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File metadata and controls

277 lines (205 loc) · 9.92 KB

Page View Insights

Get Insights on the Pages visited.

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Demo Deployed App

Code base Structure

├── build_client_and_copy.rb
├── client
└── server
  • Client: React JS Client Codebase
  • Server: Rails 5 API Codebase
  • build_client_and_copy.rb: Script to build client and copy dist to server/public


Client (React App)
  • yarn (brew install yarn)
Server (Rails App)
  • ruby (2.4.0)
  • bundler (gem install bundler)
  • Postgres (brew install postgresql)

Note: homebrew is preferred in these Prerequisites installation.


Client (React App)
 $ cd client
 $ yarn install
Server (Rails App)
$ cd server
$ bundle install

Now create a postgres database. You can use the CLI command OR use a GUI like PSequel .

Once database is created update database.yml in server directory

# server/config/database.yml
  adapter: postgres
  host: localhost
  database: <your_database_name>
  user: <your_username (if present)>
  password: <your_password (if present)>

Now let's create our Schema by running migrations and importing some seed data

$ cd server
$ bundle exec rake db:migrate[3] #3 is the latest migration version
$ bundle exec rake db:seed #to import some dummy data

Seed data task will populate 1M rows of data. We use Sequel multi_insert API for same.


You can run the application in development environment by 2 ways:

  1. Running Client and Server independently
Client (React App)
 $ cd client
 $ yarn start #this starts webpack-dev-server over localhost:8080

Client Application can be accessed on localhost:8080

Server (Rails App)
$ cd server
$ bundle exec rails s #this starts rails server over localhost:3000

Server Application can be accessed on localhost:3000

This running mode is best for development as client will be repackaged every time a change is mode.

Only catch here is you will run into CORS issues due to port :8080 trying to access over :3000 (API). One easy solution to solve this is use the Chrome ADDON Allow-Control-Allow-Origin: *.

  1. Bundle the Client App inside server

This is where build_client_and_copy.rb script is useful.

# This script is at the root of codebase
$ ruby build_client_and_copy.rb development

Above script does a yarn build:dev and copies the dist content in server/public. Now you can start the standard rails server without starting webpack-dev-server.

$ cd server
$ bundle exec rails s

Access via localhost:3000. You should be seeing the home page.


We want to keep Client and Server apps standalone. This way client app is just dependent on the API's from server. We don't want to mix react into *.html.erb as it's leads to maintainibility issue and things get tightly coupled. In future if the backend needs to change the client is not impacted as it only needs to consume the API (which can be from any framework).

Client (React App)

Client Application is a light weight react js application which has

  • Services (src/services): Services are functions to make REST API calls. It uses axios for making calls.
  • Components (src/components): Standard React components to fetch top urls and referrers. Components also import some of the pre baked react-bootstrap components.
  • config (config.js): Maintains the state of base url for API calls. Base Url's are set in respective webpack configs .
Server (Rails App)

Server Application is a Rails API based application. It is sliced down further by not including ActiveRecord, ActionMailer, ActionCable and ActionView.

  • seeder (lib/seeder): This class is responsible for seeding test data. Inside server/lib/tasks/db.rake a seed task is present which calls the seeder.

  • controllers: (app/controllers)

    • concerns: Includes a concern which is a params validator. We want to make sure that the date parameters which are being passed are valid. Incase they are not we get a error message.
    • page_views_controller.rb: Includes methods for top_urls and top_referrers only
  • models: (app/models)

    • concerns: Includes the most important queries concern.

    Queries concern is responsible for building all the queries which are used by top urls and top referrers.

    • page_view.rb: This is the interface exposed to access the queries. This interface is called from controllers. Queries module is extended in this class. Also, associations are defined to url.rb and referrer_url.rb.
  • serializers (app/serializers): These acts as presenter layer. The JSON serialization takes place here in the required format. If we need to restructure the JSON it should be made here.

When running in production mode the client app is packaged via yarn build:prod and the dist is copied over into server/public. This packaging is done by the utility script build_client_and_copy.rb.


Server (Rails App)

Rspec is used for unit testing.

$ cd server
$ bundle exec rspec .
    when valid date only params
      should equal true
    when invalid date only params
      should equal false
      should equal false
    when valid start and end
      should equal true
      should equal true
    when invalid start and end
      should equal false
    when invalid combination of params
      should equal false
      should equal false
      should equal false

  GET #top_urls
    when looking for a date
      returns http success
      return a JSON response with key as date looked up
      returns a single item
      returns a top url visited to date
      returns a top url visits
    when looking for a invalid date
      returns error message
  GET #top_referrers
    when looking for a date
      returns http success
      return a JSON response with key as date looked up
      returns a collection of urls
    when looking for a invalid date
      returns error message

      should be a type proc
      should be of type Sequel::LiteralString
      should return the string of where clause
      should be a type proc
      should be of type Sequel::LiteralString
      should return the string of where clause
      should eq :url_id
      should eq "date_trunc('day', created_at)::DATE"
      should eq :date_visited
      should eq "count(*)"
      should eq :visits
      should eq "SELECT 'url_id', date_trunc('day', created_at)::DATE AS 'date_visited', count(*) AS 'visits' FROM 'p...('day', created_at)::DATE =  '2017-09-17') GROUP BY 'date_visited', 'url_id' ORDER BY 'visits' DESC"
      should eq "SELECT 'url_id', date_trunc('day', created_at)::DATE AS 'date_visited', count(*) AS 'visits' FROM 'p...ATE BETWEEN '2017-09-15' AND '2017-09-16') GROUP BY 'date_visited', 'url_id' ORDER BY 'visits' DESC"
      should eq "SELECT 'url_id' FROM 'page_views' WHERE (date_trunc('day', created_at)::DATE =  '2017-09-27') GROUP BY 'url_id' ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 10"
      should eq "SELECT 'url_id' FROM 'page_views' WHERE (date_trunc('day', created_at)::DATE BETWEEN '2017-09-24' AND '2017-09-26') GROUP BY 'url_id' ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 10"
      should eq "SELECT 'url_id', 'referrer_url_id', count(*) AS 'visits', date_trunc('day', created_at)::DATE AS 'da...:DATE =  '2017-09-24')) GROUP BY 'url_id', 'referrer_url_id', 'date_visited' ORDER BY 'visits' DESC"
      should eq "SELECT 'url_id', 'referrer_url_id', count(*) AS 'visits', date_trunc('day', created_at)::DATE AS 'da...-24' AND '2017-09-25')) GROUP BY 'url_id', 'referrer_url_id', 'date_visited' ORDER BY 'visits' DESC"

    when valid input
      should have 1 items
      should eq ""
      should eq ""
    should update the hash with MD5 (PENDING: Temporarily skipped with xit)
    Date lookup
      when valid date
        should have 1 items
      when invalid date
        should have 0 items
    Between start and end
      when valid_date range
        should have 6 items

    when valid input
      should have no error messages

    when invalid input
      should have error messages
    when valid input
      should have no error messages

Pending: (Failures listed here are expected and do not affect your suite's status)

  1) PageView.after_create should update the hash with MD5
     # Temporarily skipped with xit
     # ./spec/models/page_view_spec.rb:27

Finished in 0.30484 seconds (files took 0.88869 seconds to load)
46 examples, 0 failures, 1 pending