the 'mpl_image_compare' wrapper function we can adjust the image comparison. baseline_dir
refers to the directory you keep the baseline images generated by pytest --mpl-generate-path=tests/plotting/baseline
adjusts the figure image comparison change threshold.
mpl_kwargs = {"baseline_dir": "plotting/baseline", "tolerance": 35}
**mpl_kwargs, filename="test_baseline_year_month_chart.png"
def test_year_month_default() -> Figure:
By also passing --mpl-generate-summary=html
, a summary of the image comparison results will be generated in HTML format:
pytest --mpl --mpl-baseline-path=tests/plotting/baseline --mpl-generate-summary=html --mpl-results-path=mpl_results
Coverage report can be generated using the following command:
pytest --mpl --cov-report term --cov=dataclocklib